Second Element's Absolute Villain

The Absolute Villain of the Second Element Episode 296

"...You guy's personality is bad enough, but the bookshelf for books is already available, so let him go." Dalian complained about Li Xuan's character and prepared to make promises to Camilla. Those things of their own.

"But it wouldn't be particularly bad if I had a little more to help me replenish my magic power, Camilla, take me to Mirudolite's house, and I'll take that book back." Li Xuan thought for a while. Stood up.

The last time the barrier between the underworld and the world was broken, the magic power of the three magic books was consumed before the five ghosts were summoned. This time I have the opportunity to add how the magic books can miss this opportunity?

"Eh? I see." Camilla couldn't refuse Li Xuan's words and could only agree, while the dull hair that was originally high on Dalian's head fell listlessly and said pitifully: "Roasted...roasted." What about pie."

"Welcome, Gentle Desward." Miradorite looked out the window, did not turn her head, but gave a faint welcome.

Li Xuan said indifferently: "I heard from Camilla, where are those children? Can you let me have a look?"

"In the other courtyard of the atrium."

Li Xuan took Da Li'an to the outside of the seemingly old house and unceremoniously opened the door. He saw a book at first sight, and Li Xuan was a little surprised by the magic contained in it.

"Yeah, come here with a drink." The boy in black clothes and a round hat said with a smile on his face while sitting on the table.

"Black reading Ji and her key keeper," the girl in the pink skirt said.

"Dantrian's bookshelf manager, I didn't expect it to really exist, but his body is unknown." Another teenager said with an excuse, as if he was in a dialogue solitaire.

"Is it here to get the Book of Wisdom?" Then, another girl followed.

"You are very smart. It's not bad to read this book. If the whole world is such a smart person, I don't have to hide my identity." Li Xuan smiled faintly and picked up the wise book on the side. , Zi Qing pocket rate flashed past, he burned the book clean, of course the pure magic inside was also recovered by Li Xuan.

After recovering the magic power, Li Xuan didn’t bother to stay here, waved his hand and said, “Goodbye smart people, you have four days to go. After four days, you will become ordinary children. This belongs to me and the world. Agreement, although I really don’t want you to change back."

"It's really interesting, it's unclear."

"If you feel sure, you can investigate my identity, I don't care." Li Xuan took Dalian and walked out.

Da Li'an glanced at Li Xuan in surprise, as if she didn't understand why the other party was not frightened.

Li Xuan just faintly smiled and said, "They are all smart people. Since they are smart people, they know that there are things that they can’t touch, know, or know, knowing that the probability is less than 1%. Under the circumstances, things that will cause death, smart people will not do it."

"What does it mean to be unidentified?" Da Li'an asked Li Xuan with complicated eyes.

"Because there are too many legends about me, the magic dragon, the god of redemption, the people who bear the original sin, the terminator of war, etc., there are too many, so there is no identity at all, no one knows what my true identity is. Similarly, no one will investigate who I am, how many years I have lived, and my existence for too long. There are too many people and families who want to befriend me. Like the Desward family, they lend me this surname. Use, as long as someone investigates, those ancient inheritance families will ruthlessly smash them into powder and sell my favor, so I can always live in different times and different places with this face and different identities." Li Xuan Ran said.

This is meaningless for the person in charge of the fantasy book, because the other party is just a loli and can't do anything he wants, let alone the key is still in his hand...

Chapter 19 Dealing with Useless

"It seems that I have heard of it, but I don't hear much." Da Li'an frowned and didn't delve into it. She didn't care much about Li Xuan's identity. After all, she couldn't ask anything that Li Xuan didn't want to say. .

"Okay, the matter has been resolved, there is no need to stay any longer. Go and eat something and bring the book you bought and prepare to go back. What's my idea?" Li Xuan turned his head and looked at Da Li'an with a smile.

Da Li'an nodded her head and did not refuse, instead she said very much in anticipation: "So what are you doing? Slowly, the snails on the ground are countless light years faster than you."

"Oh, it seems that I have become the slowest creature on the earth..."

Not long after returning home, Li Xuan started to have a headache, because Dalian didn't know what she was going to be crazy about, and she became interested in raising cacti.

Because there is a huge glass courtyard in the backyard of the house, and there are many plants in it. Among them, Li Xuan's eggs, which are not like cacti, are very painful.

"Dalian, how come this cactus grows so strange?" Li Xuan walked to Dalian, watching this little guy who has always been fond of reading actually raise flowers, which made him a little confused. Up.

"It's a very rare species shipped from Africa." Dalian nodded, after a little explanation, she continued to look at this strange cactus, as if expecting something.

Li Xuan was taken aback for a while and stretched out his hand to touch the cactus and said, "I didn't expect that Weiss would actually raise this kind of thing. I was surprised."

"Yeah, it's estimated to be blooming tonight. I have been waiting for thirteen years." Dalian looked at the cactus a little hopefully, as if expecting something.

But instead he said a little impatiently: "Say, isn't there anything wrong with you coming to me?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan shrugged helplessly, and said as he walked back: "It's nothing, but Camilla sent a box of chocolates, made in Switzerland, very expensive, so I want you to come together. Eat, but seeing that you are so busy, I should enjoy it alone."

"Ha~, wait for my Xuan, hurry up and prepare refreshments." When Da Li'an heard Li Xuan say this, her face immediately showed excitement and desire, and she ran to Li Xuan's front and shouted. .

Li Xuan could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and said helplessly: "Does someone not care about the appearance of flowers?"

"Who said I don't want to eat, hurry up and do it." Da Li'an seemed to be a little bit irritated, kicked Li Xuan's leg without saying anything, and then ran into the room.

But at this moment, the doorbell rang, which made Li Xuan a little startled, because it was still the doorbell of the small door behind.

Xiao Hui and Su Xixi also felt it, and the two little beasts lurked on the side with fierce eyes, looking at the two people outside the door.

Li Xuan naturally opened the door indifferently, and Da Lian didn't know why and followed.

"Good evening, are you from this family?" One tall and one short outside, two guys who were not good at first raised their hats.

Li Xuan squinted his eyes and checked for a while before he suddenly said, "It turns out that they are two robbers. They are here just right. I happen to have something to do with you guys. If you can do it, you can't do it without your own. Life is pledged."

Li Xuan's calm voice made the two outsiders stunned. The tall man gave a dry smile and said, "What are you talking about..."

Before he could speak, Li Xuan's fingertips flashed with thunder and lightning, forming a thunder net covering them.

With a flick of Li Xuan's finger, a flash of light flew out and entered the bodies of the two men.

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