Once all the glaciers here melt, the global sea level will rise.

The ratio of land to sea on Panlong Star is similar to that on Earth.

The land area of ​​Panlong Star accounts for only about 40%, and the remaining 60% is the sea.

Of course, the area occupied by glaciers on Panlong Star is also very extensive.

Once these glaciers melt, even the entire Panlong Star may be submerged by the sea.

The area of ​​glaciers on Panlong Star is much wider than that on Earth.

At this moment, the endless glaciers are like white giant mountains, majestically standing on the sea.

The temperature here is also very low, completely reaching below zero...

In fact, the further you go inside, the lower the temperature.

Ordinary people have to wear thick clothes and wrap themselves tightly, like dumplings, to barely withstand the temperature here.

If you wear less, you may get frostbite at any time and freeze into an ice sculpture.

Glaciers attract adventurers to explore all year round.

Many adventurers died here, frozen into ice sculptures, like living specimens.

Mo Yu was flying in the sky. Now, his strength was very strong, and the temperature here could not do anything to him.

He looked down and saw submarines shuttling through the glacier in the distance.

However, the deeper you go into the glacier, the less sea water there is in the glacier. Basically, all of it is frozen to form glacial land.

Therefore, submarines cannot enter.

In the end, the members of the Son of the Crimson King had to temporarily leave the others behind, and everyone came to the glacial land with weapons.

They even brought many Erha.

Erha pulled the sled and took them running on the glacial land!

Deep in the glacier is the location of the eight interconnection points. They need to reach the eight interconnection points as soon as possible and enter to warm up before they can wake up SCP-722.

The agents of the SCP Foundation also used Erha to track the members of the Son of the Crimson King on the glacial land.

Mo Yu was flying fast in the sky, looking down at the mountains and everything below.

He saw many Huskies pulling sleds on the glacier land, and the Huskies were full of energy!

Humans like to keep Huskies as pets, but Huskies are full of energy and always destroy things!

In fact, it is because Huskies are energetic and can't find a way to release their energy. Huskies were originally pulling sleds on the glacier. If they were treated as pets, wouldn't they be too idle to release their energy? They could only destroy things to release it.

Mo Yu locked onto some people below, who were heading towards one of the connection points.

His figure instantly flew down from the sky.

The sound of the wind blowing in his ears slapped his cheeks.

His eyes were fixed on the people below, and he swooped down like an eagle.

The mountains and rivers on the earth were shrinking and getting closer.

He instantly came to a hundred meters above the heads of these people.

These people also discovered him.


"Flying man!"

The members of the Sons of the Crimson King below were shocked to see Mo Yu falling from the sky. There were actually people who could fly from the sky.

Moreover, this place was deep in the glacier, with extremely low temperatures. In such an extremely harsh environment, he could still fly without changing his expression.

This was already inhuman.

"Unknown humanoid anomaly, attack!"

However, the reaction ability of this group of Sons of the Crimson King was also super fast.

After confirming that Mo Yu was an enemy, they launched an attack immediately.

Suddenly, on the sled, the members of the Sons of the Crimson King carried hot weapons and locked onto Mo Yu, firing shells one by one.

Suddenly, dense shells flew towards Mo Yu.

Mo Yu calmly glanced at these shells and did not defend at all.

The next second, after these shells approached him, they were instantly bounced back by him.

All physical attacks would be bounced back by him.


The shells that were bounced back by him instantly hit the sleds.

Suddenly, the sleds were blown into pieces.

The members of the Crimson Sons on them were also blown to ashes.

The weapons they brought were very lethal.

Once the human body was touched, it would basically be torn into pieces.


Just one round of attack, most of the members of the Crimson King's Sons here died, and the remaining people who were sleeping ran away frantically.

One by one, the huskies desperately dragged the sleds and fled into the distance.

Mo Yu calmly glanced at the people below, and then his figure appeared beside them like a ghost.

He clenched his fists and punched the members of the Crimson King's Sons below.A shocking fist shadow fell from the sky, and the sleds were smashed into pieces by his punch, and the members of the Sons of the Crimson King on them were beaten to ashes.

Originally, the huskies were desperately pulling the sleds forward. When they looked back, the sleds behind them had been blown into pieces, and only a few ropes were left on them.

They were still running forward, too scared to look back or stop.

The members of the Sons of the Crimson King here were all killed by him in less than a minute under Mo Yu's pursuit.

Only some huskies were left alive.

However, these huskies were trembling with fear at Mo Yu's breath, lying on the ground and whimpering.

Mo Yu thought about it, gathered all the huskies together, and then used the remaining intact sled to put on the rope.

Then, he let these huskies pull him forward.

He just changed his mind. He originally wanted to kill all the members of the organization Son of the Crimson King in the glacier, so that they would not be able to wake up SCP-722.

However, he thought carefully. If he really did this, it seemed to be different from the purpose of his coming here.

He came here to devour SCP-722. If he stopped these members of the Son of the Crimson King, he seemed to be unable to devour it...

"No, SCP-722 is in a sleeping state now. I can just devour it quietly and not let it wake up." Suddenly, he thought about it and felt that it was still necessary to kill these members of the Son of the Crimson King and not let them wake up SCP-722.

He needed to devour SCP-722 while he was sleeping.

Thinking of this, he instantly flew up from the sled and flew high into the sky.

The Erhaz underground watched him fly away, and all the Erhaz were trembling with fear and lying on the ground.

After his figure disappeared in the sky, the dogs regained their spirits.

Then, they pulled the empty sled and ran away quickly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

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