Mo Yu's eyes trembled. The Emperor's will was very powerful.

It might only have a little bit of the Emperor's power, but it still destroyed his devouring power.

He felt the gap between himself and the Emperor.

However, although his Chaos Devouring Power was destroyed by the Emperor's will, it was impossible for the Emperor's will to kill him.

He had tested that the Emperor's will was at most the power of a great god.

It might be stronger than most great gods, but it should not kill him.

After guessing this, he stopped running away and fought with the Emperor's will with all his strength.

"You, this guy, is growing too fast!" The Emperor's will was also very shocked to see that Mo Yu's strength had reached the level of a great god.

After all, the Mo Yu he saw before was still very weak, but now, he has reached the level of a great god.

This breakthrough speed is beyond even his reach.

After all, when he was young, he could not break through as fast as Mo Yu.

At this moment, he truly felt the danger of Mo Yu.

If Mo Yu continued to break through like this, he might break through to the Supreme God in the future and become a huge threat to him.

Therefore, the Emperor's will was more intense in its killing intent against Mo Yu.

Unfortunately, he was only a small will that came here to check the situation, and his power was not very strong.

He just felt that some of the great god zombies he controlled died inexplicably in the universe.

So, he came to the abyss to see what was going on.

He happened to encounter Mo Yu devouring a great god zombie and was caught by him.

He had been looking for Mo Yu, but he didn't expect to meet Mo Yu in this way. When he saw Mo Yu's power at this moment, he felt uneasy in his heart.

At the same time, he was a little annoyed that this part of his will was only at the great god level and did not come with stronger power.

Otherwise, he could kill Mo Yu.

However, he had confidence in himself, although he only came with a great god will.

However, he believed that he could kill Mo Yu.

Therefore, he decided to use this great god's will to kill Mo Yu.

Mo Yu felt that the emperor's will wanted to kill him, and his heart tightened and was extremely solemn, as if he had met a life-and-death enemy.

He even had no time to care about the great god zombies on the ground.

Now, the emperor's will was his life-and-death enemy, and all his attention was on the emperor's will.

As for the great god zombies on the ground, they were no longer attacked by Mo Yu after the emperor's will descended.

However, only the upper half of his body was left, and the rest had been swallowed by Mo Yu.

He could only crawl on the ground with his hands now.

His strength was greatly reduced, and only a part of his body was left, and his speed was seriously affected.

His eyes were fixed on the side. Although he could not see Mo Yu, he could feel the space fluctuations when Mo Yu used space shuttle.

Therefore, he locked the space fluctuations next to him, and then attacked madly towards the place where the space fluctuations were.

Even with only half of his body left, he still had terrifying combat power.

His hands easily tore the space there, but Mo Yu was no longer there.

The Emperor's Will saw that the disabled Great God Zombie tried to attack Mo Yu, so he gave the Great God Zombie an order to leave here.

After receiving the Emperor's order, the Great God Zombie was resistant.

However, he must obey the Emperor's order unconditionally, so the Great God Zombie turned and headed for the battlefield next to him.

The battlefield next to him was the battlefield between another Great God Zombie and two Demon Lords.

After the Great God Zombie came over, the two Demon Lords' faces sank.

However, seeing that only the upper body of the Great God Zombie was left, they were relieved.

The disabled Great God Zombie was not a big threat to them, as long as they were careful, there would be no problem.

However, their eyes looked solemnly to the side, where the Emperor's Will came, and they felt it.

The Emperor's Will made them feel scared.

They knew the will of the Emperor and were fighting against the powerful man in the dark.

They also prayed for the powerful man in their hearts, hoping that he would not be killed by the Emperor.

"We can only rely on ourselves!"

The two demon lords realized that now that the will of the Emperor had come, the powerful man in the dark would not be able to come to help them.

Now, they could only rely on their own strength to kill the two great zombies.

Fortunately, one of themThe great god zombie was already disabled, and was not a big threat to them. If they tried harder, there was still hope.


Mo Yu fought fiercely with the will of the emperor.

All the objects around were controlled by the will of the emperor.

The emperor seemed to be able to control everything to fight.

Mo Yu had to be careful of everything around him at all times. These objects contained the power of the emperor, which was the breath of the supreme god.

Although he had the ability to regenerate and other powerful abilities, these powers were basically ineffective in front of the supreme god.

For example, if his regenerative power was attacked by the emperor.

Then, it would be impossible to regenerate!

Because the power of the supreme god completely destroyed his regenerative power from the root.

Unless his realm reached the supreme god, he could not stop the power of the emperor.

Therefore, he did not dare to be attacked by the emperor now. He was just an ordinary person in front of the emperor.

If you are missing arms and legs, your arms and legs are really gone and cannot be regenerated.

The emperor's will was getting more and more frightened. Mo Yu's power was very strong. He was the most cunning god he had ever met...

"Little guy, you and I are both from Earth. Why bother fighting? Why don't you submit to me and I will take you to the top?"

The emperor suddenly spoke to Mo Yu calmly.

After hearing the emperor's words, Mo Yu rolled his eyes. He didn't believe what the emperor said.

He is no longer the rookie who just came to Panlong Star. He has seen through everything...

He will not believe anyone's words. He only believes in himself. Only when his own power is strong, then he can do anything.

So, facing the emperor's tempting words, he directly chose to ignore them.

The emperor continued to brainwash Mo Yu. However, Mo Yu didn't care about him at all, and he was also angry in his heart.

"Young man, don't refuse a toast and drink a penalty!" The emperor looked at Mo Yu coldly.

PS: Please give me a gift


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