Long Dangdang opened his eyes, and in an instant, the entire training room seemed to become brighter. He could clearly feel that every spiritual furnace in his body was releasing stronger aura fluctuations, and seemed to be rejoicing, celebrating his successful breakthrough.

At this moment, he has been promoted from the seventh-level Templar Knight to the eighth-level Paladin, and also to the Adamantine Pedestal Knight and Dragon Knight. And his age is likely to set a record for eighth-level Paladin breakthrough. Even comparable to the former first federal president.

After breaking through to the eighth level, Long Dangdang gained many new insights. He has a variety of abilities, especially his own unique clone ability, plus multiple spiritual furnaces, and dual cultivation of magic and knighthood. In past battles, he had used these abilities in a coordinated manner as much as possible, so that they could produce the effect of one plus one greater than two. As his cultivation level improved, he actually focused more on his knightly abilities. After all, combat was more direct. In the team, he, the core knight, is also needed to be at the forefront. In this regard, his younger brother seems much less reliable.

However, after breaking through to the eighth level, Long Dangdang clearly felt that the original mixed feeling of his abilities disappeared, and instead felt a sense of harmony and harmony. The formation of the spiritual gang allowed him to better control the elements. Even all his spiritual furnaces and even the power of his blood had evolved to a certain extent. This evolution greatly improved his strength. Integrating all of this, he is now fully confident to compete with the ninth-level powerhouse who owns the domain.

The newly acquired ability still needs to be adapted, but in any case, after breaking through to the eighth level, his ban was also lifted.

He had already felt the breath outside the training room door, floated up, and walked out of the training room.

Outside the door, several saints, including Grandpa Ling, were already waiting there.

Seeing Mr. Ling, Long Dangdang's heart couldn't help but tremble subconsciously. If his grandfather knew that the daughter he had rescued and raised was now completely on the opposite side of mankind and aimed at destroying mankind, who knew how powerful he was? sad.

"Dangdang, how are you? Is everything going well?" Mr. Ling looked at Long Dangdang with a smile. With his cultivation, he could certainly feel the changes in Long Dangdang's aura at this time.

He is also at the eighth level, but his grandson is not an ordinary eighth level! He is the champion of the inheritance competition and the most talented young talent in all mankind. He has reached the eighth level of cultivation in his early twenties. If it weren't for the powerful threat from the Kingdom of the Undead, in the past peaceful period, it would not have been impossible to cultivate him as the successor of the hall leader.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I have successfully broken through." Long Dangdang saluted Mr. Ling respectfully, and then saluted the other two saints.

The two saints also nodded to him, and Long Dangdang was filled with aura as the champion of the inheritance competition. Moreover, the reason why the current frontline war is going smoothly is, from some aspects, directly related to the important information about the Kingdom of the Undead brought back by Long Dangdang.

"As long as it goes well. What are your plans next?" Mr. Ling asked.

Long Dangdang said without hesitation: "I want to go to the front line. Whether it's by joining the army or joining a demon hunting group."

Mr. Ling took a deep look at him. As the second-ranked priest in the temple, although he was not the oldest in the temple, he could be said to have read a thousand sails. He could clearly understand I feel the difference between Long Dangdang now and in the past. He couldn't help but sigh and said: "As children, you brothers have done your best. From the perspective of a father and a grandfather, I completely understand your previous actions, and I can't wait to replace them with my own life. However, from the perspective of the entire federation, It seems that your current position no longer allows you to take risks. This is why the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple remind you by punishing you. The two temples are not stingy with an artifact, but are worried about You have another adventure after you have the artifact. No matter if you go to the front line, at least fighting against the Kingdom of the Undead will make you feel better. But no matter what, you must protect yourself, understand?"

The two temples belonging to the Magic Temple and the Knights Temple couldn't help but feel helpless after listening to Mr. Ling's words. Not stingy with artifacts? That's easy to say! Long Dangdang's last risky behavior greatly reduced his status in the two major temples, and even in the hearts of the temples. Although the news he brought back was very important, he still had the label of disregarding the overall situation.

