Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 322 Challenge Gou Knight

"Brother, let's challenge the teacher!"

When Long Kongkong said these words, Zi Tianwu, Na Ye and Hai Jifeng all looked in his direction. The three of them also frowned at the same time.

To be honest, they were also extremely surprised by Hepburn's disappearance. The Kingdom of the Undead has existed for more than a day or two, and to the Kingdom of the Undead, it is not just the two little guys Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong who are threatening. However, in the history of the Kingdom of the Undead, it has never dealt with others like it dealt with the two young people in front of it. At least there has never been a situation where family members were captured and forced to go to the Disaster City.

If Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong could still retain some sanity before, then Hepburn's disappearance was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. They could clearly feel that Long Kongkong's mentality had collapsed. If he is like this, how can Long Dangdang be spared? After all, they are still young people under the age of twenty!

Na Ye came to Long Kongkong and touched his head, "If you want to challenge, then come."

This time, Hai Jifeng did not reprimand, and Zi Tianwu did not try to persuade. They felt the pain in the hearts of these two brothers at this time. Who could it have been if I had been in this situation without any problems with my mentality? Since it can't be resolved, it's better to let them vent it out. There is no better outlet than fighting. At least give them a channel to vent.

After hearing the teacher's words, Long Kongkong, whose eyes were full of confusion and pain a moment ago, instantly raised his head. At this moment, Naye Mingming saw an unprecedented fighting spirit in his eyes. That’s right, it’s fighting spirit! The most lazy guy shows a strong fighting spirit.

The temple headquarters naturally has its own trial ground, including a trial ground specially provided for ninth-level powerhouses.

When you reach the level of a ninth-level powerhouse, you are completely capable of destroying one party, so naturally you cannot arbitrarily compete with others in the outside world. But there is a very powerful sealing circle here, which can ensure that the internal spiritual power will not leak out.

Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and the three teachers were brought to the trial field. Zitianwu opened the internal magic circle. Suddenly, everything around him became unreal. The interior space seems to have become much larger all of a sudden. Yes, there is also a space array here that specifically expands space, allowing the area of ​​the trial field to expand to a diameter of three hundred meters. The height has also reached a full hundred meters, with enough room for display.

Hai Jifeng was about to step forward, but was stopped by Na Ye. Naye winked at him and said, "I'll do it. Their current state is not suitable for you."

Hai Jifeng glanced at him, but nodded. To be honest, facing two children who were filled with grief and anger, it felt a little difficult to take action at this time with his high fighting spirit in the past.

Long Dangdang suddenly said: "Teacher Ye, please wait a moment, let's adjust the situation first."

Long Kongkong said eagerly: "No need, let's start directly."

Long Dangdang turned to look at him and said in a deep voice: "If you really want to win, just do as I say. Calm down!"

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, but still nodded. To his brother, he was convinced from the bottom of his heart.

Then the two brothers sat down cross-legged and began to meditate silently.

Zi Tianwu and Hai Jifeng stood together, looking at each other in unison, and even said in unison: "Do they really want to win?"

Their voices were full of surprise.

No matter how Na Ye is the ninth level at the bottom of the Knight Temple, he is still the existence of a holy knight! Moreover, they are at the same level and understand how difficult Na Ye is. Just like Zi Tianwu, he would rather face the reckless knight Hai Jifeng than Na Ye. And the serious look of these two little guys they taught didn't just mean they wanted to vent, but they really wanted to win! Do they actually have such confidence?

Na Ye stood aside with a strange look on his face. Although Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were meditating at this time, their auras were completely restrained. A strange twisting wave emitted from Long Dangdang's body, making the auras of the two people seem to be very dull due to an obscure energy. , so that even his spiritual consciousness cannot detect clearly.

This good boy is still avoiding me?

However, Na Ye Ziwen was familiar enough with the two brothers and didn't take it seriously. The reason why he didn't let Hai Jifeng take action was that he was prepared to take action himself and let these two little guys vent their emotions. It would always make them feel better. Didn't think much else.

