"System, have you found the place where the SCP-1010 little green man is contained?"

Mo Yu asked the system excitedly in his heart.

"Found it, but host, please leave Changshan Research Institute as soon as possible, they found me coming!"

When the system's voice came, Mo Yu's heart tightened.

Then, he stood up from his seat instantly, stopped staring at the computer in a daze, and turned off the computer.

He said solemnly to Guidie.

"Let's get out of here!"

Guidie was also shocked when she saw Mo Yu suddenly stand up. When she heard Mo Yu say to get out of here quickly, her heart was full of confusion.

"What happened?"

Mo Yu shook his head and said nothing, just asked Guidie to leave quickly.

Guidie saw that Mo Yu's expression was a bit serious, and she suddenly panicked in her heart.

The two quickly left the office and headed towards the door.

When the two of them arrived at the door, the two security guards also looked at them in surprise. Unexpectedly, they came out in less than 10 minutes.

"Thank you, brothers!" Guidie said politely to the two security guards. The two security guards also smiled and nodded to Guidie. Mo Yu and Guidie had just left for less than 30 seconds, and then, Changshan Research Institute became lively. "An enemy hacked into our computer and stole our secrets. We must catch this hacker." Zhu Long, the director of Changshan Research Institute, said coldly. This hacker was too powerful. He had been stealing their secrets before they found out. However, it was too late when they found out, and the firewall could not intercept it. The artificial intelligence of the entire base tracked the hacker, but could not find any clues. "This hacker should have attacked me from the inside, so he should still be in the base, closed the door, and did not allow anyone to leave." Chopin next to Zhu Long said solemnly. "Close the door!" Zhu Long nodded. Then, the two security guards at the door closed the door directly. Moreover, their weapons instantly opened the safety, and looked around vigilantly. There was a mess in Changshan Research Institute. Everyone was trying to catch the hacker, but nothing was found.

"Who are the people who entered and left Changshan Research Institute today?"

Zhu Long roared angrily.

"I want their list!"

"Yes, Dean!"

On the bus, Mo Yu and Gui Die sat in the back row.

"Why are you staring at the computer?"

Gui Die had been holding it in for a long time, and finally couldn't help his curiosity.

Mo Yu smiled and said.

"I'm staring at the computer, which means I'm using it."

"You're lying!"

Gui Die pouted. Who says that staring at a computer means they're using it?

Suddenly, Mo Yu looked at Gui Die with a serious face and said.

"Gui Die, I harmed you today. They should have recorded our entry and exit records of Changshan Research Institute. They may cause trouble for you. If they come to you, you should betray me and put all the responsibility on me, saying that I threatened you."

"What are you talking about?"

Gui Die looked at Mo Yu with a puzzled look.

They just entered Changshan Research Institute, and Mo Yu stared at the computer for three minutes without doing anything.

Why did Mo Yu suddenly say these words to her, as if the matter was serious.

"Gui Die, don't worry about betraying me, they can't do anything to me, promise me!"

Mo Yu looked at Gui Die seriously.

Gui Die saw Mo Yu's serious expression, and she was also panicked. Did something terrible really happen?

"What happened?"

Gui Die was panicked.

"Didn't I tell you that I was going to get the topography of Changshan Research Institute? I got it, and they found me."

"And today, the two of us were seen entering and leaving Changshan Research Institute by the two security guards. We are the most suspicious. They only need to investigate and they can easily lock us two and judge that we two got the information."

Mo Yu said solemnly.

"But, we didn't do anything!"

Gui Die said puzzledly.

"The three minutes I stared at the computer were the time I got the topography of Changshan Research Institute."

Mo Yu said seriously.


Gui Die looked at Mo Yu in amazement. She had never heard of someone who could get the information in the computer just by staring at it.

"Oh no, they are coming!"

Suddenly, Mo Yu frowned.

"Gui Die, tell them that I did it and you were just threatened by me, so that your safety can be guaranteed. Promise me to protect yourself and don't worry about me!"

Mo YuOnce again, he said to Guidie solemnly.

"No, I can't betray you, otherwise, you will be in danger!"

Guidie said firmly.

"Guidie, believe me, they can't do anything to me. I'm worried about you. You must betray me. Can you promise me?"

Mo Yu looked at Guidie seriously.

Guidie stared at Mo Yu's eyes, struggling in her heart. This was asking her to betray Mo Yu, and she refused in her heart.

However, Mo Yu asked her to betray him, and she didn't know what to do.

"Promise me!"

Mo Yu said loudly.


Guidie trembled in her heart.

"We have arrived at Longquan Road. Passengers who are getting off, please get off from the back door!"

The bus voice broadcast sounded.

"We will say goodbye here, you continue to go back to school!"

Mo Yu took a deep look at Guidie, and then left from the back door in an instant.

Guidie stared blankly at Mo Yu's back as he left.

She looked out the window and saw several black cars parked on the side of the road.

Mo Yu had just gotten off the bus when some men in suits and sunglasses walked out of the black car.

They surrounded Mo Yu, and Mo Yu looked at these men in suits calmly.

Then, he dodged to the back of the platform, crossed the green belt, ran directly to the sidewalk, and then mixed into the crowd.

These men in suits also quickly chased after her. Gui Die saw that Mo Yu was being chased, and she suddenly panicked.

It turned out that what Mo Yu told her was true, and something really happened.

Suddenly, a young man came on the bus.

The young man walked straight towards Gui Die. When Gui Die saw the young man, her heart trembled.

Chopin sat next to Gui Die.

"Guidi, why are you being stupid!"

Chopin whispered, feeling very uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Gui Die said puzzledly.

"Gui Die, the matter has been discovered. The man you brought in stole a lot of information from the institute. You are an accomplice and will be held jointly responsible!"

Chopin said in a deep voice.

Gui Die's heart trembled. Thinking that she had broken the law, her mind went blank.

She told herself that she couldn't tell Chopin that it was Mo Yu who did it.

However, before Mo Yu left, he repeatedly emphasized that he must give him up.

She struggled in her heart. She didn't want to listen to Mo Yu.

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