"Fuck! Not bad, not bad, you two little things are still quite useful!

By the way, why hasn't Xiaoqing come back yet?" Jiangchuan's face suddenly showed a look of joy, and then he communicated with Tiechui with his mind.

"Master, Xiaoqing is following the group of big yellow croakers, afraid that they will get lost." Tiechui said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, you two little guys are getting smarter and smarter.

Now you know how to divide the work and cooperate! You should also hurry over, don't let those big gold bars run away."

As the two little pets continue to grow, Jiangchuan finds that their IQ is getting higher and higher.

Now they can communicate with Jiangchuan without any obstacles.

"Okay, master..."

After Tiechui nodded, his body instantly disappeared on the sea surface.

Jiang Chuan also stood up and walked to the control room, "Uncle San, drive one nautical mile southwest, and then reduce the speed to the minimum. I feel that there should be a good harvest in that area."


Jiang Tao didn't ask anything, but nodded excitedly.

Because according to past experience, as long as Xiaochuan said where there is a harvest, it will definitely not be wrong.

Then they immediately adjusted the course and drove quickly to the southwest. In just over a minute, they had reached their destination.

Jiang Tao also immediately reduced the speed of the boat.

At this time, Jiang Chuan could vaguely see the figures of those big yellow croakers. It seemed that there should be more than 20 of them, and their sizes were relatively uniform.

If you look at it visually, you can't tell how big they are.

"Xiao Chuan, there are really fish! Your eyes are even more accurate than the fish finder radar." Jiang Tao said excitedly after taking a look at the fish finder radar.

If this happened for the first time, he might feel surprised and astonished, but now he didn't feel surprised at all.

After all, this kid Xiaochuan is so amazing...

"Uncle San, I'll go outside to see the situation." After saying that, Jiangchuan walked to the bow, and then controlled it with his mind, dripping a drop of gold liquid into the water.

Each of these yellow croakers is a treasure, and the price of each one is ridiculously expensive, so it is best to catch them all in one net.

In this way, it will definitely be sold at a higher price. Even if one escapes, it will be a loss of tens of thousands of yuan.

After the gold liquid entered the water, it quickly spread to the surroundings. The yellow croakers that were originally at a depth of more than 20 meters seemed to feel the energy of attracting fish.

Isn't it beautiful?

They rushed to swim upstream...

Jiangchuan also saw the right time on the boat and directly pressed the start button of the mechanical arm.



The moment the fishing net entered the water, the yellow croakers that had just gathered together were instantly caught. Although one or two escaped, the others were not so lucky and were all trapped by the fishing net.

Jiang Chuan also immediately pressed the start button, and the mechanical arm began to recover quickly.

The violent struggle of the yellow croaker in the fishing net made the sea surface boil again.

"Fuck! Oh my goodness! It's my favorite yellow.

Could it be that all the fish caught in this net are yellow croakers?"

Although the fishing net has not been completely pulled out of the water, the attractive yellow color can be vaguely seen through the clear sea water.

"So yellow, so big...

Brother, it won't be three-toothed fish again this time?" A Gang was also excited, and then hurriedly asked.

Obviously, he caught too many fake yellow croakers with sticky nets and row hooks in the previous few times, which made him a little like a frightened bird.

After all, the price of three-toothed fish and yellow croaker is really a world of difference.

Under the same size, the price is at least dozens of times different.

"I don't know! We will know when it is pulled up. It looks like a yellow croaker." Jiang Chuan did not give them a definite answer, but only answered ambiguously.

Soon the fishing net was pulled onto the boat, and the moment the net was untied, large yellow croakers gleaming with golden light appeared on the deck.

Each large yellow croaker was very active, constantly rolling and jumping around, trying to escape from the cabin, but it was too late to escape now.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! They are all large yellow croakers, and they are all so big.

Each one weighs seven or eight kilograms." Seeing all the large yellow croakers, Jiang Tao's voice trembled with excitement.

These large yellow croakers are of uniform size, and each one weighs seven or eight kilograms. It is definitely not a problem to sell a large yellow croaker of this weight for 100,000 yuan.

And this pile of large yellow croakers should be around 30.

In other words, their income may exceed3 million...

"Hiss... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...


While Ah Gang was surprised, he hurriedly began to count the yellow croakers.

After counting them clearly, he looked at Jiang Chuan excitedly, "Brother, 27, a full 27 yellow croakers, this time we really made a fortune.

So many yellow croakers, more than we made last time."

Because they sold yellow croakers last time, they are still sensitive to the price of yellow croakers.

The last two yellow croakers were sold at a sky-high price of 750,000.

Although the yellow croakers this time are smaller than the last time, it is definitely safe to sell one for 100,000 yuan.

So they can make at least more than 270 from this net...

"Ah Gang, you little brat are almost 18 years old, and you can't even count, it's clearly 29!" Jiang Tao said happily at this time.

Just now, he silently counted twice in his mind, and the final result was that there were 29 large yellow croakers.

Then he rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Oh my goodness! Just this one net caught the fishing boat..."

It was the first time for the new boat to go out to sea, and he thought it would be very good to make 300,000 or 500,000 yuan.

But now he made 3 million yuan with one net, and even earned the money for the fishing boat...

Thinking of this, both of them were shaking violently.

Jiang Chuan seemed a little calmer, after all, he had already known most of these things just now.

Everything was expected and under control, so when he got the result, he naturally didn't seem too shocked.

Then, looking at the two people who were shaking, he teased, "Uncle San, Agang, it's only three million, don't be so excited! This is just the beginning.

We will gain more and more in the future..."

Looking at Jiang Chuan who was so calm, Jiang Tao smiled bitterly, "You are too calm, aren't you?

You made 3 million in one net, and you can be so calm.

If I didn't know you well, Uncle San, I would really think that there was a deep-minded old monster living in your body!"

"Uh..." Jiang Chuan was stunned.

Then he smiled helplessly, "Uncle San, I am a person who has experienced great storms and felt life and death, so why would I be so excited about this little gain!"

When Jiang Chuan said this, Uncle San and Agang were also speechless.

Indeed, Xiaochuan has already experienced life and death.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that he can be so calm!

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