Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 438 Don’t forget your original intention?

The Kingdom of the Undead, the Scourge City, and the Mithril Castle!

Long Kongkong sat cross-legged on the bed. On his chest, a jet-black vortex rotated at high speed, and strips of black light stretched out from the center of his body.

The already extremely rich elemental power in the air was gathering towards his body at an alarming speed.

In Nuo Da's room, except for the dark blue on the left, it was almost completely covered by the dark ink-like light strip.

And within the dark blue light shield, there were three figures standing, the tall Lich King, Hepburn with a worried and focused face, and the Lord of the Undead Kingdom, the Holy Law God of the Undead, who was also the mother of Long Kongkong. Ling Xue.

Long Kongkong, who was practicing, looked extremely calm, but in this calmness, his own temperament was completely different from his past.

Coldness and silence replaced the original laziness and humor. The change in his temperament made him look several years older than he had been a few months ago.

"Don't worry, it's just a breakthrough to the eighth level. It must be easy for him. Even I don't know how much power his strange bloodline contains." The Holy Law God of the Dead Ling Xue said to Hepburn beside her.

Hepburn nodded slightly, but the worry between her brows did not diminish. Only she herself knows what she is worried about.

At this moment, the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace on Long Kongkong's chest suddenly shook, and the next moment, the suction force on his body suddenly increased. He opened his eyes almost instantly. At this moment, the whole room seemed to be lit up by his eyes. An aura full of coldness and destruction suddenly burst out from him, and the temperature of the entire room seemed to drop a lot.

"Broken!" Long Kongkong shouted. The aura on his body suddenly surged. The elemental power around the body instantly solidified and solidified into a gang. Level 8, broken through!

The next moment, a purple-gold color full of nobility and destruction surged out of his body almost instantly. Powerful thoughts of destruction suddenly burst out, and the elemental power in the air was shattered one after another, and then was swallowed up by the Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace. Kong Kong’s breath also soared.

Fine purple-gold scales emerged on the surface of his skin, and a purple-gold halo surrounded his body. All elements that approached his body would first break, and then turn into a special kind of void energy that he pulled into his body and disappeared. No trace.

"Yes, it is such a power. The power to destroy the world that was full of despicable things." The eyes of the Holy Law God of the Dead began to become excited. Her eyes were a little moist, and all kinds of memories from her past life, especially the painful memories that were unforgettable, kept echoing in her heart.

No matter what, tragedy will never happen again. Despicable human beings must be completely eradicated in order to change everything.

What the Temple Federation doesn't know is that the reason why the Kingdom of the Undead continues to shrink its defense line is because the Holy Law God of the Undead is guarding his son and waiting for his memory to awaken. Also waiting for the return of his strength. For Ling Xue, nothing is more important than finding her little Austin. In other words, she is no longer the Ling Xue she once was, but the Audrey of her previous life, Audrey, the Holy God of the Dead.

Two vortexes seemed to appear in Long Kongkong's eyes, and various chaotic memories were constantly gathering, changing, and sorting out in this vortex. There is the past life and there is the present life.

In three months, with the help of his mother, he recovered a little more of his memory, but he only recovered the unforgettable hatred and some moments of growth in his previous life. As for where the strange blood power of him and Long Dangdang came from, there is still no answer. Audrey also does not know the source of their blood power. She only knows that Austin Griffin in the previous life relied on this This powerful bloodline power transcends all human power and eventually destroys that world.

At this moment, in the process of breaking through the eighth level, some memories emerged in his mind.

It was a dark world. In the huge dark world, countless firelights suddenly lit up. Strong hatred suddenly burst out in his heart.

He saw human figures one after another. Each human figure was extremely huge and possessed extremely powerful power. And these forces are converging, converging towards a larger figure.

That huge figure has nine huge heads. Is this a Chimera? Chimera in Hepburn's mouth. Is it the body of my predecessor? Nine-headed Chimera!

The human figures, gathering power from nowhere, attacked him with all their strength.

He felt as if the whole world was malicious, and everything was moving towards him.

A violent emotion rose from the deepest part of his heart. In Long Kongkong's perception, it seemed that his heart was filled with countless injustices. The memory was not clear, but the strong emotional fluctuations impacted his mind again and again.

Ever since I came to the Kingdom of the Undead, to the Scourge City, and to the Mithril Castle. In fact, the stimulation he endured far exceeded that of Long Dangdang.

After all, Long Dangdang went deep into the Kingdom of the Undead on his own, felt the existence of the Kingdom of the Undead a little bit, and then sneaked into the Mithril Castle through the opportunity of the Undead Princess to choose a son-in-law.

For Long Dangdang, the biggest thrill was the moment he discovered that his mother was the monarch of the country of the dead, the Holy Law God of the Dead. But for Long Kongkong, he was suddenly forcibly transported because of his brother's crisis, and then he surprisingly discovered the changes in his mother and Hepburn, and then suddenly awakened his memory. All of this forcibly stimulated his mind, making him feel a little insane.

The memories of the past life are so clear, but similarly, the memories of this life are also deeply imprinted in the soul.

In this life, he was just a lazy young man who was always protected by his elder brother. Later, as opportunities came, he gradually began to become stronger. The relationship between him and his brother is undoubtedly very deep. They are twins and share the same bloodline.

However, when he carried the memories of his previous life, his mother told him that his brother should not have existed in the first place, and his bloodline should also belong to him, and he was the great demon king who once destroyed the world. And with the recovery of his memory, he gradually remembered these things, and his character and emotions were being disturbed by all this.

