The mechanical arm adjusted its position like a claw machine. Jiang Chuan also used his naked eyes to explore the movement under the sea very seriously. At a depth of about seven or eight meters, Jiang Chuan could already see some small fish. They were not very big, but there were quite a lot of them.

In addition to a large number of fish, there were also some small creatures, which should be small shrimps and the like.

"Xiao Chuan, right in front of you, we have detected a school of fish swimming over here. I wonder if this fish-finding radar is useful?"

At this time, the third uncle also hurriedly reminded.

He had almost figured out the general equipment on the fishing boat. The staff taught him how to use the fish-finding radar yesterday, so he was familiar with it now.

Soon, a large group of fish were seen on the display screen swimming towards this side. Although he didn't know what kind of fish it was, judging from the number of fish, there should be a lot of them.


Jiang Chuan nodded. It seemed that the fish-finding radar on the fishing boat was still very accurate, because the fish school he saw was almost in the same direction, and the number should be similar.

Then Jiang Chuan immediately adjusted the position of the mechanical arm and pressed the start button.

The fishing net instantly ejected with a rotation, casting a huge circle!


But after more than ten seconds of silence, the mechanical arm immediately began to pull the net.


As the trolls were constantly pulled up, the sea surface immediately turned up small waves, just like boiling water.

"There are fish, there are indeed fish in this area! It seems that this high-tech fish-finding radar is really very useful."

After seeing the movement on the sea, Jiang Tao and A Gang were instantly excited.

In the past, I drove a small wooden boat, which did not have such advanced equipment on it, and I never thought that it could be operated in this way.

Now I finally feel the benefits of high technology.

In the future, where there are fish and where there are no fish, as long as you turn on the fish-finding radar, you can see it clearly.

In the future, if you go out to sea, you basically don’t have to worry about not getting anything.

At this moment, Jiang Chuan controlled the mechanical arm to pull up the net. It looked bulging with fish, and there should be a harvest of more than a thousand kilograms.

"What fish? What fish? Let me see..."

Jiang Tao immediately adjusted and lowered the speed of the fishing boat, then turned on the autonomous driving, and immediately ran to the cabin to check the harvest.

The moment the net was untied, countless fish jumped onto the deck one after another, and each one was full of energy.

"Rubber fish... or rubber fish, and yellow chicken fish!!

Wow! Such big prawns... and so many small octopuses, and several swimming crabs."

Seeing that so many fish were harvested with just a hand-cast net, Jiang Tao and A Gang were instantly excited.

Although the fish in this net were not valuable, fortunately there were enough, more than 1,000 kilograms, and they should be able to sell for tens of thousands of yuan.

"Alas! They are all worthless groceries." Jiang Chuan sighed, not very satisfied with the harvest this time.

The most caught this time are rubber fish and yellow chicken fish.

Rubber fish is also called horse-faced pufferfish. It looks strange and its meat is firm. The price on the market is not high, ranging from 25 to 35 yuan per catty.

Rubber fish

This net caught about 500 catties of rubber fish. If it is calculated at 30 yuan per catty, it can only be sold for more than 10,000 yuan, which is indeed much less than Jiang Chuan imagined.

The second is the yellow chicken fish. The meat of these fish is still relatively tender, but the market price is not very high.

Yellow chicken fish

The price per catty fluctuates around 55 yuan. There are also about 500 catties here, which can be sold for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

The second is some other groceries, such as prawns, small octopuses, some swimming crabs, and some other small surplus goods.

All together, it should be able to sell for several thousand yuan...

"Don't be so disappointed, Xiaochuan, our first net is a big hit. It's just a hand-throwing net, but we caught more than a thousand kilograms of fish, which is already very good.

These remaining fish should be able to sell for about 50,000 yuan in total, which can guarantee our cost today."

Uncle San saw it more clearly. After seeing Jiangchuan's disappointment, he stepped forward and gently patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"Well, you are right, Uncle San.

But this is just the first net, and the luck will definitely be better in the future." Jiangchuan also smiled and said.

First NetYou can catch fish worth 10,000 yuan, which is indeed a considerable income for most fishermen.

The reason why Jiang Chuan felt dissatisfied was mainly because the previous harvest was too good, so this strong contrast was formed.

"Wow! Brother, look, these prawns are so big! They look much longer than my palm.

This one must be 20 or 30 grams, right?

If you sell it, it will definitely exceed 100 yuan per catty."

At this time, A Gang picked out a few large prawns from his doubts and said excitedly.

These prawns are indeed large and look fat. Each one is about 20 centimeters long and as thick as Da Kun Kun.

One should be 20 or 30 grams. Such a large prawn is still relatively rare. If it is sold, the price will definitely be much higher than ordinary prawns.

"Not bad, not bad, they are really big. Let's keep these and blanch them later. They will definitely taste good when dipped in soy sauce and mustard." Jiang Chuan also swept away his decadence at this moment, and nodded happily.

Hearing that Jiang Chuan was going to blanch such a large prawn, Uncle San looked painful, but he didn't say anything in the end.

After all, as Xiao Chuan said before, what goes into the stomach is profit, not a waste...

"Okay, okay, let's start sorting the fish!"

Jiang Tao said, and immediately squatted down to sort the fish.

Those smaller fish and shrimps were thrown back into the sea to continue growing, and those slightly larger ones were thrown into the live warehouse.

Before setting off, Jiang Chuan also dripped a drop of gold liquid into each of the live warehouses, so as to ensure the survival rate of the fish.

After all, all fish, fresh ones are definitely more valuable than dead ones! !

After spending more than half an hour, the three of them finally sorted out all their doubts...

Jiang Chuan also used his mind to control Xiao Qing and Tie Chui and released them back to the sea, so that they could also act as fish-finding radars to help him take a good look at the fish schools around.

This was their first time going out to sea after buying a new boat. If the harvest was too poor, it would be quite embarrassing.

In this way, the fishing boat sailed on the sea for almost an hour.

On the way, Jiang Chuan and his team also cast a few nets, but the harvest was similar to the previous one, that is, tens of thousands of yuan per net.

Such a harvest made A Gang and Uncle San full of joy. After all, they had only been out at sea for more than three hours and had harvested more than 100,000 fish.

But Jiang Chuan still felt a little dissatisfied.

At this moment, Tie Chui quietly surfaced, and a line of words appeared above his head.

"Master, there is a group of wild yellow croakers one mile ahead. Go over and catch them all."

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