Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 356 Drawing Lots into Groups

The six assassins at the Assassin Temple looked vaguely unreal, as if they were originally living between illusion and reality. Because they were all wearing assassin cloaks, it was impossible to see their appearance clearly. The only thing Long Dangdang can be sure of is that among these six assassins, there must be Chu Yu. After all, he is the inheritor of the Spiritual Furnace of Reincarnation and the future wielder of the Sword of Reincarnation.

In addition to the Assassin Temple, the next thing Long Dang saw was the contestants from the Summoner Temple. Tao Linlin was wearing a magic robe. Her hair was neatly combed today and she looked very energetic. He also saw Long Dangdang waving to him.

At this moment, the team from the Priest Temple had also entered the venue. The Priest's Temple was also led by four Holy Temples. After entering the venue, the four Holy Temples suddenly turned into four golden lights and rose into the sky, and then landed on their respective positions. Without the temple, the person walking at the front of the contestants in the priest's temple was none other than Ling Menglu. Wearing a light golden magic robe and holding a staff, she always had a warm smile on her face, and wherever she was, light seemed to be there. The moment she turned around to face the huge venue inside the church, it was as if the entire venue became brighter at that moment. It felt like she said there should be light, so there was light.

The Warrior Temple and the Knight Temple came together. There are three temple leaders on the Warrior Temple side, and there are also three on the Knight Temple side. Two of them, Long Dangdang, knew each other, one was the current Lord of the Temple, the Knight Temple Master, and the other was Xuan Hanyan. The Grand Marshal, the Great Light Dragon Knight Xi Che, was not included. The knight he didn't know walked in front of Xuan Hanyan, behind the temple master. He had a tall and tall figure and looked like a middle-aged man. His whole person exuded a strong aura.

With the arrival of several holy temples from behind, everyone fell into their seats, and everyone participating in today's competition has arrived.

More than half of the six major temples came to the temple, and this finals was held directly in the temple. This undoubtedly gave the highest level of attention to this inheritance contest finals in history. In the field, the thirty-six contestants were already looking at each other from a distance. Next, they will be competitors, and in the future, they may also be temple partners who will rule the federation together.

A peaceful voice sounded at this moment, "Thirty-six young people, welcome to the church."

This voice is very familiar to Long Dangdang, and it naturally belongs to the hall master.

Thirty-six contestants participating in the finals simultaneously saluted directly in front with the etiquette of this temple.

The leader of the temple continued: "Being able to come here and participate in the finals, I believe that you are all the best talents of the younger generation in your respective temples. Your assessment did not actually start at this inheritance competition. Instead, you have always been inspected by the temple and even the temple to which you belong. Only if you pass all inspections can you stand on the field of the inheritance competition. Therefore, I can say that you in the future will be who you are now. Us. And this time, the Holy Church attaches so much importance to this inheritance competition, just to give you an opportunity to show yourself. This will also be the first time for you to introduce yourself to the Holy Church. What we hope to see is that you are the most Brilliant brilliance.”

After a slight pause, he continued: "Okay, now I announce. The finals of this inheritance competition have officially begun. Let's draw lots. The rules of the draw are random and fair draws. The thirty-six of you will be divided into nine groups. Single round-robin. If you win a game, you will get two points. If you lose and there is no point, the tie will be one point. After the single round-robin, according to the points, the top two in each group will be the final top eight, and a knockout round will be held until the final champion is determined. .In the following lottery groups, there will be no more than two participants from a single temple belonging to a single group. In other words, there will not be three participants from the same temple in the same group at the same time. Everything else is random. The draw is by All the church supervisors are present. Next, the drawing of lots begins."

As he spoke, the hall leader slowly stretched out his right hand toward the center of the field and made a virtual press. The next moment a ball of light lit up in the center of the field. It was just a ball of pure light, but when it appeared, all the rich elements in the temple arena immediately swarmed towards that light. The surging energy fluctuations in the air surrounded the group of light almost violently.

The thirty-six players from the six temples who entered the finals couldn't help but become nervous. There is a strong uncertainty in random drawing. Although there will not be more than two participants from the same temple in the same group, the opponent they are assigned to is obviously very important. If there are many strong players in this group, then it will be more difficult to enter the final top eight. After all, only two people from each group can advance. The rest depends on the number of points and the final ranking in this temple.

Just when everyone was feeling anxious, suddenly, thirty-six rays of light suddenly shot out from the light group, covering the thirty-six players present.

The warm feeling made the contestants feel that their spiritual power seemed to have become active. Their whole bodies were warm and indescribable, and their spiritual power was slowly increasing at a discernible speed.

This should be a benefit. While everyone was surprised, the light falling on them began to change. What changes is the color. There are four colors in total, namely blue, red, yellow and cyan. There are nine light beams of each color. Undoubtedly, this is the final grouping. At this time, the light beam was flashing continuously, and everyone was shining with a strange halo. Once it stopped flashing, it meant that the draw was completed.

There is no need to draw lots one by one. In this way, the overall draw can be completed in one go and the final composition of each group can be determined.

Even Long Dangdang couldn't help but become nervous. Theoretically speaking, it was not impossible for the strongest members of the six temples to be assigned to the same group! After all, as I said before, this draw is absolutely fair and random. So, anything is possible.

At this moment, a soft halo of light rose from the thirty-six church seats at the same time, and all the churches seemed to be enveloped in it. Immediately afterwards, the speed of the thirty-six rays of light began to flash more violently.

Is the church isolated? To avoid interference with the draw? Be really careful.

Just when Long Dangdang had such thoughts in his mind, suddenly, thirty-six rays of light froze at the same time, and different colors also reflected on different people.

Long Dang subconsciously looked at Zi Sang Liuying beside him.

