Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 440 Assassin Temple Master Holy Lightning

When he heard the assessment mentioned by Xuan Hanyan, was Long Dangdang really in such a calm mood? Is there dissatisfaction and anger in his heart? Of course there is. But at the same time, he also understood. As Xuan Hanyan said, it is precisely because his position is so important that the Federation is so cautious.

What's more, among the three assessments, relatively speaking, taking the oath of the inner demon, which was originally the most reprehensible, was what Long Dangdang wanted to do the most. Because, his oath will be carried out under the witness of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

He clearly remembered that the Lich King, his father, said that if there was really a possibility of changing all of this, perhaps the Sealed Throne of Eternity and Creation was the only chance.

Although, with his current level of cultivation, he is far from being able to obtain this super artifact and be recognized by the being who is also the head of the Twelve Watchers. But at least, being able to see the real Divine Seal Throne would also give him a preliminary understanding, and even understanding, of this super artifact.

Therefore, Long Dangdang agreed to the assessment without hesitation.

Looking at him who still maintained a calm expression, Xuan Hanyan nodded slightly, sighed softly, and said: "Don't worry about the Knights Temple. We will fully support you. After all, you are one of us. "

Ji Suifeng on the side said helplessly: "Not only are you a member of the Knight Temple, but you are also a member of our Magic Temple! Don't take advantage of us."

Xuan Hanyan glanced at him and said: "Then can you guarantee that all the six saints in your Magic Temple support Dangdang? If that is the case, maybe the assessment will not be necessary."

Ji Suifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, it's true. We don't have the unity among you. Otherwise, why have you always been the leader of the six temples? Anyway, I personally believe in Dangdang. I am from the plant department, and I am alone. I can still tell whether the light is real or fake."

Plants need light to grow. This plant magic god is extremely sensitive to the attribute of light. Whether it is Long Dangdang or Ling Menglu, he will subconsciously feel affinity. This is only possible with extremely pure light power.

Long Dang said: "Then please ask the Holy Church to arrange it as soon as possible."

Xuan Hanyan nodded and said: "We have made a decision before. Now that you have completed the breakthrough, arrangements should be made soon."


Xuan Hanyan took a deep look at him and said, "Dangdang, I know this is not fair to you. From a personal point of view, you have done nothing wrong, but you have to understand that the Federation was originally in your hands. The expectations and responsibilities that come with it. You can't be treated the same as ordinary people, so I hope you understand."

Long Dangdang nodded again and said: "You are right, I understand. I will try my best to prove myself in the assessment. In fact, I don't care that much about whether to become a successor. What I care about is being able to go into battle to kill the enemy. I will make my own contribution to fight against the Kingdom of the Undead and strive for even a slight chance of survival for my parents and younger brother."

Xuan Hanyan sighed softly, "You are a good boy. Then we will go back first, and you will get the news first. The specific assessment date has been set, and we will notify you as soon as possible."

"Congratulations to the two saints."

Xuan Hanyan and Ji Suifeng left. The anger on Ling Menglu's pretty face did not decrease much, "Dangdang, this is unfair."

Long Dangdang held her hand, sighed softly, and said: "In this world, there is no absolute fairness, right? What's more, it was wrong for me to go to the Kingdom of the Dead privately, and all my family members fell into the Kingdom of the Dead. Under the circumstances, it is natural for the Federation and the Temple not to trust me. Just like the Temple said, my status is different and there is nothing I can do about it."

The anger on Ling Menglu's face gradually dissipated, and she looked at Long Dangdang, who had a very calm face, and said softly: "If you feel pain in your heart, just say it. You can't tell others, but you can tell me, at least you can feel better. ." As she spoke, she took the initiative to lean into Long Dangdang's arms and hug him.

Long Dangdang raised his hand and wanted to touch her long hair, but finally put it down and said softly: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I will be strong. If I'm not strong enough, there will really be no solution." Will save them."

The wait did not take long. Three days later, Long Dangdang received the notice. Accompanied by their partners, they arrived at the main trial ground at the temple headquarters.