Artifacts are the most precious strategic resources for any temple. It is not an easy task to get them out of the two temples.

"I understand, thank you grandpa for reminding me. I have been impulsive once and will not be impulsive again." Long Dangdang lowered his head and said.

"That's good, I'll be relieved to see you break through successfully. Don't rush to the front line, stabilize your own cultivation first. The eighth level is a very important stage for the growth of a professional. It builds on the past and the future. Before you enter Before reaching the ninth level, you must perfect yourself and accumulate yourself as much as possible at the eighth level, and at the same time sort out your future path. Only then can you truly have something of your own after breaking through the ninth level. I will go back first. You and Monroe, you should communicate more." After saying that, Mr. Ling gave a slight greeting to the other two saints and then turned around and left.

Watching the old man from the Priest Temple leave, Xuan Hanyan from the Knight Temple nodded to Long Dangdang and said: "Dangdang, congratulations on your breakthrough and becoming a Paladin."

"Thank you Shengtang." Long Dangdang still had a good impression of this Shentang. He has helped me more than once.

The one who came from the Magic Temple was Ji Suifeng, the god of plant magic and known as the oasis of life. He looked at Long Dangdang and nodded, saying, "Congratulations."

Long Dangdang also nodded to him.

Xuan Hanyan said: "Dangdang, your situation is quite special now. Just now you told Mr. Ling that you always wanted to go to the front line, right?"

Long Dangdang nodded.

Xuan Hanyan was silent for a moment and said: "Since you came back last time, your matter has been discussed several times within the church. Therefore, you must be mentally prepared."

Ling Menglu on the side couldn't help but said: "Isn't the punishment for Dangdang to be confined until he breaks through the eighth level? Now that he has broken through, what additional punishment is needed?"

If we say that when the inheritance competition just ended, Long Dangdang's status among the six major temples had already caught up with Ling Menglu, or even surpassed it. Well, after the last time he stole into the Kingdom of the Dead, his ranking was significantly lowered, but Ling Menglu was different. She had already mastered the artifact Archangel Scepter, and it was almost certain that she would become the next Priest Saint. The hall master may even attack the hall master. Therefore, even the reigning Holy Church had to pay attention to her attitude.

Xuan Hanyan said: "Goddess, please be patient. The punishment is over. However, the two artifacts that Dangdang should have been awarded due to the inheritance competition cannot be given to him for the time being. At the same time, the Holy Church still needs to carry out tests on him. A comprehensive test to confirm whether he can go to the front line or even leave the headquarters. You must understand that this is the best protection for Dangdang. The temple is worried that his current mood will be unstable."

Having said this, she stared at Long Dangdang and said: "Dangdang, do you think you can go to the front line in your current mood? And make sure you don't do anything drastic."

Long Dangdang looked at Xuan Hanyan calmly and said: "I can. I have figured it out. Fighting against the kingdom of the undead is not something I can do alone. I want to find my parents or avenge them. , and my brother. Then, the only way is to completely defeat the Kingdom of the Undead. Moreover, I also understand that the temple may not only be worried about my emotional instability. They are also worried that the Kingdom of the Undead will take advantage of My relatives are here to threaten me into doing something bad for the Federation, right?”

As soon as these words came out, Ling Menglu's expression suddenly changed. She had never thought about this before. Just listen to what Long Dangdang said at this time, right? Last time Dangdang went to the Kingdom of the Undead and finally teleported back, but Long Kongkong and his parents were trapped in the Kingdom of the Undead. Who can guarantee that he will not become an undercover agent of the Kingdom of the Dead when threatened? This is what the temple is most worried about, and it actually has nothing to do with Long Dangdang's emotional stability.

