Although the Federation predicted that the enemy would launch an offensive while the army was still in a precarious position, it did not expect that the Kingdom of the Undead's offensive would be so determined. They actually concentrated all the high-end combat power on the front line and directly launched a strong attack.

On the ground, the undead army was also rushing in like a tide. The sky is the battlefield for high-level experts, while the ground is the collision between the main forces of both sides.

Tao Linlin was speechless and said: "We have just arrived, and the decisive battle has already begun? This is a bit auspicious for us. My soul holy clothes haven't come yet!" He was really a little depressed at this time. If his artifact The Soul Saint Cloth has arrived, and he might be able to show off his skills in the decisive battle, but he is still the same person now!

"Stop talking about this, Monroe and I will join the battle in the air. Senior Wang, Senior Tao, Ming Xi, and Senior Yue Li, please go down and assist our Knights of Light. Everyone, please pay attention to safety. Let's go."

As the saying goes, it can't be delayed. At this time, there is no time to say anything more. Both Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu have ninth-level combat effectiveness. At this time, the two sides are facing a decisive battle. At this time, they must not retreat. Each additional nine-level combat power may change the local situation on the battlefield. Not to mention that Long Dangdang is a dragon knight, and Ling Menglu is also a top priest.

Ling Menglu floated on Xiaoba's back and stood behind Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang had just recovered after a short period of adjustment. With Ling Menglu's help, he had recovered. Xiao Ba stretched out his figure, flapped his huge wings and rose into the air, and six huge golden dragon heads erupted with a deafening dragon roar. The power of the forbidden air directly caused a large number of undead creatures flying in front to fall from the sky like dumplings. It caused chaos in the undead army.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoba's six dragon heads opened their mouths, and streams of breath went straight down. Bombarding the battlefield in front of the four warrior legions, large swaths of low-level undead creatures were annihilated in their breath.

Although Long Dangdang wanted to get involved in the main battlefield, he did not want to rush into the battle formation of a large group of ninth-level experts. His true strength is only at level eight, and Xiaoba, the six-headed golden dragon, is so eye-catching. If he really wanted to rush into the sky and become the target of public criticism, I'm afraid he could be killed directly with a focused fire. He doesn't want to die!

But this does not affect him from sharing the pressure on the main battlefield. When the six-headed golden dragon Xiaoba began to explode with powerful fighting power, two figures immediately separated from the sky and flew straight towards them. Shockingly, they were two ninth-level deceased.

Long Dangdang seemed not to notice, and still ordered Xiaoba to continuously release dragon language magic to support the main battlefield. You know, the human magic army has not yet caught up in the rear. As for the Kingdom of the Undead, a large amount of undead magic has begun to appear on the battlefield. Although the four legions of the Warrior Temple rely on their respective battle formations for joint defense, they are still somewhat in danger. Xiaoba's forbidden air and the disturbance of dragon language magic immediately disrupted the rhythm of the undead army's attack, and also gave the friendly forces a chance to retreat slowly.

The four warrior legions were now forming a formation and retreating steadily, keeping their distance and minimizing losses as much as possible.

The human army behind is catching up. As long as we buy more time, there will be no more flaws.

The two strong undead men who fell from the sky both looked like the dead of humans. One of them, his whole body covered in thick armor, held a spear, and rode a tall bone horse. The bone horse also had sharp horns on its head, as if it was a unicorn in life.

The figure of the other deceased flickered erratically, and he was clearly an assassin, but his aura was not as powerful as that of the assassin who had previously attacked Long Dangdang.

The undead knight riding a bone horse came straight towards Long Dangdang in a swooping posture. The spear in his hand stabbed out like lightning, and around his body, air currents began to emerge, turning into a sharp arrow-like existence. Focusing on the spear in his hand, an indomitable momentum suddenly formed.

Long Dangdang immediately felt that this was a very special field that could actually add the power he released one by one to continuously increase his attack power.

Long Dangdang did not mobilize Xiaoba's power, and still let Xiaoba maintain his own attacks on the undead creatures on the ground. In front of him, a white figure emerged. The somewhat enchanting figure twisted slightly, grabbed it with his right hand, and patted forward.

