If you don't know where the entrance to SCP-1762 is, you won't be able to find it even if you come here.

Unless this military base is completely destroyed, SCP-1762 can be found.

Mo Yu took the elevator to the underground. This military base was heavily guarded, with almost one post at a time, and agents armed with live ammunition were everywhere.

Of course, most of the hot weapons in this military base are controlled by artificial intelligence.

Once an unknown enemy is found approaching, the artificial intelligence will automatically activate hot weapons to attack the enemy.

The detection range of artificial intelligence is much wider than that of humans. Humans can usually only use their naked eyes and hearing to judge the enemy.

However, artificial intelligence can cover everything around it in all directions.

It can lock the enemy's position more accurately than humans.

Mo Yu also lamented that the high-tech of the SCP Foundation seems to be getting more and more powerful, and he doesn't know whose masterpiece it is.

Of course, demon pistols can be seen everywhere in this military base, first-generation demon pistols, second-generation demon pistols, third-generation demon pistols...

Demon pistols for different levels of demons have all been developed. At this moment, everyone in this military base is equipped with demon pistols to guard against demons.

Mo Yu was surprised to find that many of the demon pistols in the hands of the agents were terrifyingly powerful.

Even, they can threaten demon commanders, demon lords, and even demon lords!

Human design is beyond Mo Yu's imagination.

"These demon pistols were developed by researcher Guidie!" Wang Ming explained to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded, and he knew it in his heart a long time ago, but the update speed of this demon pistol is a bit fast!

He took the elevator and soon came to the underground.

After walking out of the elevator and passing through a corridor, he came to a cave.

In this cave, a huge black vortex space channel is suspended.

The rich space power emanates from the vortex channel, making people feel as if they will be teleported away at any time.

Mo Yu's eyes immediately looked at the passage in front of him, and he was also a little bit expectant in his heart.

He didn't know whether SCP-722 was as powerful as the system said, and whether it could really promote the development of his world.

However, whether it could or not, he had to go.

As long as it could help his world take shape, then he was willing to do anything.

"You go back, I can do it by myself." Mo Yu said calmly to Wang Ming beside him.


Wang Ming nodded, turned around and left here.

Soon, Mo Yu was the only one left here.

He looked at the space passage in front of him.

Then, he stepped into the space passage.

The next second, a dizzy feeling came, and he felt that he was traveling through time and space, and he was being teleported from the abyss to the human world.

I don't know how long it took, and his surroundings returned to stability.

He stood calmly in a room.

Behind him was a space passage like the abyss, and in front of him, many agents were looking at him.

"Mo Yu, we've been waiting for you for a long time." The leading agent said to Mo Yu with a smile.

They received the news from Jun Tiance, and then Mo Yu came here. Now that Mo Yu came, they were all relieved.

"Yeah." Mo Yu nodded calmly. "Let's talk business."

"SCP-722 has not awakened yet, but someone from an organization is trying to wake it up, and we are trying to stop this organization."

The agent said in a deep voice, and quickly told Mo Yu what happened.

"Don't you know which organization this is?" Mo Yu asked curiously.

"I don't know yet, the other party has hidden their identity." The agent said.

"Okay, I already know what happened. Now, please ask your agent to take a look at my photo." Mo Yu said to the agent in front.

"Look at your photo?" The agent was stunned.

Then, he seemed to think of something and suddenly realized it.

Then, he immediately arranged for the agent near the glacier to look at Mo Yu's photo.

Mo Yu has the ability of 096. As long as someone sees his video or his photo, as long as he sees him, the coordinates of the other party will appear in his mind.

Then, he can instantly come to the other party's side after a few minutes, no matter how far away the other party is from him.

Soon, there was another coordinate in his mind, and an agent near the glacier was staring at his photo.

After Mo Yu sensed this coordinate, he did not make a sad sound or an unclear sound like 096.

When he devoured 096, he put these negative abilitiesIt was eliminated, so he just waited calmly.

A minute later, his figure disappeared instantly.

All the agents saw him disappear out of thin air, and everyone widened their eyes and was shocked.

Although they had heard that Mo Yu had this ability, they saw it with their own eyes.

They still found it a little hard to believe.

"It's really strong. I hope he can help us solve this matter." The agent said expectantly.

At the same time, Mo Yu's figure appeared next to an agent near the Glacier River.

This agent was still looking at Mo Yu's photo, and Mo Yu suddenly appeared next to him, and he was shocked.

"It's true..."

When the agent received the order, he still couldn't believe it.

Because this ability belongs to 096, how can Mo Yu, a human, have this ability?

Now, seeing Mo Yu really appear, his heart is shocked.

"Where is SCP-722?" Mo Yu looked at the agent calmly.

After a brief shock, the agent slowly regained his composure. After all, he was trained.

"It's in the glacier ahead." The agent pointed to the glacier ahead.

Mo Yu looked at the endless glaciers ahead, like white mountains.


Mo Yu nodded calmly, and then he flew up out of thin air and flew towards the glacier ahead.

The agent opened his mouth wide and stared at his back as he flew into the sky.

He felt that he was shocked today. A human flew up in front of him, breaking the bondage of gravity on humans.

"Is this still a human!" The agent took a breath of cold air. He had never heard that humans could fly.

Now, he saw it.

Mo Yu didn't want to waste time here. He was ready to fight quickly.

Therefore, he flew towards the glacier without hesitation.

He flew in the sky, looking at the glaciers below. The endless glaciers grew tall and majestic.

PS: Please give me a gift


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