Xuan Hanyan couldn't help but be stunned when she heard that Long Dangdang pointed this out directly. There was no doubt that Long Dangdang was extremely smart. He was right, there was a heated discussion within the church because of his matter. It is difficult to say that Long Dangdang retreated and returned. After all, no one knows what he encountered in the kingdom of the undead. Everything was told from his side of the story. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Undead has been too weak in the past few months of war, and has lost a large number of disciples. This is different from the strength of the Kingdom of the Undead that was previously detected by the Temple Federation. , the real strong man from the Kingdom of the Undead did not appear.

Feeling the strange look in Xuan Hanyan's eyes, Long Dangdang sighed softly and said: "I am willing to accept all assessments from the Federation. I will also prove my abilities in the near future. At the same time, I will break away from my current job of hunting demons. A regiment, a single person performing tasks for the Federation."

The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is no longer the general-level demon hunting group of the past. In this demon hunting group, not counting Long Kongkong, there are several candidates for the temple, especially Ling Menglu. A goddess is here. The Federation cannot afford to lose such a demon hunting group.

After listening to Long Dangdang's words, Xuan Hanyan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help feeling a little sad for the young man in front of her. The concerns of the saints were undoubtedly justified, and she supported this. However, it is definitely a sad thing for such an outstanding young man like Long Dangdang, who was originally an outstanding person to become the successor of the hall master, to be suspected because of this.

"No, I don't agree. No matter when, I will never separate from you." At this moment, Ling Menglu next to her suddenly said.

She took two steps forward and came to Long Dangdang's side to stand side by side with him. "If the Federation wants to conduct an assessment, we will be assessed together. I am willing to work with Dangdang, and I completely believe in him. At the same time, I will never Separate from him. If the Federation doesn't trust us, I can return the Archangel Scepter."

Her voice was extremely firm, and she didn't even look at Long Dangdang, but she had already reached out to hold his arm.

Long Dangdang's heart trembled and he resisted not looking at Ling Menglu.

Ji Suifeng frowned and said, "Goddess, this is not the time to act on impulse."

Ling Menglu shook her head lightly, "I'm not acting on impulse, this is my final decision. It's useless even if Dangdang doesn't want to make this decision of mine. I will continue to implement it like this, and I will not be separated from him. So, Whatever the assessment is, we will take it together."

She was not telling the two saints, but she was also telling Long Dangdang how determined her attitude was.

Long Dangdang sighed secretly, patted her arm gently, looked at Xuan Hanyan, and said: "Excuse me, what assessment do I need to take in the Holy Church?"

Xuan Hanyan said: "As for your assessment, the church has already made a decision, which is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the assessment of strength. You will be personally evaluated by the church outside the two temples of knights and magic. Conduct an assessment. The second is that you are required to swear an oath of inner demons under the witness of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, never to betray humanity. The third is that a referendum is required by all the holy churches to confirm whether you can still become the inheritor. .”

After hearing her words, before Long Dangdang could speak, Ling Menglu beside him was already angry. She took a step forward and said angrily: "Aren't you afraid that the church will treat us like this, so that we will feel cold? Dangdang just went to rescue his parents, what's wrong with that?" Over the years, we have been working hard for the Federation, and after becoming demon hunters, we have also worked hard to complete the mission. Why did the Federation do this to him?"

Xuan Hanyan sighed, "I can understand your mood. But this is decided by a referendum of all the Holy Church. In the face of a powerful enemy, the Federation must be cautious. Precisely because Dangdang's identity is important, the Holy Church must ensure his status. . After all, he should have been trained as the next hall leader! The greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility, the greater the pressure he will face. Dangdang, can you understand? You need to use your actions to Prove to everyone that you are still the same Dragon Dangdang, and that no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can face them bravely."

Looking at Xuan Hanyan, Long Dangdang raised his hand and pulled Ling Menglu back to him. Ling Menglu's pretty face turned slightly red with anger. She couldn't accept that the one she loved was being blamed like this.

Long Dangdang nodded to Xuan Hanyan and said: "I understand everything you said. Therefore, I agree to conduct these three assessments. Then please arrange it as soon as possible. I want to go to the front line and join the war as soon as possible. , and contribute more to the Federation’s fight against the Kingdom of the Undead.”

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