When Na Ye, Zi Tianwu and Hai Jifeng saw their mount partners coming out of the contract space opened by Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, they suddenly felt that they understood why these two little guys could become fine gold foundations. A knight.

It was only at this moment that they realized that their disciples were no longer the two little guys who had always been under their protection. I also understand more and more why the Kingdom of the Undead is targeting them at all costs.

Twin brothers who are less than twenty years old, both at the seventh level, possess multiple powerful spiritual furnaces. Have a powerful mount companion.

This is probably why they were not killed when they were attacked by the ninth-level dead before.

Zi Tianwu turned to look at Hai Jifeng, "Do you still think it's over?"

The corners of Hai Jifeng's mouth twitched, "Five golden dragons, what the hell is this? Is this my apprentice?"

Zi Tianwu said lightly: "You don't have to count it, just mine. Five golden dragon magicians, you see those five dragon heads clearly represent different attributes. They should be the representatives of dragon language magic in the dragon clan. Dangdang As expected, I am more suitable to be a magician."

"You idiot!" Hai Jifeng said angrily.

The two of them were talking again, but Naye, who was in the arena on the other side, just felt Alexander.

Although these two mounts are obviously not up to the level of ninth level, are these mounts that seventh level knights should have?

There is no doubt that the current Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong really have the fighting power of the Adamantine Base Knight! Their ability to become Adamant Pedestal Knights definitely did not depend on the favor of the temple.

After struggling for so many years, I only managed to get two epic shields, and these two boys have already touched immortality. How can this be justified?

"Wait a minute!" Naye said suddenly.

He originally wanted to summon his mount. After all, if the fat dragon was willing to come out, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, he was half a dragon knight. However, the fat dragon didn't react at all. Without asking, he knew that this unreliable guy was sleeping again.

How to do this? I'm not good at frontal combat, and I'm still being sucked by that brat Long Kongkong. I can't stand it even if I beat four of them, not to mention whether I can beat him or not, even if it consumes him!

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stopped moving.

Na Ye said seriously: "For the sake of our master-disciple relationship, let me consider you to have passed this level. The next one." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the end of the court. That was really the first time. No reply either.

How embarrassing it would be if he lost to his apprentice! Even if you are Gou, don’t you want to lose face? What I am showing now is my generosity, yes, it is generosity.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong looked at each other, and there were some strange looks in their eyes. Is this a pass? They all know how powerful Na Ye is, and this teacher is definitely not as simple as he appears. However, for such a strong man, can he pass this level?

"Trash, don't you be ashamed of yourself!" Hai Jifeng looked at Na Ye angrily.

Naye said calmly: "You are not ashamed, go ahead. Let me see how you are not ashamed. I don't even have a mount, how can I fight? One against four? Two near-immortal fine gold bases, I I’m not good at attacking to begin with, so it takes some time to break through the defense.”

At this point, he suddenly turned to the field and said, "Long Kongkong, you little bastard, you can just plunder the wool. You can swallow this for me. Also, give me back my shield. I will just press it on you, teacher." It’s the stuff at the bottom of the box.”

Long Kongkong sneered, and then he stopped swallowing the Touch of the Abyss. As for returning the shield, he pretended not to hear it. Let’s talk about it later.

Hai Jifeng strode out and walked into the arena. Facing Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, the Rat King and the five-headed golden dragon Xiaoba, his expression was only cold.

"Okay! You're growing up pretty fast! But do you think this is enough?" Hai Jifeng's eyes held strong coercion and aura.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong couldn't help but hesitated slightly.

Hai Jifeng said calmly: "I'm not an old man. If you want to defeat me, you have to block my attack." As he said that, he spread his hands on both sides of his body, and held a heavy sword in his hand with light shining. Fall into the palm of your hand.

The heavy sword in his left hand shone with a greenish-green light, while the heavy sword in his right hand shone with a deep purple halo. Both heavy swords have a faint orange-red color. There is no doubt that these are a pair of epic-level heavy swords. The reckless knight did not wear any armor, only these two heavy swords appeared.

