No one expected that the task force soldier on the ground was still alive. After all, he had been shot so many times.

However, as if it was a last gasp, the task force soldier on the ground jumped up, approached one of the task force soldiers, and fell down forever.

However, because the distance was too close, SCP-035 instantly appeared on the face of this task force soldier.

The task force soldiers around him retreated in fear, but they had no time to react.

Everything happened too fast.

SCP-035 moved quickly between them.

The scene was instantly in chaos, and the plan was completely disrupted.

At the same time, inside the subway car.

The moment SCP-035 rushed out, Mo Yu was also attacked.

The gun in the hand of the task force soldier shot at him one by one.

His figure was like a phantom, instantly dodging all the bullets, and came to the side of a task force soldier.

He grabbed the body of the task force soldier, raised it up in front of him, and blocked all the bullets.

The body of the task force soldier was beaten into a hornet's nest.


Mo Yu opened his mouth and spit a deadly poisonous mist at the task force soldiers who were blocking the gate.

The next second, the green deadly poisonous mist flooded the gate.

"Oh no, it's poisonous mist!"

The task force soldiers had no time to put on their gas masks. Everything happened too suddenly.

When they reached out to take out the gas masks, they had been poisoned to death by the deadly poisonous mist.

At the gate, more than a dozen task force soldiers all fell to the ground and died.

Mo Yu rushed out quickly.

There were countless task force soldiers with live ammunition outside. Seeing Mo Yu coming out, they shot wildly.

However, Mo Yu's speed was too fast.

He rushed into the crowd in an instant.

In the subway, many ordinary people looked at the scene outside in amazement. Some task force soldiers suddenly came over and drove them to the carriages on both sides.

To keep them away from the battlefield, all the passengers were driven out of the original carriage.

However, they could not forget what they had just witnessed.


A bullet hit Mo Yu's shoulder, and Mo Yu felt pain.

The bullet was stuck in his muscle.

However, it did not hurt him. His body had acquired the terrifying power of SCP-682, and the bullet could only penetrate his skin.

As soon as he exerted force, the bullet was squeezed out by the muscle and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the bullet hole where the bullet hit healed quickly and returned to normal in the blink of an eye, as if nothing had happened.

Mo Yu was delighted. After devouring the old man, his ability to survive was indeed much stronger.


His figure rushed into the crowd like a cannonball.

The first row of task force soldiers were directly knocked away by him. He was like a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus, rushing around.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed into the elevator and jumped to the end of the elevator in a few steps.

Next to it was the subway exit and a long corridor.

At this time, the corridor was completely controlled by the task force soldiers, and there was no ordinary person.

Mo Yu looked at the crowd and saw SCP-035 moving on the faces of the task force soldiers.

SCP-035 was almost at the exit.

"Keep them at all costs!"

The task force soldiers formed a human wall and stood at the subway exit.

In addition, a group of D-class personnel came to the subway exit.

They acted as cannon fodder and kept charging.

In order to catch Mo Yu, some D-class personnel even tied explosives on their bodies.

After approaching Mo Yu, the explosives on these D-class personnel exploded.

They could not control the explosives on their bodies, and someone controlled the explosives on their bodies from a distance.

After approaching Mo Yu, the people in the distance would instantly start the explosion.

One by one, the D-class personnel exploded around Mo Yu.

His body was submerged in the explosion.

However, his strong body kept him intact, only injured on the surface, and he instantly returned to normal under the recovery of the abnormal regeneration power.

Now, his body is equivalent to a humanoid SCP-682.

"Have you noticed that SCP-1010's body has become stronger? He has a terrible regenerative power, which is almost similar to the special function of SCP-682!"

Wang Ming has been monitoring Mo Yu through the wasp.

Through the monitoring screen, he watched the injuries on Mo Yu's body recover in the blink of an eye, and even Mo Yu could catch the bullets with his bare hands.

Although those bullets hit his body, they were quickly squeezed out of his body.

The bullets could not hurt him at all.

This abnormal body defense ability and regenerative power reminded him of scp-682.

"Is the disappearance of SCP-682 related to SCP-1010?"

An idea came to Wang Ming's mind.

"By the way, SCP-1010 seemed to spit out a green poisonous mist before, which looked very familiar, exactly the same as the poisonous mist of the deadly king cobra!"

Wang Ming said loudly.

Wu Zun and other task force soldiers who were monitoring Mo Yu nearby all had an idea at the same time.

"Do you mean that SCP-1010 can obtain abnormal special functions that come into contact with him?"

Wu Zun said in a deep voice.

"It is entirely possible. Since SCP-1010 escaped from the base, he has been growing and evolving. He has obtained the deadly poisonous mist of the deadly king cobra. Now, he has the terrifying regeneration power of SCP-682. Everything can be explained clearly!"

Wang Ming said affirmatively.

At the same time, he transmitted all his guesses and the data he saw to Li Xiu.

After Li Xiu heard Wang Ming's idea, his heart trembled.

After Wang Mingzhe said that, he understood it instantly.

At the same time, his body was shaking with excitement.

SCP-1010 really had potential as they expected, and now, they were developing it.

"Continue to monitor SCP-1010, I want all his data."

Li Xiu said to Wang Ming.

"Yes, sir!"

Li Xiu contacted the man in the suit and told him about Mo Yu's data.

The man in the suit was also very excited.

"It seems that our research direction is correct. As long as we can find out why SCP-1010 can obtain other abnormal special functions, then we may be able to copy this method and let ordinary people have special functions. This is a great event. Human beings may no longer have to hide under the threat of abnormalities!"

Li Xiu was also very excited. Mo Yu's growth really gave them surprises again and again.

Since its establishment, the SCP Foundation has never encountered an abnormality like Mo Yu who can obtain other abnormal special functions.

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