His chaotic devouring power sucked the legs of the Great God zombie, trying to suck off the Great God zombie's legs.

The Great God zombie seemed to realize something, and he resisted frantically.

He did sit-ups, stood up, and frantically grabbed Mo Yu with both hands.

However, Mo Yu's position was not certain at all. He could enter the space and come out from the side, and he could dodge just right every time.


The Great God zombie roared.

He struggled for a long time, but his legs were still swallowed by Mo Yu, and his lower body was still being swallowed by Mo Yu.

At the same time, Mo Yu continued to use his own abilities to attack the Great God zombie, and the bewitching power bewitched the Great God zombie's consciousness.

The little girl's ability tried to make the Great God zombie paranoid and irrational...

The mechanical singing-like crying attack made the Great God zombie dizzy, and terrible attacks fell on the Great God zombie.

After being attacked by these zombies, the great god zombies were seriously affected in their combat effectiveness, and even found it difficult to resist...

At this moment, after Mo Yu devoured several great god zombies, his strength had changed dramatically.

A single great god zombie could not stop him from devouring.

Now, after the great god zombie's legs were devoured by him, it was even more unable to resist.

His chaotic devouring power had reached a terrifying level.

After being sucked in, the great god zombie could not break free at all.

It was like being trapped in a meat grinder, and could only watch his body being devoured bit by bit.


The great god zombie next to him was being attacked by two demon lords. He also noticed the situation of his companions, and he heard the crying attack.

He tried to judge Mo Yu's position by the crying attack.

But Mo Yu could travel through space and constantly appear in different places, so he could not be locked at all.

Moreover, Mo Yu had the ability of invisibility, which made it even more difficult to lock.

The Great God Zombie also roared and tried to help another Great God Zombie. He couldn't just watch this Great God Zombie being devoured by Mo Yu.

The two Demon Lords also heard the crying attack and saw the situation over there.

Seeing that the Great God Zombie's legs were devoured and the rest of his body was in danger, they were also shocked.

At the same time, ecstasy appeared on their faces.

"That zombie is dying, let's work harder!"

"This dark enemy is so powerful, but that crying sound is so familiar... It seems like a certain ability of the Broken God!"

The two Demon Lords looked ahead in confusion. They felt familiar from the crying attack.

After all, the Broken God has been in the abyss for so many years. The Broken God fought against the God of Flesh and Blood and used crying attacks.

The crying attack was originally an ability of the Broken God. Mo Yu swallowed the mechanical choir and obtained the crying attack.

Naturally, it is very similar to the Broken God.

"Is this an existence related to the Broken God?" The two demon lords speculated curiously.

"No matter who he is, he should be our ally now. Let's kill this zombie!"

Finally, the two demon lords stopped thinking and attacked the great god zombie next to them frantically to prevent him from going to support another great god zombie.

The great god zombie that they stopped roared madly, but still couldn't break out from their side.

Although this great god zombie has a very violent combat power, the two of them are not weak either.

Now, they have adapted to the way of fighting with the great god zombie.

As long as they are careful, it is not a problem to stop this great god zombie.

As long as they delay a little time and wait for Mo Yu to devour the great god zombie, then everything will be easy.

Therefore, they are also crazy.

Suddenly, no matter how hard this great god zombie struggled, he couldn't break out.

They could only watch their companions being devoured by Mo Yu bit by bit.

At the same time, Mo Yu was frantically devouring another great god zombie.

At this moment, the lower half of the great god zombie had been devoured by him.

Without legs, the resistance of this great god zombie was also much weaker.

However, as long as his head was not destroyed, he could keep fighting and resisting!

Mo Yu looked at the great god zombie calmly. Now he only needed to concentrate on devouring it.

He felt the power in his body getting stronger.

Now, he has gone further and further on the road to becoming a great god.

When he just broke through to the great god, it was still difficult for him to control a great god zombie.

Now, swallowing such a greatGod zombie, there is no problem at all.

As long as no one disturbs him and gives him time, he can completely devour a great god zombie.

The only other great god zombie that can disturb him has been entangled by two demon lords.

He was also very relieved in his heart, these two demon lords are not bad.


The great god zombie that he devoured roared, communicating with another great god zombie.

They were very irritable and uneasy, but this could not change the outcome.

Suddenly, Mo Yu saw the third eye between the eyebrows of the great god zombie turn.

Then, he felt a terrible will shot out from this third eye, and his heart trembled. This is the will of the emperor.

He has been guarding against the emperor. At this moment, the will of the emperor descended, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he wanted to turn around and run.

However, he is not weak now, he is at least a great god!

The emperor only descended with his will, not his body, so he doesn't need to run away.

Therefore, he continued to hide nearby. After the Emperor's will descended, his eyes immediately locked onto the place where Mo Yu was hiding.

Mo Yu felt a terrifying gaze, locked onto him. His heart trembled, and he knew that his ability to hide was seen through by the Emperor.

"It's you!"

Sure enough, the next second, the Emperor's will was very angry.

He knew that the Emperor had recognized him, and Mo Yu wanted to teleport away at this moment.

However, he had an impulse in his heart.

"It's just a will, not the real body descending, why should I run!"

There was a voice in his heart shouting like this.

Supporting him not to teleport away, so he took a deep breath and stayed.

After the Emperor's will locked onto him, it rushed over frantically, ready to kill him.

He took a deep breath and released his devouring power with all his strength.

The next second, the devouring power collided with the Emperor's will.

The Emperor's will destroyed his devouring power with great force, but the Emperor's will was also affected.

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