His heart was extremely chaotic, so in the few months since he came here, he spent more time on cultivation. Only in this way can he have a relatively quiet environment.

However, completely different emotions collided with each other in his past life and this life, putting him in danger again and again. At this time, Hepburn was like a clear spring that warmed his heart and kept his heart calm.

But at this moment, with the improvement of his cultivation, the strange blood in his body was boiling and bursting out crazily. The memory of his previous life became more clear at this moment and impacted his heart. He has even Some understand why my mother changed so much before and after. Whoever had awakened such a memory and had such a painful experience in the previous life would still have a drastic change in personality.

The strong thoughts full of destruction and destruction were constantly impacting his soul. Long Kongkong's heart was extremely painful at this time. He could clearly feel that some of the persistence in his heart was collapsing, and the powerful spiritual will to destroy everything was taking over. Take advantage.

His spiritual power was rising crazily. Around his body, the originally bright spiritual power had completely overlapped with his own strange blood. A deep purple burst out from his body, and the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace on his chest was devouring it crazily. All elements are transformed into themselves, just like a long whale absorbing water. Long Kongkong can feel that his power is constantly increasing, especially the power of his own bloodline, which seems to be able to be better controlled with the arrival of memories of past lives. Master it to strengthen yourself by devouring your own original spiritual power.

Power is all-round, not just spiritually, but also physically. Every part of his body was being nourished by the strange blood, and the noble purple-gold color began to spread throughout his body, while the will to destroy went straight to the heavenly spirit.

It seems that only destroying everything can make him feel happy.

Long Dangdang's emotions began to develop in a direction that was out of control. He didn't know why he was like this, but he was sure that he couldn't control himself in this state. Sanity is being lost bit by bit.

At this moment, a bit of golden light flickered quietly on Long Kongkong's chest. The soft golden color spread outwards and blended into his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace, immediately covering the surroundings of the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace that was as dark as ink. A touch of gold. The appearance of this layer of gold makes the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace's devouring of elements slower. This also slowed down the boiling speed of Long Kongkong's own strange blood.

Surrounded by a soft golden halo, Long Kongkong felt a slight relaxation in his body and mind. The coolness was quietly stimulating his soul, giving him a brief pause in the madness in his heart.

"Yutong..." Long Kongkong was stunned, and the name suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Alas..." A pleasant sigh also appeared in his mind. Wasn't it Yutong's voice?

In the process of Long Kongkong's personal strength growth, Long Dangdang may have had the greatest influence on him, but it was Long Dangdang who helped him the most, and even allowed him to step by step from being a drag in the team to becoming an indispensable member, not now. His core spiritual furnace, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, is the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace, which is known as the top ten spiritual furnaces of wisdom in the Spiritual Furnace Academy.

It can be said that without Yutong, he would not be where he is today. All along, Yutong has been guiding him forward, integrating what he has learned for him. When he was in the most danger, it was Yutong who took the initiative to save him. life.

The person Long Kongkong relies on most is undoubtedly his brother Long Dangdang, but the second one is definitely Yu Tong. It can even be said that having Yutong around is the best guarantee for his safety-first approach.

Since arriving here, Yutong has never guided him again. And Long Kongkong seemed to have selectively forgotten, really forgetting her. Until this moment, when his mind was greatly shocked and his emotions were about to lose control, Yutong, who had been guarding him all this time, finally appeared again.

The appearance of Yutong gave Long Kongkong a strong sense of security for no reason. This sense of security also calmed down his originally violent emotions.

Ji Lingling shuddered. Long Kongkong immediately realized how dangerous his situation was. Once he lost control of his emotions, he would not even say whether he would go crazy. Perhaps, I will become completely different from myself.

"Kongkong, do you still remember your original intention?" Yu Tong's voice sounded in his heart again.

"My original intention? What is my original intention?" Long Kongkong was stunned. He really didn't remember what his original intention was.

"Is it destruction, destruction?" Yutong asked.

"No, no, it's definitely not this. It seems to be..., safety first? Is it okay to be patient?" Long Kongkong was stunned.

Yutong said: "Don't forget your original intention! You are still a human being after all. Only by sticking to your original intention can you always succeed."

"Original intention..., original intention." Long Kongkong was a little startled, but the mania in his heart gradually faded away a lot.

"Yu Tong, what should I do? Don't you want revenge?" Long Kongkong asked. But Yutong seemed to have disappeared and did not answer his words again.

Long Kongkong opened his eyes subconsciously, and immediately, he saw that the entire room where he practiced had turned into a purple-gold color. And this purple-gold light is reflected from his own body. His whole body was covered with a layer of purple-gold luster, and his overall condition seemed a bit special. The surface of the skin is covered with a layer of purple-gold scales, and a powerful sense of power fills the whole body, as if it can tear the entire world apart.

It’s the eighth level, yes, I’m already the eighth level. However, he also discovered that the power of light in his body had completely disappeared, replaced only by the powerful power of purple-gold blood. There is no doubt that this is more powerful than the previous light attribute. But for some reason, Long Kongkong already felt like he was no longer himself.

Don’t forget your original intention, Yutong reminded himself, don’t forget your original intention.

Just then, the door opened. Ling Xue, wearing a blue-gold robe, walked in from outside.

"My little Austin, you have finally broken through. You are at the eighth level, and you are moving towards the strongest direction. Just after you broke through, I can already feel that you are already invincible at the eighth level. When you break through the ninth level, That day is the day we clean up the world.”

Long Kongkong looked at Ling Xue with burning eyes. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be violent again.

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