This place is usually a place for high-level professionals of seventh level and above who are stationed at the temple headquarters to study and practice, and is not open to the public.

Today it is closed to the outside world. It is only open to Long Dangdang’s assessment.

Entering the trial field, Long Dangdang immediately felt a somewhat condensed atmosphere. On one side of the trial field, there were ten saints lined up in a row, sitting on seats.

At the same time, on the other side of the trial field, light curtains were flickering, with familiar or unfamiliar faces appearing on them. With the light curtain and the churches on site, there were actually thirty-six of the six major temples, including the church masters.

The temples that are not present include the temples of knights and magicians that need to be avoided, and there are also temples that are on the front line and cannot come back.

Long Dangdang's friends, including Ling Menglu, were stopped at the entrance and were not allowed to enter further. Only Long Dangdang was allowed to enter the trial field.

Seeing this scene in front of her, the original resistance in Ling Menglu's heart was relieved a bit. For Long Dangdang, all thirty-six members of the temple came together, which was enough to show how much the temple valued Long Dangdang. From this perspective, at least it is not a bad thing for Long Dangdang. Of course, the premise is that he can pass the three tests, otherwise, it may not be as simple as being unable to become a successor.

Long Dangdang didn't stop until he walked in front of the ten saints present. He crossed his right fist across his chest and performed a knight's salute. Then he raised his right hand, holding the staff emptyly, and performed a magician's etiquette.

Among the ten temples, the two sitting in the middle are obviously of higher status. One of them is the master of the Priest Temple and the master of the Assassin Temple.

Although I am not familiar with these two palace masters, Long Dangdang, I have seen them both in the inheritance competition. These two also represent the pinnacle of the current six temple priests and assassins.

The master of the Priest Temple is named Yun Na, who is a peak saint with a cultivation level of at least ninth level and above. You know, above the ninth level, there is one step at a time. The spiritual power requirement for the first level of the ninth level is 100,000, and the second level is 200,000. The fourth level of the ninth level is already the small group of people who stand at the top of the world. What's more, the priest profession itself is the slower among the six major professions in terms of cultivation.

The master of the Assassin Temple is named Sheng Shan Lei. He is a peak warrior, and his cultivation level is also level nine or above. His whole body was shrouded in a black cloak. His face was old and his body was thin, like a dying old man. Even his eyes were dim. But there is no doubt that he can be said to be the most dangerous one among all the thirty-six Templars.

At this time, the eyes of all the saints were focused on Long Dangdang. Today, Long Dangdang is wearing a standard knight uniform. He has a straight figure, a handsome face that looks very calm, and his eyes are deep and bright. Even if he is facing There are so many strong men at the temple level, but not even the slightest bit of timidity.

Yun Na looked at him, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "You are indeed the champion of the inheritance competition, the leader among the younger generation. Hello Long Dangdang, this assessment is very important to you, so we hope you can Treat yourself in your best condition. At the same time, please understand that the reason why the church made the decision to assess you is also very difficult."

Long Dangdang nodded and said nothing. He actually knew in his heart that after he sneaked into the Kingdom of the Undead, it was unlikely that he would be trained as a backup hall master again, because there were already flaws in his resume, and the current assessment was more about whether he You can also qualify to become a successor and become a saint in the future.

But why would he care about this now? All he cares about is his family far away in the Disaster City. The obsession in his heart was beyond the imagination of these holy churches.

Sheng Shan Lei's somewhat deep voice then sounded, "The first assessment will be conducted on you next. Judging from your performance in the inheritance competition, you already have the ability to fight against the ninth level. Now that you You have already broken through the eighth level, and your cultivation is further advanced, so you should naturally have stronger abilities. For the sake of fairness, one of our ten saints will be randomly selected to be your opponent later. You need to compete with this person. In the battle against the Holy Temple, you must persist for more than five minutes to pass. If you cannot persist, then you need to continue to go back to practice in seclusion until you break through the ninth level, and you will be reassessed."