It was obvious to the brothers that it took quite a long time. It lasted for nearly half an hour, and the three bosses were helpless in waiting. But from the outside, the expression on Long Kongkong's face seemed to be much calmer.

Opening his eyes almost at the same time, Long Kongkong turned to look at his brother, and Long Dangdang nodded to him.

The two of them jumped up at the same time, bowed to Na Ye, and Long Kongkong said: "Teacher, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Na Ye touched her nose and said, "You suddenly became so serious, which makes me a little uncomfortable!"

Normally, Long Kongkong would have to laugh and joke with the teacher, but at this time, he did not show any relaxed expression, "Teacher, I am not serious, I am serious. Well, I want to be serious."

Na Ye's eyes flashed, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to get serious. Let's start when you're ready."

As he said that, Na Ye had turned around and walked away, taking the initiative to distance himself from the brothers.

Long Dangdang took a step forward and stood in front of Long Kongkong, but this time, Long Kongkong seemed to be really different. He took a step diagonally forward and stood side by side with Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang looked at Long Kongkong in surprise, and Long Kongkong grinned, "I can't rely on you all the time! I'm useful too."

"Okay!" Long Dangdang nodded.

On the other side, Na Ye had turned around and frowned when he saw his disciple standing side by side with Long Dangdang. This is inconsistent with what I taught him! Can Bu Gou be considered a disciple of my knight Gou?

Although he was thinking this in his mind, Naye grabbed his left hand in the air, and a shield fell into his palm. A ball of orange-red light suddenly bloomed on the shield in his hand.

It was a round shield with a diameter of about seventy centimeters. It was round and had spiral patterns on its surface. The center protruded outward, forming a shape like a pointed cone, which looked a bit like a snail's shell. Na Ye held the shield in front of him with his left hand, and suddenly, a ball of orange-red light completely enveloped his body.

Long Kongkong couldn't help but said: "Teacher, what's wrong with you? Do you still use epic equipment for us two brothers?"

Ye Youyouran said: "Have you forgotten your teacher's nickname? How did I teach you? At any time, you must be prepared for the worst, and it is necessary to be on the safe side. Come on, let me Let’s see what you two can do.”

"Teacher, please be careful." Long Kongkong grinned at Naye. The next moment, black light surged rapidly on his chest, and a dark vortex suddenly appeared. Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed between his eyebrows, and a golden light fell into the vortex. A huge black tentacle swept straight towards the leaf.

The corners of Na Ye's mouth turned up slightly. This boy's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace seemed to be different again! Thinking in his mind, his figure also became illusory in an instant, and the whole person seemed to sway slightly before quietly disappearing in place. Both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong felt like a blur of flowers before their eyes, and the leaf seemed to be very close at hand.

So fast, such a strong slide!

At first, they all learned the sliding technique from the Gou Knight. Sliding is a very basic skill for knights, but it seems completely different when used under the Gou Knight's feet. Everything seemed so smooth and natural, but the speed was so fast that it was like teleporting, and a distance of hundreds of meters disappeared in a flash. The touch of the abyss released by Long Kongkong failed to land on him immediately.

But at this moment, a white halo suddenly bloomed in Long Dangdang's dantian, and at the same time, a golden light burst out from his body instantly.

Naye felt that his body suddenly became dull, and everything around him slowed down. The sudden change shocked him. He was a holy knight, and his spiritual power was so powerful that he was still affected. This control was not an ordinary skill!

And at this moment, a golden light spurted out from Long Dangdang's chest. Taking advantage of Na Ye's slow figure, the light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was already shot towards him.

But at this time, Na Ye's body twisted strangely and disappeared again. Both Long Dangdang's Holy Spiritual Furnace and Long Kongkong's Touch of the Abyss failed again at the same time. But the leaf appeared in the same place as before, as if he had not moved from beginning to end.

