Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 429 The Story of Audrey and Hepburn

Ling Xue looked at her two sons at the same time, "When he was six years old, my little Austin entered the magic tower to perform the elemental awakening ceremony. He awakened two attributes at the same time, namely darkness and fire. Not only that, my little Austin is extremely talented. It is a natural dual-attribute divine body, just like the divine body that now has more than 100 innate spiritual powers in the Holy Demon Continent. At that time, he received great attention from the Magic Tower, and was personally guided by two elders with dark and fire attributes. Growing up, my little Austin rose as fast as a thousand miles and gradually became a powerful and excellent magician. It was only after I was resurrected that I realized that with his continuous awakening, in fact, the magic he mastered was far beyond the There were more than two attributes, and in the end, there were even as many as nine attributes, which is an unprecedented genius."

Long Dangdang was shocked, nine attributes? When I was awakening my innate inner spiritual power, I had eight attributes! One kind of difference? He turned his head and glanced at Long Kongkong, but still did not interrupt and continued to listen to Ling Xue's story.

"Gold always shines. My little Austin grows much faster than ordinary people. When he was only ten years old, he already looked like an adult. He has super talents. His teacher told him privately I, he is the best magician of his age in history, and he will definitely become a magician in the future."

"At that time, he was taken by his teachers to participate in a competition between the three empires. He originally did not want to participate, but then Hepburn, who also participated in the competition, was injured. My little Austin He took action in anger and killed the opponent who almost killed Hepburn. In that competition, he showed his unique and powerful talent. Even the Tower of God where the magic gods gathered was shocked by him. However, the one that belongs to our family That’s when the disaster started.”

"At that time, my husband Osei and I were running a trade route, but we were suddenly captured by enemies who appeared out of nowhere. We didn't know where we were taken. The person who captured us said that little Austin killed him Son. Later I found out that because his son insulted Hepburn, little Austin failed to control his power and killed him. Later, he discovered that little Austin’s talent was so outstanding, so he thought of this The solution is to capture our husband and wife and lure little Austin here."

Speaking of this, Ling Xue's eyes became much gentler, "Little Austin was just like you back then. Because his parents were arrested, he was desperate to rescue us. I still remember when that guy gave the little one in front of us. The content of the letter written by Austin. He wrote in the letter: Austin Griffin, when you read this letter, your mother Audrey is already in our hands. You may not know why we took her away. Her. The reason is very simple. Because of the mistakes you made, your mother was taken away by us. Do you still remember the people you killed in Garmadon City? Killing for life, you can't just let it go. See this letter Letter, you take it to Thunder Silver Mountain in the south of Garmadon City, otherwise, your parents will pay for your life. Remember, don’t try to use the power of the magic tower. If the magicians of Dijon are also involved in this matter In the event, you will only see the bodies of your parents."

Speaking of this, Ling Xue's eyes suddenly showed unparalleled hatred, and her body even began to tremble, "They caught us, they insulted me in front of Osai, and then they removed Osai's body from the waist in front of me. Cut off. And when we saw little Austin in Leiyin Mountain, what he saw was me without clothes and Osei with only half of my body."

After hearing these words, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's hearts tightened involuntarily, and their minds subconsciously simulated the scenes in this story. If it were me, if this time, in the capital of the Kingdom of the Undead, I saw such parents, how would they react?

"Do you know who the bastard is who captured us and took revenge? He is the sixth-ranked Dharma God in the Tower of God, the Thunder Dharma God Higuain. He was also the emperor of the Sman Empire at that time."

"The royal family of the Sman Empire is relatively weak compared to the other two empires. The entire country is more managed by the Tower of God. The owner of the Tower of God, the strongest Dharma God, is the most powerful one in the country. The one with the most authority and right to speak.

Higuain, the Emperor of this generation of the Sman Empire, awakened his lightning attribute talent at an early age and became a lightning magician. Originally, his talent was not very good, but in order to become stronger, he became a servant of a powerful magician when he was young, thereby improving his talent, and with the help of this powerful magician, he improved step by step. , relying on the accumulation of a large number of resources, finally barely crossed the threshold of the Dharma God. But after all, his talent was insufficient. After becoming a Dharma God, he was also known as the weakest of the nine Dharma Gods in the empire.

He is both the emperor and the God of Dharma. This has already reached its peak. But the magic master he followed was a more powerful Dharma God. Even though he was already a Dharma God, he still had no say in major national affairs. And his wife is the strongest Dharma God in the Sman Empire, a demigod-level existence with at least over 900,000 spiritual powers. Legend has it that the Guardian of Space Order has exceeded 100, the Space Dharma God Tang Ling.

There is a princess in the empire named Ina.

Ina is not the child of Higuain and Tang Ling. As a powerful space magic god, Tang Ling is actually much older than Higuain. Coupled with its own elementalization, it has long been infertile. Ina was the child of Higuain and a maid with Tang Ling's permission. But after giving birth, the maid was killed by Tang Ling. Ina was later reluctantly accepted as a disciple because of her outstanding magic skills. And thus follow her. For the benefit of the country, he even does not hesitate to plant feelings. As for all this, Higuain is not qualified to stop it.

The reason why Higuain was allowed to give birth to Ina was so that someone in the Sman Empire could inherit the throne and continue to be the puppet of the Tower of God in the future.

The young man that Austin accidentally killed was actually Higuain's illegitimate son outside, and he was also the one who he believed would inherit the throne in the future. Because Higuain is also a magic god himself and is younger than Tang Ling, he is waiting for Tang Ling to die of old age. Then he would find a way for his son to inherit the throne, so that with his assistance, his descendants would be able to truly control the power of the empire in the future.

