Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 430 Long Kongkong’s past life memories

"Austin, do you remember? I just told you, what is love? Unfortunately, I can no longer accompany you all the time. I am your teacher, your sister, your attendant, even when you are fast When I grow up, I don't know who I should be to you. But I know very well that I love you, and no matter what kind of love it is, I love you."

"It was about two years ago. At that time, you were already at the sixth level. Maybe you don't know what it means to be at the sixth level at the age of eight. However, Holy Magister Sidi and Teacher Zhu Rong know it very well. They are all extremely shocked by your situation, and they all understand to some extent that you are different. After all, your innate spiritual power is likely to exceed 120, which is unprecedented."

"I still remember clearly that day, Teacher Zhu Rong found me. He said that he wanted to talk to me alone, and I naturally agreed. He took me to the treasure room of the Magic Tower and told me what you think about the earth. The importance of Rong tells me that in the future, you will definitely become the first person in the Dijong Magic Tower, and the first person in the entire Siman Empire. The Tower of God in the Siman Empire has gradually deteriorated and completely broken away. The true meaning of magic itself, the existence of magicians, is to make everything in the world better, but the Tower of God is just high up, only enslaves everything and controls all power and wealth. Therefore, they hope that you in the future can Change all that.”

"That day, Teacher Zhu Rong gave me something. It was an artifact. A very special artifact. It can only be used by a master-slave contract. It's called the Stone of Love. This artifact can only be used by It can only be used during the duration of the master-slave contract. He asked me at that time if, as a servant, I would be willing to dedicate my life to you if your life is in danger. The master-slave contract itself has restrictions in this regard. , However, the Stone of Ember Love has higher requirements, and it requires complete willingness to truly integrate this artifact into our contract. I agreed, and I told him that I was willing."

"Two years ago, I was really willing, but now I am even more willing. In fact, you never know that I am grateful to you. Although I often bully you, when I am with you, I I'm really happy. More importantly, without your sharing of talents, I would never have been able to become a powerful magician. My magic practice has come to an end long ago. It was you who gave me a new life. So, When you shared your talent with me, I secretly swore in my heart that I would always be by your side, work hard to become strong, and protect you well. In fact, I have never forgotten the promise I made to you. But I also know that’s impossible, after all, I’m so much older than you!”

"I have also thought that if one day, when you grow up and I am not too old, if you really want to be with me, maybe I can really be your wife. Whenever this happens When I think about it, I will secretly think about it at night after you fall asleep. This idea only started in the past year, because you have grown so fast and you have become completely like a young man. I know it You are only ten years old, but you are getting more and more handsome as you grow older. Being with you every day, I really have some emotional changes. Many times, you don’t know, but I squeeze your face to cover up my embarrassment. Really It was really wrong of me to fall in love with a boy who is so much younger than me."

"However, what I have never changed is my willingness to use the Stone of Love for you. I know your feelings for me, and if there is any other choice, I will not be willing to leave you. But now I I can't be so selfish anymore. I can't just watch you conclude a master-servant contract with this ruthless woman. The master-servant contract is different from the master-slave contract. It is a blood contract that can never be broken! If you become her Servant, then you will be enslaved by her forever. You are my student, how could I let my student, my little Austin, be enslaved by such a vicious woman? "

"Remember what I just said to you? Love is dedication. I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you to help you break through, help you become a Dharma God, and help you be free."

"Don't cry, Austin, don't cry when you are a human or a Chimera. For me, live well. Once the stone of love is ignited, it is irreversible. As your attendant, I will ignite my The fire of life and soul, assist you, multiply my power tenfold and transform it into your power. I am not actually dead, I just become a part of you."

"I can't let my little Austin suffer."

"It's such a pity that I can no longer be a Chimera magician. Austin, if there is another life, I hope that when I am with you, I can be the same age as you. I don't want to be your teacher, and I don't want to be you either. Attendant. Can you be my attendant? You must always protect me."

"Little Austin, I love you too."

This voice full of tenderness and reluctance, as well as despair and longing, kept echoing in Long Kongkong's mind. He even seemed to vaguely see the way her final light and shadow looked when she kissed his forehead.

Long Dangdang looked at his younger brother beside him, and felt that Long Kongkong seemed to be a different person at this time. The funny look of the past had completely disappeared. His eyes were red, and his aura was fluctuating very unsteadily, especially their... The strange bloodline from the same origin actually felt like it was boiling at this moment. It was a terrifying wave full of destruction and destruction.

"Mom..., Hepburn..." Long Kongkong murmured, his voice was a little hollow, but the breath of blood became stronger.

Ling Xue's story and Hepburn's narration made his mind echo with a memory that seemed to come from ancient times. Those words kept ringing in his ears, which were Hepburn's emotions. And deep in his heart, it seemed that the most painful and bad emotions were constantly resurrecting and gushing out.

Long Kongkong moved, as if he wanted to step forward.

"Kongkong." Long Dangdang shouted lowly and grabbed his brother's arm.

As soon as their bodies came into contact, their bodies shook at the same time as if they were electrocuted.

