Then Jiang Chuan collected all the silver coins. These things were now ownerless. Since he found them, it was a gift from God.

Then Jiang Chuan walked around the cabin again, but he didn't find anything valuable.

He did find the identity information of the two drivers in the cabin. Because the identity information was wrapped in a layer of plastic shell, it was not eroded by the sea water, but the plastic had cracked and changed color.

"Wang Anbang, 28 years old...

Jiang Zhengtian, 31 years old..."

"Alas! Two young lives."

"Forget it, it's not convenient today. When I have time in the future, I will send you out and let you see the light of day again!"

Jiang Chuan also sighed. After putting the two people's documents back in place, Jiang Chuan took the Yuan Datou and left the sunken ship.

Thinking that the next time I go out to sea alone, I will transport the two bones out and bury them simply at that time.

It's better than sleeping in this deep sea forever.

Jiangchuan just counted them, and there are 413 Yuan Datou coins in total.

There are coins of various years, most of which are one-yuan silver coins. As for how much they are worth, Jiangchuan really doesn't know.

This requires experts in this field to identify.

Each silver coin weighs about 25g, so the total is only about 20 kilograms, which is not heavy for Jiangchuan.

Simply wrap it with a diving suit and you can take it back...

"Xiaogui, thank you this time!

If these silver coins are valuable, I will buy you half a piece of pork liver next time to reward you."

Jiangchuan gently touched the head of the little turtle and said silently in his heart.

"Pork liver? Thank you, master."


After another hour, Jiangchuan finally found their boat.

After returning to the boat, the three people hurriedly asked questions.

They were all worried about whether Jiangchuan was in danger.

After all, Jiangchuan was down there for two hours, and it would be a lie to say that he was not worried.

Perhaps because they were too worried about Jiang Chuan, they didn't notice the silver coins in Jiang Chuan's diving suit.

"You little brat, you are getting more and more bold!

You used to dive for about an hour, but this time you went for two hours.

Don't do this next time...

Miss Xiu and we were so worried just now, you know?" Uncle San scolded with a serious face.

"Okay! I know, Uncle San.

I won't do it next time...

I'll go in and take a shower first." Jiang Chuan nodded with a smile.

After returning to the lounge, he hid all the silver coins in the diving suit first.

Although the people on the boat were his closest and most trusted people, he couldn't show these things to anyone.

This thing is like the water spirit bead in his body, as long as he knows it, others don't need to know it.

Then he took a simple shower before returning to the deck.

Looking at the few people laughing, he asked, "Uncle San, did you get anything just now?"

He was not interested in getting anything, mainly to prevent Uncle San and the others from continuing to bother him about what happened just now.


We just cast a few nets and got a good harvest.

The fish should be able to sell for 10,000 or 20,000 yuan."

Uncle San said immediately with a happy face.

Then he seemed to remember something and said to Jiangchuan, "In addition to the fish just now, A Xiu also caught two large conches, which look pretty.

I wonder if they are worth money?

This thing looks big and beautiful, but I haven't seen it much before."

Just as Uncle San was talking, A Xiu also hurriedly brought the two large conches to Jiangchuan.

The two conches were indeed very big, and looked like the size of two volleyballs.

One of them was grayish white, with a heavier white color, and the other was golden yellow.

It looked strange, like a general's hat in ancient times, with six or seven raised horns on it.

"Brother Chuan, do you know what kind of conch this is?"

A Xiu asked Jiang Chuan curiously at this moment.

Just now, the three of them studied together for a long time, but they couldn't figure it out.

If there is a signal in this area, you can check it online.

Jiang Chuan held his chin with his right hand and thought for a moment before speaking, "Looking at the shape and color, it should be the Tangguan conch, which ranks third among the four precious conchs.

Look, the overall shape of these two conchs, don't they look like the helmets worn by ancient warriors?"

Tangguan conch

Jiang Chuan picked up the conch and explained it to the three people while playing with it.

This thing used to be a videoI just happened to see it when I was watching the video. Because this name has a special meaning and annotation, Jiang Chuan remembered it more clearly. stands to reason that the crown snails are usually attached to coral reefs or hidden in the mud on the seabed.

How could they be caught by a hand-throwing net?

And two were caught at once.

Is Ah Xiu's luck a little too good?

Third uncle stroked his chin and said hesitantly, "Now that you put it that way, it does look very similar."

"It does look very similar..." Ah Xiu and Third Aunt also nodded.

If Jiang Chuan hadn't said it, he wouldn't have thought so. Now that he said it, he really felt that it looked very similar to the official hats worn by the ancient warriors.

Jiang Chuan also continued to introduce, "So this is the origin of the name of the Tangguan snail.

This kind of conch is not only delicious, but also has a great collection value in its shell. It is generally used by some collectors as a home ornament and plaything.

Of course, the Tangguan snail has another feature, that is, there is a small chance of getting a natural pearl from it."


Hearing the word pearl, the three people showed joy on their faces.

Although they didn't know much about the price of pearls, they knew that natural pearls must be very expensive.

And such a big conch in front of them must have a very big pearl.

If a pearl can really be found in it, then this trip to the sea will make a lot of money.

"Haha! Don't be so excited.

Although there is a certain chance of getting a pearl in the Tangguan snail, the chance is very, very small.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it may be more slim than an ordinary person winning the first prize in a lottery."

Looking at the three people with excited faces, Jiang Chuan also said with a smile.

Abalone pearls and Melo pearls are already very precious and rare, but the chance of getting pearls from a conch is much smaller than that of abalone pearls and Melo pearls.

"That's right...

Natural pearls are too rare. I have never seen natural pearls in my life." Uncle San also laughed hurriedly.

The three of them did not look disappointed. After all, no one would be dejected because they did not win the first prize in a two-dollar lottery!

"How about... let's stir-fry these two conches tonight?

The meat of this thing is not valuable anyway, the main valuable thing is the conch shell.

After eating the meat inside, we can sell the conch shell after returning." Looking at the two large conches in his hand, Jiang Chuan suggested.

Jiang Chuan had never seen a conch before, but he heard that the meat of this thing is chewy and crispy, and it tastes very good, much better than coconut snail meat.

Today, I finally caught two, just in time to try them.

"Okay, okay, if Xiaochuan wants to eat, I'll cook for him later..." Aunt San said with a smile.

Anyway, they have already earned nearly 100,000 yuan this time.

It's only natural to treat yourself with a conch.

And since Xiaochuan wants to eat it, let alone a conch, even a yellow croaker should be killed for him...

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