She was struggling in her heart.

Mo Yu wanted to know the topography of Changshan Research Institute, which was illegal, and Changshan Research Institute was protected by the state.

If she helped Mo Yu obtain the topography of Changshan Research Institute, it would be stealing state secrets. If she was discovered, she would go to jail.

As an ordinary college student, she couldn't do anything illegal.

"Next stop, you get off and go back to school. I'll go alone!"

Mo Yu said with a smile.

He knew that as an ordinary student, it would be very risky for Gui Die to go with him, so Mo Yu didn't want to force Gui Die.

"But you are unfamiliar with the place and it's easy to be discovered..."

Gui Die frowned.

"It's okay, I can run fast!"

Mo Yu said with a smile.

Gui Die looked at Mo Yu and struggled in her heart.

"I only know a little bit about the topography of Changshan Research Institute. I'm not a formal employee, so I don't know much about it. What I know is limited. How do you want me to help you?" Guidie struggled for a long time, but decided that if she got off the car like this, she would feel sorry for Mo Yu. After all, she had promised, and it would be dishonest to go back on her word. "It's actually very simple. You just need to find a way to take me in. As long as I have access to an ordinary computer in Changshan Research Institute, I will be able to understand the topography of Changshan Research Institute." Mo Yu said with a smile. "Is it that simple?" Guidie widened her eyes. "What else?" Mo Yu said with a smile. "Huh... I was scared to death. I thought you were going to do something bad..." Guidie breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she had misunderstood. Since Mo Yu only entered Changshan Research Institute and touched an ordinary computer. Although this was a little difficult for her, it should be no problem. No one except the people in Changshan Research Institute could enter. If you want to go in, unless you have a guarantee from the staff of Changshan Research Institute, no one else can go in.

Although Guidie is just an intern at Changshan Research Institute.

However, she has a card to enter and exit, and she only needs to tell the security guard.

The security guard will allow her to bring Mo Yu in. Of course, if Mo Yu does something bad in Changshan Research Institute, then Guidie will take full responsibility.

"You can't mess around, otherwise, I will take full responsibility..."

Guidie whispered to Mo Yu, still worried that Mo Yu would do something bad in Changshan Research Institute.

Mo Yu smiled and nodded, indicating that Guidie didn't need to worry, he just went to Changshan Research Institute to use a computer.

"We have arrived at Changshan Research Institute. Passengers who are getting off, please get off from the back door!"

The bus voice announcement sounded.

"We have arrived!"

Guidie and Mo Yu got off from the back door and came to the platform.

There is a gate 50 meters away from the platform. There is a plaque next to the gate with the five characters Changshan Research Institute written on it.

Mo Yu also looked at Changshan Research Institute. At the entrance of Changshan Research Institute, there stood two fully armed security guards.

Mo Yu felt the iron blood from these two security guards. They should be retired special forces soldiers.

After Gui Die arrived at the entrance of Changshan Research Institute, she was a little nervous.

She motioned Mo Yu to follow him. She took out her door card and walked nervously to the security guard at the door.

The security guard at the door stretched out his hand to signal Gui Die to stop. Gui Die handed her door card to the security guard.

"This is my classmate from Changshan University. He wants to visit Changshan Research Institute and wants to intern here in the future!"

Gui Die finished speaking and looked at the security guard.

The security guard looked at Mo Yu with a sharp look and saw that Mo Yu was in his early twenties, which was the age of a college student.

"I'll give you ten minutes. You must leave after ten minutes!"

The security guard said indifferently.

"Thank you!"

Gui Die said happily.

Then, she took Mo Yu into Changshan Research Institute.

When Mo Yu passed by two security guards, he felt two cold eyes sweeping over him, as if they wanted to confirm whether he was a danger to Changshan Research Institute.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly.

Mo Yu followed Gui Die and successfully entered Changshan Research Institute.

"I'll take you to my internship office. I also have an office computer."

Gui Die said with a smile.


Mo Yu nodded. He felt that this Changshan Research Institute was not simple. Just from the aura he felt, there were really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this Changshan Research Institute.

The security forces hidden in the dark were very powerful, and there were even automatic weapons in some hidden corners.

Even on the roof and four corners of Changshan Research Institute, there were super cannons controlled by artificial intelligence.

Mo Yu followed Gui Die andDie, while secretly communicating with the system to let the system remember the hidden places of these security forces.

Soon, Guidie took Mo Yu into the office where he was doing his internship. At this time, there was no one in the office.

Interns usually work here, but the interns have just returned to school and have not officially started work yet.

After Guidie opened the door with the key, he went in and found a desk on the side.

There was a layer of dust on this desk. He had not come to work for a winter vacation, and no one cleaned it.

"This is my computer!"

Guidie pointed to a desktop smart computer in front of him and said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded, and then sat in front of the computer.

Then, he stared at the computer and pressed the power button.

After a few seconds, the computer turned on.

Mo Yu stared at the computer desktop and communicated with the system in his mind.

"System, quickly connect to the computer system of Changshan Research Institute and obtain all the information inside."

"Connecting, time, three minutes!"

The system said.

Then, Mo Yu stared at the computer desktop blankly, motionless.

Guidie thought something was wrong with Mo Yu.

"Hey, don't you want to use the computer?"


Mo Yu made a gesture to keep quiet, and Guidie was stunned.

Then, she looked at Mo Yu in confusion.

Mo Yu stared at the computer desktop, motionless like a statue.

Guidie had countless question marks in her mind, she didn't understand why Mo Yu was staring at the computer in a daze.

Didn't he say he was going to use the computer.

Mo Yu took great pains to let her take him to Changshan Research Institute, was it just to stare at the computer in a daze?

Guidie was full of confusion, she looked at Mo Yu speechlessly.

She thought Mo Yu came to Changshan Research Institute to study the terrain for some bad thing, but it turned out that he was just staring at the computer in a daze.

Guidie felt a little stupid, taking such a big risk to bring Mo Yu in, and the result was like this.

However, she was also relieved in her heart.

Mo Yu did nothing but stare at the computer in a daze, so nothing should happen.

She didn't have to take responsibility anymore, and she was even a little happy.

Three minutes later, the system finally connected to the computer system and obtained all the information inside.

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