A circle of white light suddenly rippled out, turning into a very inconspicuous white light pattern and released forward, while his other hand slapped Long Dangdang's chest. Suddenly, the Judgment of Light raised by Long Dangdang suddenly emitted a golden light, and the blazing golden sword light expanded like an explosion.

The undead knight's impact has become extremely violent. The moment he entered the white halo range, his speed suddenly slowed down, and even his own impact also weakened. He was already preparing to collide with Long Dangdang head-on. He was instantly restrained, and immediately felt like he had used the wrong force and felt extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, in the white halo, another ninth-level assassin who had entered the invisible state also emerged. In the white halo, it was like falling into a spider web. Like a mosquito or a fly, the speed slowed down.

This moment of control shocked the two ninth-level undead, because in their perception, Long Dangdang was an eighth-level cultivation level! Although the eighth-level fine gold base knight is a dragon knight, his eighth-level cultivation is true. They attack together, mainly targeting Xiaoba, whose aura is close to the ninth level. They intend to fight quickly to kill this human who has not yet grown up. The dragon knight was strangled in the cradle. Who knew that this dragon knight would release such a powerful domain power? This moment of control made the two ninth-level warriors feel like they were trapped in a quagmire.

The next moment, a brilliant red light burst out from behind Long Dangdang, and the golden burst from the Judgment of Light seemed to coincide with each other in an instant. A sword slashed out, directly hitting the spear in the hand of the undead knight.

Although the undead knight was in a sluggish state, he still stabbed out seven shots in succession, each shot carrying powerful explosive power.

But he is in a state of sluggishness! The attack speed originally increased through the field was greatly reduced at this moment, and the explosive power was gone. But Long Dangdang's sword is nothing fancy, it carries the power of divine judgment, the increase of the furnace of light, and the instantaneous burst of eternity. And the red lotus explosion that followed!

The apprentice taught by the reckless knight is best at explosives. Even though Long Dangdang is not yet at level nine, in terms of explosive power, he is definitely not inferior to the undead knight in front of him.


When they first collided, the Undead Knight's seven spears merged into one, blocking Long Dangdang's Judgment of Light. But then, the terrifying power of Holy Judgment burst out. Under the action of the furnace of light, Long Dangdang's cultivation level had already been promoted to the ninth level, and at this time, an unprecedentedly powerful aura burst out. The spear was split open in one move, and then, the red-gold red lotus bloomed, and extremely sharp sword lights intertwined with each other, directly covering the undead knight with a crazy burst of murderous intent.

This is a battlefield, a place of life and death struggle. Long Dangdang didn't hold anything back in his attack, it was just a full blow.

Muffled groans continued to come from the mouth of the undead knight. Under the strangulation of the red lotus explosion, there were many scars on its body, and waves of undead energy continued to overflow from the body, and it retreated steadily.

The other assassin was caught by the slow field while being invisible at this time, and rushed over immediately. Beside Long Dangdang, a huge eyeball appeared out of thin air. In the next moment, the pupils shrank into a sharp shape, and a mental impact directly hit the assassin's soul fire.

The survival of the undead is basically the fire of the soul. The physical and mental strength of assassins have always been the weakest among all major professions. Their strength lies in speed and suddenness. Suddenly blasted into the soul fire by this soul impact, the dead assassin's body stiffened. He was not as powerful as the assassin who had fought against Long Dangdang before.

And at this moment, a ball of orange-red light arrived in front of it, the Powerful Hammer of Light.

The Powerful Hammer of Light combined with the Eye of Light Spiritual Furnace can even be said to surpass the artifacts of the Priest Temple in terms of sacred attributes. What's more, Ling Menglu now has the amplification of the Archangel's Scepter.

The size of the Powerful Hammer of Light was even larger than that of the Dead Assassin, and it directly bombarded the opponent. It was also an attack on the spiritual level. The Evil Eye Tyrant Dominator, who was already close to the ninth level, superimposed the Powerful Hammer of Light, and directly hit the opponent. The explosion caused the soul fire of the deceased assassin to escape from the inside of his head. He let out a scream, and the soul fluctuations in his body suddenly decreased significantly.

