Although the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace is not yet a wisdom spiritual furnace, the fact that it can be named after four words shows how powerful it is. It is a very stable space attribute spiritual furnace. Spiritual stoves all have the subconscious mind to evolve themselves. The spiritual stove at the end of the world feels the spirituality of the same source, and it is even more likely to help itself continue to evolve. So what is there to hesitate? Originally it was an ownerless existence, so it naturally rushed over in an instant and completed the rendezvous with the space elves. This was the whole process of Long Dangdang "seizing" the spiritual furnace to merge with the space elves.

At this moment, while looking inside, Long Dangdang discovered that his spatial attribute talent, spiritual furnace, and space elves were in the process of a strange fusion. The three parties seem to be very compatible. His own space talent was directly transformed into a contract and merged with the other two. Among the two, the space elf is eager to find a home where he can take root immediately, while the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace seems to have found his soul and merged with the space elf without hesitation. There is a change in the process of sublimation.

This fusion should still take some time. Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace has naturally allocated the power of Yuehua to assist them in fusion. The power of the Light and Slow Breathing Soul Furnace has also spread here. This is to fill in the gaps. If there is a problem with the fusion, it can change its time flow rate, or even reverse it briefly, thereby solving the problem.

This is the benefit of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace. They don't even need to control Long Dangdang himself, and they can do what they should do.

I don’t know how far I can reach after completely integrating this nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace.

"Canghai, after the fusion of the spiritual furnace and the elemental elves, can wisdom be born?" Long Dangdang asked.

Canghai said: "Yes. The elemental elves themselves possess a certain degree of wisdom. In a sense, the elemental elves and the spiritual furnace are both born with great luck. However, the spiritual furnace is more stable and has formed a cycle of its own. If the elemental elves want to reach this level, they need to evolve to the level of the spiritual furnace, which takes time and opportunity. Once the elemental elves can reach the level of the spiritual furnace, then they will inevitably become the existence of the intelligent spiritual furnace. Now this elemental spirit is equivalent to getting such a great opportunity. When it is fused with the Tianya Spiritual Furnace, the product after the fusion is the wisdom spiritual furnace. However, due to the initial integration, the wisdom still needs to be improved. You can rest assured , with me and Scorn to protect each other, there will be no problem. They are of the same origin. They are like firewood, and this time it is a coincidence."

"That's good." Long Dangdang immediately felt relieved and began to patiently use his spiritual power to provide sufficient support for the integration of the space elemental elves and the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace. At the same time, he also used meditation to consolidate his cultivation after breaking through to the seventh level.

After breaking through the seventh level of cultivation, the spiritual power he gained through cultivation will still be transferred to Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace immediately, which is no different from before. The only difference is that after reaching the seventh level, his cultivation speed has increased by a big step.

The reason why the previous hosts of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace were unable to complete the seventh level breakthrough was because when their spiritual power reached the peak of the sixth level and approached the seventh level, the damaged Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace would absorb itself uncontrollably. , there is no way to achieve a breakthrough without feeding the spiritual furnace. Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is like a huge bottleneck, with rungs before it can be broken through.

By chance, Long Dangdang relied on the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, which was still higher than the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, to instantly break through this barrier with his extremely sharp murderous sword intent and forcefully push him up. One step to meet the evolutionary needs of Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace. Coupled with the immortal power of the adamantine base that used the power of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace to successfully impact immortality, the repair can be completed. At the same time, the evolution of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace and the immortal power also had an accelerating effect on the repair of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, which made Long Dangdang complete a transformation.

But none of these can change the problem that he must completely repair the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace before he can continue to improve his cultivation level.

After so many repairs, especially with the help of Long Kongkong who absorbed a large amount of spiritual power, the repair of Yueming Canghai Spirit Furnace has basically been completed about one-third. Don't feel slow, on the contrary, this is simply much, much faster than the previous host.