The light on Zisan Liuying's body is cyan, while the light on his own body is red. Not a group! The light on Yue Li's body is yellow in color and not in one group.

This kind of drawing situation made Long Dangdang breathe a sigh of relief. Then he looked far into the distance and looked in the direction of other temples.

The light on Ling Menglu's body was different from his, it was blue. This made Long Dangdang slightly disappointed. He actually hopes to be in the same group as Monroe so that he can take care of her. Although he has confidence in her strength, he still wants to protect her.

And when his eyes turned to the Knights Temple, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. The light on Long Kongkong's body was clearly cyan. Yes, he was paired with Zisang Liuying... What kind of luck is this?

The light on Wang Changxin's body is yellow, and she is in the same group as Yue Li. Finally I saw Tao Linlin. The light on Tao Linlin's body is red, and she is in the same group as Long Dang.

While Long Dangdang was paying attention to the grouping of others, Zisang Liuying was also paying attention to the grouping of his friends. There are a total of four people in their demon hunting team entering the finals. The best situation is of course a group of four people. She is also quite confident in her partners.

However, things are not as they should be. The cyan light not only fell on Zisang Liuying and Long Kongkong, but also fell on Cai Caijuan. They work in groups of three. In other words, at most two of the three of them can enter the quarterfinals.

Tang Leiguang, like Ling Menglu, was shrouded in blue light. When I first met, the light covering my body was yellow, and I was in a group with Wang Changxin and Yue Li.

Simply looking at the two demon hunting groups, Long Dangdang and Zisang Liuying, the red group with Long Dangdang and Tao Linlin is in better shape. Although there are also strong men from other temples, at least they have not met the strong men from their own two demon hunting groups. On the other hand, the situation for Zisang Liuying's group is much more complicated. Zisang Liuying, Cai Caijuan, and Long Kongkong are all favorites to enter the quarterfinals. Needless to say, Zisang Liuying, Long Kongkong's performance in the Knights Temple was also quite good and he had high hopes.

Moreover, there are variables in their group. Shi Zeyu was also in their group. The top seed of the Knights Temple, Shi Zeyu of the eighth-order Adamantine Base Knight, is also in the cyan group. The first seeds of the two major temples of Knights and Magic, plus the second seed of Long Kongkong, are placed in the same group. No doubt, this will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers!

Before the lottery started today, many people had already guessed that no matter how the lot was drawn, there would definitely be something like the group of death, but they did not expect that this group of death would be so tragic. The No. 1 Knights Temple and the No. 2 Magic Temple were almost directly facing each other. The No. 1 and No. 2 seeds of the Knights Temple besieged the No. 1 seed of the Magic Temple. Who could have imagined such a situation? Plus a talented summoner, White Phoenix Cai Caijuan. Only two of the four of them can qualify and enter the top eight.

Therefore, when the draw was just confirmed, the faces of all the saints in the Knights Temple and the Magic Temple couldn't help but change slightly. This situation was obviously not what they wanted to see. But the saints in other temples were much more relaxed. The strongest competition falls in the cyan group, which inevitably means that the competition in other groups will be relatively easy.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "Help! Someone help me, I'm so pitiful!"

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is shining, "Be quiet."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is in the sky. "Brother, why don't we change teams? Anyway, we look the same. You go and kill Zisang Liuying and Shi Zeyu. What? After all, Shi Zeyu may become The man of your love rival."

The moon is bright in the sky, and the dragon is dang dang. "If you can't kill him, don't recognize me as your brother. Isn't it your responsibility to clear the obstacles on your brother's emotional road?"

The bright moon was in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "That's enough for you two!"

This kind of grouping is actually quite acceptable for the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. After all, neither Long Dangdang nor Ling Menglu, the core of the team, were in the death group. Whether Long Kongkong can enter the quarterfinals is hard to say. It all depends on his ability as a troublemaker, whether he can stir up trouble in the group of death.

"The grouping is complete." The hall master's voice was still calm, and no emotional changes could be heard.

"Each group will proceed in order. Please remember your order."

The next moment, the light falling on the contestants began to fluctuate slightly, and soon, numbers appeared in front of them one by one.

Just talking about the cyan group of death, Long Kongkong got the cyan number 1, Zi Sang Liuying cyan number 3, Cai Caijuan cyan number 4, Shi Zeyu cyan number 8.

Long Dangdang drew the red number three. Taolinlin is a red eight.

Undoubtedly, this will be their order of appearance in the round-robin competition.

There are nine people in each group, a round robin, and one person has a bye in each game until everyone is matched up and the fight ends.

The hall leader said: "The first round of round robin will be held later. Each group will be one against two, three against four, and so on. The round robin will last for eight consecutive days to determine the final top eight. Now Each group enters the waiting area to prepare. The competition is conducted in turn in the order of blue, red, yellow and green. There are sixteen games every day. Players who are not competing can watch the game or rest in the waiting area. The first group, blue group one Prepare for No. 2."

Blue group, the group where Ling Menglu and Tang Leiguang belong to. Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang were both No. 3, and Tang Leiguang was No. 2. In other words, in the next game, Tang Leiguang will take the lead. The opponent he faced was a strong man from the Assassin's Temple.

The waiting area in the temple can be described as luxurious. Everyone has a room of their own, where they can rest, wait, practice, and meditate. As for watching the game, you can only watch the game from outside the protective shield at the edge of the field.

Because it was the first game, most people stayed on the edge of the field to watch the upcoming competition. The main reason is to get familiar with the situation here and the rules of the game.

There was no referee in the field. When Tang Leiguang and his opponent stood on both sides of the field, there was a ray of light blocking them.

A somewhat old voice sounded, "Both sides are getting ready. When the light curtain disappears, the game will begin." This was obviously not the voice of the church leader, but should be taken over by another church.

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