At the same time, beside him, a door to space opened, the air suddenly became hot, and a tall figure walked out of it.

It was a completely black unicorn, and its wings were also black, but the mane on its neck and the last feathers on its wings were both red. It was Hai Jifeng's mount companion, the Hellfire Unicorn.

As an alternative among the unicorn family, the Hellfire Unicorn is a mutated existence with pure fire attributes.

A normal light unicorn has a very docile personality and is close to humans. The reason why the Hellfire Unicorn is called alternative is because its personality is completely opposite to that of the Light Unicorn. It has an extremely bad temper and possesses a pure fire element, just like the pure light element possessed by the Light Unicorn. Same. Because of his bad personality, he was rejected by the unicorn lineage.

Back then, at the Holy Mountain of Knights, Hai Jifeng met this man by chance. What a sight. At least half of his nickname as a reckless knight should belong to this hellfire. The Hellfire Unicorn has a strong personality, and it is deeply ingrained in his bones to do whatever he refuses to do. It's not an ordinary match with the reckless knight.

Seeing Hellfire walking out of the space gate, Na Ye had a look of disdain on his face, "It sounds quite impressive, but in fact, I even summoned my mount, so I'm ready to go all out."

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Dangdang privately chatted with Long Kongkong, "Get ready to use that move."

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "I understand."

Hai Jifeng's figure flashed and he was already on the back of the Hellfire Unicorn. Fiery breath spurted out from the Hellfire Unicorn's mouth and nose, and the air around its body was distorted.

Hai Jifeng swung the heavy sword with both hands to both sides of his body, which was immediately accompanied by a low roar. With his body as the center, a blazing golden flame suddenly rose within a radius of ten meters.

Domain, divine radiance!

At the same time, a crimson halo also lit up at the feet of the Hellfire Unicorn, which blended with the sacred radiance field and suddenly turned into a sea of ​​crimson-gold fire.

"Be careful!" Hai Jifeng shouted, and the hellfire unicorn under him suddenly exerted force, like a volcano erupting, and rushed straight in the direction of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

The reckless knight's fighting style is always to go all out!

But at this moment, it was not Long Dangdang who stepped forward to fight, but Long Kongkong who suddenly took a step forward, the top of his head and the center of his eyebrows flashing with light at the same time.

What burst out between his eyebrows was the light of the Shenqiyu Tung Spiritual Furnace, and what was even more eye-catching was the star-like pentagonal halo that appeared above his head.

In an instant, the stars shine brightly!

Hai Jifeng's attack will not stop after it has been sent out. His fighting style is that even if there are thousands of people fighting against him, I don't care who you are or what abilities you use, I will just use my most powerful attack power. Killing you with overwhelming force is a reckless knight.

Therefore, although he saw a strange star-shaped spiritual furnace appearing above Long Kongkong's head, his attack did not pause. A pair of swords slashed out almost at the same time. Light and fire blended with each other. The man took advantage of the horse's momentum, and he and the hell The fire unicorn man and horse merged into one, and a huge golden-red light seemed to open up the world, and it went straight towards Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

Na Ye, who was watching the battle, cursed secretly and rushed out with a shield in hand. Once he found that the brothers could not stop them, he would take action as soon as possible. Hai Jifeng is so unreliable, how can he be so cruel to his own disciples? This is totally fatal!

But at this moment, something strange suddenly flashed in Naye's eyes. He could clearly see that Long Kongkong didn't show any cowardice in the face of Hai Jifeng's attack, and there was even a bit of pride in his eyes. How can this kid face such a level of attack?

On the other side, Long Dangdang also moved. His body slowly floated up from the ground, the spiritual wings spread out behind him, and the fine gold base on his body was already flowing towards his hands like running water.

Although Na Ye is not an Adamantine Base Knight, he is still very familiar with the Adamantine Base. He can tell at a glance that this is Long Dangdang's ultimate move to use the Adamantine Base Armor, sacrificing one's life, Holy Judgment!