It has only been a short time since Long Dangdang reached the peak of the sixth level, but he has already helped Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace to repair so many things. This was something that even Canghai himself could not imagine before. At this rate, it will not take more than a few years. The repair will be completed. Don’t forget, Long Dangdang is still less than twenty years old. As long as there is enough time, his future can definitely be described as having an unlimited future.

Long Dangdang was not in a hurry to use the Zhiguo. It would be safest to first solve the problem of his own elemental elf and then use the Zhiguo as Xiao Xie's protector.

Time passed minute by minute, and three hours later, gradually, a faint silver light spread out from Long Dangdang's body, especially his left arm, which had completely turned into crystal clear silver. If you look carefully, You can even see slight distortions in the space around his arms.

Long Kongkong is right next to the training room. He is not practicing himself, but is guarding Long Dangdang. What Long Dangdang lacks now is not spiritual power, but the overall internal adjustment, so he has not injected spiritual power to help his brother.

Until nightfall, Long Kongkong vaguely felt something and suddenly opened his eyes. And at this moment, the silver light shined brightly in the practice room.

Long Dangdang was still sitting there cross-legged, but at this moment, beside him, there was an identical figure, his whole body exuding silver brilliance. The seventh clone, Konglong Dangdang, appears!

After taking a long breath, Long Dangdang slowly woke up from his meditation.

He raised his left hand and opened his palm. Suddenly, a silver hexagram rune appeared in his palm. With a flash of light, a silver hexagonal spiritual furnace came out of it and quickly grew in size. And a small figure also poked its head out of the spiritual furnace. Isn't it exactly what the space elf looked like before? However, what was different from before was that the space elf's eyes were full of agility at this time, and he was shaking his head towards Long Dangdang with a happy look on his face.

Long Kongkong quietly pushed the door in and asked, "Is it done?"

Long Dangdang nodded, "It's done." As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Long Dangdang beside him returned instantly and merged with his body. Then, with a flash of silver light on Long Dangdang's body, he suddenly came to Long Kongkong.

The spiritual furnace at the end of the world is so close, the core skill is instant transfer.

Long Kongkong was startled by this sudden change. Immediately afterwards, Long Dangdang grabbed his shoulder with a hand, and the silver light flickered, covering their bodies at the same time. When the silver light reappeared, they were already in the living room outside.

"Can you also teleport people?" Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang with surprise.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "If you bring people, the teleportation distance will be affected. The only talent of the Tianya Spiritual Furnace is this one. But it is very powerful. Its teleportation distance is directly related to my spiritual power and spiritual power. Of course, there must be enough physical endurance. The transmission distance is directly proportional to spiritual power, mental strength, and physical endurance. If it evolves in the future, it should have better capabilities. With it, I can use the space system When using magic, the power will be increased by 50%. This is an effect brought by the elemental elves. Of course, the transmission distance is also 50% farther than the normal simple absorption of the spiritual furnace."

Long Kongkong gave a thumbs up and said: "That's enough! With such teleportation power, coupled with the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, if we go to the disaster city, we can be considered to have some ability to protect ourselves."

Long Dangdang nodded slightly and said, "No amount of backhand is too much."

Long Kongkong said: "When are you going to challenge the teachers? Can we really do it?"

Long Dang said: "Wait until you get familiar with your fine gold base armor first. My fine gold base has passed the test of Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace and you are familiar with it. What about yours? Are you familiar with it?"

Long Kongkong looked embarrassed, "I was working on the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle just now. It was quite interesting! However, it doesn't seem to be useful here. The temple headquarters has a powerful barrier."

Long Dangdang was speechless for a while, "What's wrong? Are you still planning to build an underground passage at the temple headquarters?"

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "If this is successful, then there is no need to challenge the teachers, can we leave directly?"

"By the way, brother, you have to promise me something. I want to go see Hepburn before I leave. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I really miss her." Long Kongkong had a look on his face. Looking at Long Dangdang pleadingly.