Long Dangdang felt an unparalleled strong negative emotion suddenly transmitted from Long Kongkong's body. On the other side, Long Kongkong's eyes were empty, but his eyes were shaken. In his mind, in addition to the last desperate murmur of Hepburn in his previous life, he was echoing. In addition, there is another memory echoing. It was a scene of him and his brother playing around when they were young.

He slowly turned his head, looked at Long Dangdang, and murmured: "You..., have you remembered?"

Long Dangdang looked at him blankly, then shook his head gently, yes, he didn't think of anything. The memories that appeared in Long Kongkong's mind did not appear in his heart. Undoubtedly, the story of Ling Xue and Hepburn was so shocking, but he still felt that something was wrong and very wrong while being shocked.

Hepburn stared at Long Kongkong and murmured: "You..., remember?"

Long Kongkong's eyes gradually became focused and he stared at her, "Hepburn, Hepburn."

Hepburn slowly stepped forward, but she was already in tears.

Long Kongkong suddenly broke away from Long Dangdang's hand on his arm, and with a sliding step, he came to Hepburn and hugged her tightly into his arms. Hepburn lay in his arms and cried loudly.

Long Dangdang raised his hand, but failed to catch his brother after all. Seeing them hugging each other and crying, he felt an inexplicable strong sense of panic in his heart. Because at this moment, he not only felt that his mother was no longer the mother before, but even his brother had changed.

Ling Xue looked at her eldest son, with a soft light shining in her eyes, "Kongkong has already remembered it, what about you, have you remembered it?"

Long Dangdang shook his head blankly, "What happened next? That world was destroyed, what about us? What happened to Kongkong and me? Why were you able to come to the Holy Demon Continent, and how did we resurrect?"

Ling Xue said: "Later, for a long time, my world was dark. In the darkness, I was surrounded by pain, despair and fear, and filled with heartbreaking pain. All of these were those It was brought to us by evil people. It wasn't until I woke up again that I felt what had happened. That world had been completely destroyed and turned into a kingdom of the undead. Everything was only darkness and fire. From other undead, I learned that there was a being that was a disaster to them, destroying everything. That being was called Austin Griffin, that is, you. When I knew the news, I felt a surge of emotion in my heart. Full of joy, I just want to find you and reunite with my son. However, I heard from the undead that my little Austin is dead and perished with the last force of mankind. At that moment, hatred and despair filled my heart again In the soul.”

"I walked aimlessly in that world until one day, I found an altar. When I stood on that altar, I felt the teacher's story and his inheritance. I didn't know the teacher's story. Why did it appear there? But when I woke up again from the shock, I was already in a cave. The altar was still the same altar, but the world had changed. I came to this world, the world where the teacher used to be. In Here, there are also hateful and dirty humans, humans who have harmed teachers."

"I received the inheritance from my teacher and spent an unknown amount of time practicing hard and improving myself. Until one day my power reached a critical point and I was finally able to try to resurrect through the teacher's undead magic. Resurrecting myself also Resurrection of the relatives who are most deeply remembered in my heart."

"But what I didn't expect was that after I was successfully resurrected, I lost my memory and became a person without memory. Later, I was rescued by your grandfather and grew up beside him. And soon, I I am faced with the ugliness of human beings again. They use various means to test me because of my unknown origins. I hate them very much, and every time I start to have negative emotions in my heart, I seem to be able to think of something."

"But at that time, the things I could remember were still limited. Very limited. I couldn't remember everything. I could only live a normal life like an ordinary human being. I couldn't even practice anything. Maybe it was because I needed to adapt. This reborn body. Until I met your father, when I saw him for the first time, I knew that he was the person I was looking for. I was reborn, and my Osai seemed to be reborn too. I can find the shadow of Osei in him, but I didn't know this at that time, and I just fell in love with him at first sight. Your grandpa didn't understand why I fell in love with him, an ordinary priest who was not very outstanding. But, I I just like it, it seems to be love at first sight. It wasn’t until I recovered my memory that I realized that this was an arrangement of fate. Not only because of the relationship between him and me, but also because, only when we are together can we have you! Only then can I resurrect my little Austin. Just like when Kong Kong saw Hepburn for the first time, he must have felt love at first sight at that time, so they came together. This was all fate. Fate In the end, our family was favored and we were given a chance to come back.”

"I was ten months pregnant, but what I didn't expect was that I would give birth to a pair of twin sons, instead of just one son like little Austin. At that time, my memory had not yet recovered, and I was just for you. And proud. Later, when my memory recovered, I was also very surprised. According to the records of undead magic, such reincarnation should be the same as before. Why did one of you become two."

"But no matter what, you are all my sons, and I love you equally. Later, you left to study in the Holy City. It was after you left that I began to have some vague feelings. I can feel it. Your bloodline is awakening, and I myself seem to be awakening with your awakening. The undead magic that I practiced hard in my previous life began to return, and my memory also began to return. So, I returned to the place where your grandfather found me. A small island. At that time, I discovered that with that small island as the center, many undead creatures had appeared on the nearby land close to the sea. Maybe it was because I came here in the first place, or because of the power of the altar. Let the undead begin to appear.”

"Compared with humans, the undead are simple. And with my powerful inheritance of the Holy Law of the Undead, I can easily command them and make my orders their mission. I feel more and more the beauty of the world of the undead. "

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