Long Dangdang's eyes moved slightly, and he persisted in the battle with the Holy Temple for five minutes. The ten saints present have different cultivation levels! There are ninth-level and second-level temples, and there are also ninth-level and fourth-level temples with two temple masters. This is the difference between 200,000 spiritual power and 400,000 spiritual power. Never generalize.

"If the one you draw is a temple of level 9 or above, we will suppress the cultivation level to level 9 or level 2." What Sheng Shan Lei added next cleared up Long Dangdang's doubts.

After all, he is only eighth level! Facing a terrifying powerhouse at level 9 and level 4, let alone five minutes, I'm afraid it's a question of whether he can hold on for five seconds. The gap in spiritual power is so great that it is almost impossible to make up for it.

"Yes." Long Dangdang bowed slightly.

"Let's begin." Sheng Shanlei said calmly.

The next moment, a beam of light fell from the sky, first landing on the saint on the far left. Then, the light began to flash rapidly, illuminating all the saints respectively. The speed was extremely fast, and there was no trace of anything. law.

After more than ten seconds, the leader of the Priest Temple, Yun Na, suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

The light suddenly stopped and fell on the central area, just covering the current master of the Assassin Temple, Holy Lightning.

Seeing this scene, some of Long Dangdang's friends standing outside the trial site in the distance already exclaimed.

Even if one has suppressed cultivation to level nine and level two, there are differences in combat skills and combat experience. As a top knight who stands at the pinnacle of assassins in the world today, there is no doubt that Holy Flash Thunder is definitely the most difficult test today. Long Dangdang's luck is really not ideal.

Long Dangdang himself seemed very calm, his eyes fixed on Sheng Shan Lei.

The master of the Assassin Temple stood up slowly. He was not tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, and his body was even a little stooped. His thin figure gave people the impression of a dying man.

"You can choose the battlefield terrain." Sheng Shanlei waved his hand, and a light curtain suddenly lit up in front of Long Dangdang.

The light shot down from the top of the trial field. Different patterns and text appeared on them.

They are forest, desert, arena, ocean, hills and sky.

This is obviously a competitive environment that can be chosen in the trial field, and letting Long Dangdang choose is undoubtedly the last preferential treatment for him. The environment can play a certain factor in the battle between different professions. Of course, this refers to a certain level of cultivation. After reaching the ninth level, the environment actually does not play such a big role.

After Long Dangdang pondered for a moment, he raised his hand and pressed towards an area on the light screen.

Seeing him pressing towards this area, most of the saints were a little surprised.

Compared to the Knights Temple and the Magic Temple, the other four temples did not know that much about Long Dangdang. After all, he rose too fast. For most churches, he can basically be said to have become a blockbuster in the inheritance competition.

"Are you sure?" Sheng Shanlei also showed a bit of surprise in his eyes. He did not expect Long Dangdang to make such a choice.

"OK." Long Dangdang nodded seriously.

"Okay, that's it, I'll give you ten minutes to prepare. Then the assessment will begin." Sheng Shanlei said calmly.

"Okay." Long Dangdang withdrew his palm from the light screen, his eyes flashing with light.

The area he pressed his palm on previously was named: Sky!

Yes, he chose the sky as his battlefield. For assassins, low-level assassins may not be good at this field, but after reaching the sixth level and above, for assassins with spiritual wings, the sky is undoubtedly the best place to display their skills. There is no obstruction, which is enough for them to use their speed. Maximize your advantages. At the level of Holy Lightning, there is no need to hide to fight.

Professionally speaking, knights can restrain assassins to a certain extent, but the sky itself is not the battlefield where knights are best at. From a professional perspective, a battlefield with a smaller space like the arena seems to be more suitable for knights to fight assassins. But Long Dangdang chose the sky.

Long Dangdang sat down cross-legged and entered a meditative state almost instantly, and his whole aura became calm. It seemed that he had completed his meditation in just a moment.

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