Along the way, the four people drove very fast.

Boom, boom, boom...

Some sections of the road were originally bumpy and extremely uneven, and they kept bumping when the speed increased.

"Old Chen, this section of the road in Qinglong Village is too difficult to walk. Call the engineering team now and ask them to come over to work now.

We must walk more often on this road in the future." Guo Junqiang immediately said to Chen Wen seriously.

As long as Jiang Chuan is still in Qinglong Village, this road will definitely be walked frequently in the future.

"Okay, I'll call them right away." After nodding, Chen Wen immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Jiang Chuan, this kid, is really good...

I really admire him!" Guo Junqiang sighed again. There are not many young people like this who are far-sighted and know how to communicate.


At home, Jiang Chuan and He Jinxiu quickly finished their breakfast.

Jiang Chuan has not been out to sea in recent days, and he is also ready to go out today to try his luck.

See if he can make a little money. After all, since he had a chat with Lu Guoqiang, Jiang Chuan felt that he spent too much money.

With less than 20 million in savings, it is still far from enough to realize the dream of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

Then he immediately called his uncle.

"Uncle, do you want to go to Xiaoxia's house to help today?

If not, let's go out to sea today.

If you still want to work, I will go out with A Xiu later." After getting through the phone, Jiang Chuan said directly.

"Go! Of course I have to go.

Your aunt and I have helped for four or five days in a row. As neighbors, we have done our duty.

Of course, we can't fall behind in our work." Uncle nodded repeatedly.

When it comes to helping, just do your best, and don't fall behind in your work because of helping others.

"Okay, then you go directly to the dock later and we will meet at the dock.

I asked Ah Gang and Ah Dong to take the ship certificate exam, so this time it's just the two of us going out to sea." Jiang Chuan said directly.

"Just the two of us?

How about taking your Third Aunt and Ah Xiu with you this time?

If the harvest is as big as the previous times, I'm afraid we two won't be able to pick it all.

Your Third Aunt and Ah Xiu can also help pick the goods." Third Uncle also suggested directly.

The last time they harvested hairtail and saury, the four people on their boat were busy and flustered.

If we catch some more big stuff this time, the two of us will be too busy to handle it...

"Good idea... I'll ask Ah Xiu if she wants to go!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chuan looked at He Jinxiu and asked, "Ah Xiu, do you want to go out to sea with us later?

Uncle San said that this time he wants you and Aunt San to go to the boat to help. Sometimes we can't handle too much harvest."

Although women are not good at heavy work, they are still very fast at picking goods.

"Yeah, I want to go!"

He Jinxiu nodded happily immediately.

She really wanted to go out to sea with Jiang Chuan, but Jiang Chuan didn't mention it before, so she naturally didn't say it.

Now that Jiang Chuan and Uncle San took the initiative to say it, she naturally wanted to go out to sea to see it.

She had gone out to sea with uncles and uncles several times in the past few years, so she didn't get seasick.

"Okay, let's go together today!"

After a simple packing, the four met at the dock.

Jiangchuan did not plan to bring grandma along, because grandma was so old that she probably could not stand the long hours of work on the boat.

When they arrived at the dock, uncle and aunt were already waiting there.

After seeing Jiangchuan, aunt asked nervously, "Xiaochuan, will the two of us go with you and affect your luck?

It is not popular to take women out to sea in our village..."

Generally speaking, women in fishing villages do not go out to sea to fish, and there are many different opinions circulating in the village.

A more scientific opinion is that going out to sea to fish is a high-risk and physical job, and women are weak, so they are not suitable for this kind of high-risk physical work.

There is also a more mysterious opinion that it is unlucky for women to be on fishing boats. This opinion may be a feudal superstition about navigation safety.

Bao Xiaojuan had naturally heard of these opinions, so she had such a nervous thought.

"Of course not, Aunt San, you don't have to pay attention to those rumors.

With my luck, even if there are only women on the boat, it won't be affected at all."

Jiang Chuan naturally didn't believe in those feudal superstitions, and smiled and shook his head.

"That's good..." Aunt San smiled happily.

She naturally wanted to see what offshore operations were like.


At 8:30 in the morning, after filling up the gas, the four of them had already set out.Sea.

Uncle San adjusted the autopilot mode, and then the four of them began to lean on the fence, enjoying the gentle breeze.

Time soon came to more than ten o'clock in the morning.

He Jinxiu asked curiously, "Brother Chuan, when do we start casting the net?"

Although we were in the offshore area just now, if we use a trawl net, we might get something.

"Wait a little longer..."

Jiang Chuan shook his head, because he didn't see any fish in this area all the way.

Occasionally, he might see some, but they were all small schools of fish that were not worth much.

He might make a few hundred yuan with one net, but Jiang Chuan was not interested!

It was noon before he knew it, and the four of them had a simple lunch.

At this time, Jiang Chuan finally saw a school of relatively large fish at the location of the coral reef on the seabed.

It looked like there should be hundreds of them, but as for the species of fish, he couldn't tell.

If he could catch them all in one net, it would be a good income, and it would be a good start.

"Uncle San, there should be fish in this sea area. Let's try a net here!"

After seeing the fish in the coral reef area, Jiang Chuan looked at Uncle San and said.

"Okay! What net should we use this time?

Trawl net or hand-cast net?" Uncle San nodded and asked immediately.

He has always believed in Xiaochuan's luck.

Since Xiaochuan said there might be fish in this area, there is a 99% chance that there are fish.

"No, let's not use trawl nets and hand-cast nets this time, just use purse seine nets!" Jiang Chuan shook his head and said.

Because the fish in this area are dense, the number of fish schools is not too large.

Purse seine nets are indeed more effective than trawl nets.

"Okay, I'll listen to you.

Speaking of which, we haven't used this purse seine net on the boat yet!

It's great to try it today to see if it works." Uncle San said with a smile.

Then he immediately started to sort out the purse seine net...

Because they didn't think of cooperating with others to fish at the beginning, the purse seine net they chose was a one-bag two-wing purse seine net.

Purse seine is a large-scale net in the shape of a long belt or a bag, which is composed of nets and ropes. The more traditional fishing method is to use two boats to pull the two ends of the net, surround the fish school, gradually narrow the encirclement, and finally tighten the rope at the bottom of the net.

Now more high-end and fast fishing boats are put into the fishing industry, so that a boat can easily complete the purse seine operation.

Soon, Uncle San organized the purse seine with the help of Aunt San and A Xiu.

Jiang Chuan also quietly released all the pets from the spirit realm.

"Little guys, drive all the fish in the coral reef area to the middle and upper seas.

Remember, don't worry about the small ones, and don't let go of any fish weighing more than one pound!"

After receiving Jiang Chuan's order, a group of cute little ones suddenly rushed towards the fish school on the coral reef like wild horses.

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