Long Dangdang slashed out the Red Lotus Explosion, and at the same time, he followed the sword. In the next moment, countless sharp edges burst out from his body like a rain of light. Another immortal-level knight's long sword showed its power, the lotus of blue rain light, with The powerful sacred power, which also contains a hint of the special blood energy in Long Dangdang's blood, is like a destructive force, covering the undead knight who is retreating steadily in the red lotus explosion.

Under normal circumstances, it would definitely not be that easy for Long Dangdang to defeat a ninth-level undead powerhouse. After all, there is still a gap in cultivation. Even if he adds equipment, he will have to spend a lot of effort to do it.

However, because of the existence of the artifact Anchor of Time and Space, Qingtan Slow Spirit Breathing Furnace was directly promoted to the full level. The full level Wisdom Spirit Furnace is already extremely powerful, not to mention, what he possesses is the full level Watcher Spirit. furnace. What's more, under the influence of the Eternal Heart, his slow and slow spiritual furnace is still making further progress.

With two slow palms, the slow field directly controlled the ninth-level undead knight. The other hand slapped Long Dangdang on his body to help him complete the eternal charge in an instant, which was equivalent to letting him go in an instant. Long Dangdang exploded with his strongest attack power. Therefore, even if the opponent is at level nine, he cannot block his attack at this moment.

I saw that the body of the ninth-level undead knight began to become fragmented under the light rain. On the other side, Ling Menglu and Xiao Xie cooperated to suppress the soul fire of the ninth-level assassin who was about to extinguish.

At this moment, an illusory figure appeared quietly behind the ninth-level undead knight. A wisp of light passed almost instantly and penetrated directly into the body of the ninth-level undead knight, causing the undead to The knight's body instantly became stiff.

The Judgment of Light in Long Dangdang's hand once again split a ray of holy light, which fell on the undead knight, suppressing his ability to resist as much as possible.

The next moment, the soul fire beating in the undead knight's eyes quickly extinguished, and an illusory figure emerged from beside him, it was Ming Xi.

At this time, Ming Xi's pretty face was a bit flushed, and the aura on her body was obviously a little unstable, as if she had just taken a big tonic.

In fact, it was not her who took the big tonic, but her soul-sacrifice furnace.

Just when Long Dangdang asked other partners to assist the Knights of Light, he secretly left a message to Ming Xi asking her to stay.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. Under normal circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for Ming Xi to upgrade the Soul Sacrifice Furnace. Especially if it was just her, it would be a narrow escape. Moreover, the Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace cannot be used casually.

But now, facing the undead army on the battlefield, it is her best opportunity to improve. Is there any place where there are more high-level powerful people than here?

The undead knight just now had been beaten to a near-death state by Long Dangdang, and his soul fire was weak. At this time, how could he still block the sacrifice furnace released at the cost of burning his own soul fire? With Long Dangdang's deliberate help, Ming Xi quickly completed the kill of the ninth-level undead knight. After the Soul Sacrifice Furnace devoured the opponent's soul power, it instantly made up for the soul fire that Ming Xi had burned before, and gave strong feedback, so that Ming Xi's soul power and spiritual power received strong feedback.

"There's one more, come on!" Long Dangdang shouted to Ming Xi.

This kind of good opportunity is really something that once missed, it will never be seen again! Ming Xi is still at the seventh level, and he can eat the souls of ninth-level experts to nourish his soul. Where can he find such a good thing?

Without any hesitation, Ming Xi turned around and rushed towards the deceased assassin next to him.

Everyone is an assassin, and their souls are even more in tune. Ling Menglu directly activated the Powerful Hammer of Light and gave it to the assassin again, almost dispersing the soul of the deceased assassin.

Ming Xi took advantage of the situation, and it was easier than dealing with the undead knight. He extinguished the fire of his soul in two or three strokes. But at the next moment, a pale flame emerged from Ming Xi's body. Under the reflection of the pale flame, Ming Xi looked a little strange, and there was a bit of pain on his pretty face. color.

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