The fierce murderous intention of Shura's Red Lotus Soul Furnace merged with the Judgment of Light, the fine gold base was rolled back, Long Dangdang closed his hands above his head, and a ten-meter-long giant sword was taking shape. However, no matter how you look at it, the time he had to gather strength was not enough to complete it before Hai Jifeng's attack arrived.

What's more, even if he sacrifices his life to strike, Long Dang is only at the seventh level of cultivation. No matter how hard he tries, can he block the full blow of the reckless knight? That was accomplished with the dual bonuses of domain and mount.

What makes Na Ye even more puzzled is that neither the five-headed golden dragon nor the rat king is making any movement, and seems to have no intention of entering the battle.

All of this was thought of in a flash of lightning in his mind, and at this moment, the star-shaped spiritual furnace above Long Kongkong's head was already shining brightly.

A ray of light from the Shenqiyu Tung Spiritual Furnace was injected into the star-shaped spiritual furnace, and the bright starlight suddenly illuminated the entire arena.

Hai Jifeng, who was attacking with all his strength from the front, suddenly felt a strange feeling. At this moment, he seemed to feel that the world was turned upside down, and he could only use all his strength to slash the heavy sword in his hand.

But just when he was actually slashing out, a strange scene happened.

He only felt that his eyes were blurred, and Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong in front of him all disappeared. The huge golden red sword light that looked like Pi Lian slashed directly at Kong Chu. This caused the entire arena's protective formation to shake violently.

Under the shocked gaze of Na Ye, who was about to take action, and Zi Tianwu, who was watching the battle, what they saw was that along with the blooming of the bright starlight, the arena suddenly flickered like an illusory light, as if there was a starlight. The light shone on Hai Jifeng. Then the reckless knight's forward body turned around, and the attack originally sent forward became backward.

All this happened so fast that even the three major and ninth levels failed to react to varying degrees.

And at this moment, Long Dangdang's Holy Judgment had finished gathering momentum.

Holy decision! Shura Red Lotus Cut!

A ray of golden-red light instantly cut through the sky. At that moment, whether it was Hai Jifeng with his back turned, or Na Ye and Zi Tianwu, there was a feeling of hair standing on end.

Although they also thought that Long Dangdang's attack would be extremely powerful with the help of the fine gold base, they did not expect it to have such terrifying attack power.

Naye rushed out almost without hesitation, but he was not going to rescue Long Kongkong.

The realm of virtuality struck Hai Jifeng with one palm. Hai Jifeng's body also disappeared instantly. And at this moment, the golden-red light flashed across.

Hai Jifeng's body was immediately chopped into two illusory halves. Even in the invulnerable domain state, the two halves of his body that had been torn apart could not be put back together for a long time. Na Ye only felt that his spiritual power was being consumed rapidly.

His field of virtualization seems to be very weak among the ninth level, but it is an absolute life-saving magical skill. It can not only act on himself, but also bring in objects within a certain range when it comes into contact with other objects. Blurred state.

But at this moment, his spiritual power was being consumed in a completely abnormal state, forcing him to directly release his spiritual wings and desperately restore his spiritual power in order to maintain the state of the domain.

But at this time, Hai Jifeng felt a cold feeling, and his whole body felt cold from head to toe. The cold murderous intent lingered on for a long time.

Zi Tianwu stood watching from a distance, his mouth wide open at this time.

If Naye's failure was related to underestimating these two boys, then what about Hai Jifeng? Hai Jifeng had clearly exerted all his strength. But the final result was ended in one move. Yes, he was defeated in one move!

How do miracles happen? Whether it was Long Kongkong's weird ability to turn him around, or Long Dangdang's terrifying attack that could kill the ninth level. The fighting prowess these two brothers showed at this moment was already at the ninth level.

Are the two of them really so powerful? How did the trick work?

It lasted for nearly ten seconds before Hai Jifeng's illusory figure that was chopped into two pieces slowly closed up and merged into one again. But at this time, there was cold sweat on his forehead.

What if Na Ye hadn't taken action and used his body-protecting aura and domain to withstand it? Can you bear it?

The reckless knight knows what's going on with him, so he probably won't be able to handle it! So, will I be killed instantly?

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