And all of this disappeared because of the death of the illegitimate son. That's why he hates my son so much. "

"My little Austin was more powerful than Higuain imagined. He had even mastered magic with six attributes at that time. In order to save us, he even prepared to kill the gods. However, in more than two months after being captured, , Osay and I both suffered inhuman torture, and our lives were already hanging by a thread. When little Austin finally rescued us, Higuain’s necromantic magic left in our bodies was triggered and taken away Our last vitality. Osei's remaining body was directly detonated by him to attack little Austin, and my body was pierced through Hepburn's chest under his control, and died in front of little Austin. My last memory at that time was just that I was controlled by Higuain and bit Austin's neck. Yes, I bit my son's neck. My only belief was not to hurt him. Do you know? At that moment, in my The moment before my soul was finally wiped out, what I was thinking about was not hatred, but it was like I was back to the way little Austin looked when I was a kid, holding him and kissing him. How I wish I could go back to that time! I wish my little Austin would never grow up."

At this point, Ling Xue was already in tears. How could Hepburn, who was standing aside, be the same?

Hepburn slowly came to Ling Xue, held her arm, and said softly: "Let me tell you what happens next."

Hepburn looked at Long Kongkong and said softly: "The deaths of Osei and Audrey greatly stimulated Austin, but the emperor Higuain had only cruelty on his face. He said to Austin: Do you feel it? Feel it? Do you feel the pain of losing a loved one? Yes, this is what I will bring to you. Next, it will be your turn. I will make you into a zombie, so that you will suffer pain forever and never be reincarnated. "

"At that time, Austin was almost crazy. He revealed a secret that only he and I knew. Yes, he was reincarnated into that world, and he was not originally human. He has extremely noble blood. He is A real god. He turned into a six-headed chimera and attacked Higuain crazily. In order to save his life, Higuain did not hesitate to expose the secret of cooperation with the Necromancer, which attracted the Necromancer to attack Austin. And when Austin repelled Higuain and the others, the barrier Higuain had been using to shield the outside world could no longer hold up. Finally, he attracted the space magic god Tang Ling, and three of Austin's teachers."

"Higuain called a deer a horse, saying that Austin was an unprecedentedly powerful creature that would destroy the entire world if it continued to exist. Therefore, he set up a plan to lure Austin to Thunder Silver Mountain and capture him. Unexpectedly, he was just Is it the eighth level that can already use forbidden spells, or multi-attribute forbidden spells. As for the necromancy magic, it was also summoned by Austin."

"Then Tang Ling didn't wait for Austin's three teachers to ask questions, and suddenly activated the space-based forbidden spell, imprisoning everyone. It turned out that she had long known about the relationship between Higuain and the Necromancer, and Tang Ling killed Austin The three teachers brought me, Austin, and Audrey’s bodies back and imprisoned them in the dungeon.”

"Higuain tortured me in front of Austin and chopped up my tongue bit by bit. He also broke Austin's hand tendons and hamstrings and cut off his tongue. He tortured and humiliated us every day. Us. I don't understand why he can be so despicable as a human being. And Tang Ling was no exception. She saw the strangeness in Austin and began to experiment with Austin's body and blood, hoping to obtain more information. A tremendous strength."

"At that time, we all lost the ability to speak, but during the time we were locked in the dungeon, we gradually learned lip reading so that we could communicate with each other. Austin was ready to compromise. In order to let me survive, he was ready to ask Tang Ling compromised and agreed to sign a master-servant contract with her and become her mount. Austin told me through lip language that he loved me, and although we were twelve years apart, I also loved him deeply. So, how could I allow my beloved to become the slave of the person he hates most?”

"In order to get Austin to agree to sign the contract, Tang Ling captured Higuain and told Higuain in front of us that the biological son he always thought he had hidden was not actually his son. He himself What he thought was a secret, in fact, Tang Ling already knew, and his real son was strangled to death by Tang Ling when he was just born. The son he thought was just a substitute found by Tang Ling. At that time, Tang Ling He told Austin that if he wanted to personally kill Higuain to avenge his parents, he would sign a contract. Austin agreed."

"How can I let the person I love most become the slave of others? At that time, I suddenly remembered that I once had something integrated into myself, a one-time artifact called the Stone of Ember Love. When When it is activated, it can burn everything in me, including life and soul, and then amplify it and pass it on to my lover. So, I lit it, and I will use my last effort to help my lover escape from the prison. I remember that I seemed to be able to make Austin hear my voice again. This was my last effort, because I wanted him to hear me tell him that I loved him. I saw his roar of pain, but , I can’t stop, I’m willing to do this for my Austin.”

Long Dangdang's eyes were full of shock and disbelief, but Long Kongkong's eyes had already turned blood red.

At this moment, Long Kongkong felt as if something was reviving in his brain. He seemed to hear a voice echoing in his ears. Everything described by Audrey and Hepburn seemed to be turning into extremely clear pictures flashing in his mind, and in Long Kongkong's heart, an indescribable aura of violence was rising crazily.

Long Dangdang also sensed something was wrong with his younger brother and quickly raised his hand to grab his shoulder. They have the same blood, and at this moment, his blood aura was instantly ignited with the same violence, and the terrifying aura lingered in his heart, almost rioting like crazy.

Audrey, Hepburn, and Osei Griffin, the Austin in this story, are undoubtedly them in the previous life. And is all this real? And everything seems to be telling them, yes!

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