Long Dangdang frowned and said nothing.

Long Kongkong continued: "To be honest, we don't know if we can come back alive this time. You have to let me see her for the last time."

"Don't talk nonsense. We will definitely be able to come back alive, and we will definitely be able to bring our parents back with us." Long Dangdang raised his hand and knocked him on the head.

"Hit me again. Then let me go?" Long Kongkong looked innocent.

Long Dangdang sighed softly and said: "It may not be a good thing for her to go see her. The Kingdom of the Undead is pervasive, I'm afraid..."

Long Kongkong was shocked, and the expression on his face became painful, yes! What if the Kingdom of the Dead discovers the relationship between him and Hepburn and takes Hepburn away?

Suddenly, he raised his head sharply, looked at Long Dangdang, and said in silence: "Brother, I have been working at the chop shop before. Do you think they already know about my relationship with Hepburn? I , I feel a little confused and worried!"

Long Dangdang was also stunned, "This is the Holy City..."

"No, I'm going to take a look. If I don't see her, I won't feel at ease." The sudden realization of the problem made Long Kongkong feel anxious. He quickly stood up and rushed outside.

Long Dangdang did not stop him this time, but walked out with his younger brother. He is not worried about their safety. The three teachers have been guarding them. As long as they leave the temple headquarters, the three teachers will definitely know about it immediately. What's more, the He-Style Pork Ribs Shop was originally right next to the Temple Headquarters.

A few minutes later.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stood in front of the closed He-style pork rib shop. The strong uneasiness caused Long Kongkong's expression to change drastically.

The He-style pork rib shop is not open, not even open. In his mind, this had never happened before.

It's just getting dark now. Under normal circumstances, this is the best business time every day!

He turned around suddenly and rushed towards the Hepburn family as fast as he could. Long Dangdang hurriedly followed him and rushed towards the Hepburn house with him.

Although he has never actually entered the house, Long Kongkong knows very well where Hepburn and Hepburn's father live. When they rushed to Hepburn's house, there was no need to knock on the door. Long Dangdang directly used the teleportation he had just learned to teleport in with his brother.

The house was empty. There was a layer of floating soil on the table and the ground. It was obvious that no one had lived there for some time.

"Hepburn..." Long Kongkong's eyes turned red instantly.

"Don't worry, maybe she is on a business trip..." Long Dangdang said an explanation that even he couldn't believe.

Half an hour later.

After questioning everyone he knew, including her colleagues and superiors. It was confirmed that Hepburn was missing. Yes, missing. Not only her, but He's father also disappeared.

Looking at his lost brother beside him, Long Dangdang raised his arms and put his arms around his shoulders. He could feel his brother's body trembling.

Hepburn disappeared, and the time of disappearance was when they first arrived in Tenglong City. Later, they were seriously injured in Tenglong City, and they never left the temple headquarters after returning. They didn't realize that Hepburn was also targeted.

Whether judging from the fact of the disappearance or the time, there is only one answer. It was still the work of the Kingdom of the Dead.

"Cry if you want to." When Long Kongkong started looking for Hepburn everywhere, Na Ye, Hai Jifeng and Zi Tianwu had already arrived by their side. At this time, Naye felt sad when he saw Long Kongkong like this.

Long Kongkong just sat there blankly, saying nothing. At this moment, all that echoed in his mind was Hepburn's voice and smile.

He lived a simple life. Almost all are simple happiness. He has a strict father and a loving mother, and an older brother who has been laughing and playing with him since childhood. When he came to the Holy City, he met the girl he fell in love with at first sight. Everything is so beautiful.

At this moment, except for the brother who shielded him from the wind and rain, everything else was so far away from him. This made him feel as if something was being ignited in his heart, which had always been lazy.

Long Dangdang sat down next to him. He didn't know how to comfort his brother at this time.

Long Kongkong suddenly turned to look at him, "Brother, let's challenge the teachers."

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