Brother Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong suddenly changed their expressions at the same time. Of course they all knew that the teachers were strong, but they didn't expect them to be so strong. They had faced the ninth level before, and although they had narrowly escaped death, this was the first time they had shot continuously like this without being able to touch the opponent's figure at all.

"Tianyuan Domain." Long Dangdang shouted in a deep voice. At the same time, the fine gold base that he had just released instantly covered his body and turned into heavy armor covering his whole body.

As everyone knows, Na Ye is more surprised than them at this time. Long Dangdang released the white light that slowed him down, making him keenly feel the crisis, and then he returned to his position. Originally, he planned to attack directly at close range to teach these two boys a lesson first. But it was equivalent to being forced back. Of course, this also has something to do with his character. It's not okay to be unstable.

The golden light between Long Kongkong's brows converged, and the Touch of the Abyss suddenly opened up, covering a hundred meters in diameter almost instantly. The Abyss can't touch you. You can't avoid the Abyss Domain, which is a range-type one, right?

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Na Ye only felt a strong suction coming from him, and his spiritual power poured out quickly.

"Good boy!" The orange-red light of the shield in his hand suddenly became stronger, and Long Kongkong suddenly felt that his swallowing suddenly became difficult, as if there was another suction force on Na Ye, competing with him for the soul of the teacher. As if with force, the swallowing speed dropped sharply.

And Long Dangdang, who was wearing a fine gold base armor, was already holding the Judgment of Light and staring at Na Ye's figure, but he was not in a hurry to attack.

Zi Tianwu and Hai Jifeng were watching the battle, and they were communicating through sound transmission.

"These two boys have something! But, that guy Ye, is he really good at it? He dare not go up to two apprentices?" Zi Tianwu said to Hai Jifeng.

Hai Jifeng said angrily: "This is Lao Gou's habit. If it were me, I would have beaten these two boys to the ground."

Zitianwu said: "Don't underestimate these two little things. To be able to become an Adamantine Base Knight, you must have defeated an Adamantine Base Knight. Isn't this the rule of your Knight Temple? ?”

Hai Jifeng said: "Others must follow this rule, but he is different. This kid is a dragon knight. He is highly regarded within the temple and may have given him the fine gold base armor in advance. He This adamantine base should not generally be one of the four quasi-immortals. How could this thing be obtained through a test. I once challenged it, but failed. In anger, I did not become an adamantine base knight. Later. He immediately became a Holy Knight."

Zi Tianwu said: "You just have a bad temper. The Divine Seal Throne now has an owner. If you had a fine gold base, your strength would definitely be even stronger."

Hai Jifeng curled his lips and said, "What's the use of that? With the six sacred knights of the temple and the five divine seals, can they make it past these mountains in front of them? I think this guy Lao Gou is a bit arrogant. Eh... …”

As soon as he said this, he noticed that the situation on the scene had changed.

Long Dangdang stood there and did not try to rush directly to Naye. However, his body was divided into seven at this moment. Seven dragons stood there in a row, wearing fine gold base battles. Armor, and a clone next to him holding a staff. The seven dragons have already begun chanting spells.

"I'm going, there are seven? When did it happen? His dark attribute clone has only been awakened for a few days? Why are there only seven?" Zi Tianwu looked shocked.

Hai Jifeng looked at Konglong Dangdang, whose eyes were shining with silver light, and whose light intensity was obviously stronger than the other clones, and said: "Isn't that silver one not a space attribute?"

The two looked at each other. At this moment, they both realized that although they had underestimated these two disciples, it seemed that they still underestimated!

Na Ye's face in the distance also changed. His sliding skills have been improved to a level that is almost Taoist, which is why Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were unable to lock him before. That swallow flying back is his unique skill. But he understands his disciples, and his disciples also understand him! The two brothers have no intention of separating. If you can dodge, we can attack from a range.

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