Second Element's Absolute Villain

The Absolute Villain of the Second Element Episode 297

Then Li Xuan wrapped both hands, a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes full of vagueness and madness, staring at each other faintly: "Give you three months, go to China, and find me those Buddhists. The more relics left over after the high monk’s sitting, the better, and they won’t be found within three months. Then the things I just implanted in your body will become tree seeds, and you will gradually feel very supportive. The flesh that was born by the tree opened up and flew into pieces of flesh to die. If it can be found, then I will benefit you according to the quantity. The gold and silver jewelry will not wait until the 200-year-old birthday..."

"Oh oh oh oh, dazzling than the sun, the moon and the stars, an adult whose heart is wider than the mountains and the earth, please allow your humble servant to be fortunate to serve you and to kiss your boots." A handsome-looking man The man quickly interrupted Li Xuan's words. Although he was wearing luxurious clothes, he knelt down on the ground indifferently, as if he wished to kiss Li Xuan's shoes.

Li Xuan glanced at the aristocratic man who was kneeling down indifferently: "You are a young man from Conrad's line. I have seen you before."

"It's an honor to let you remember me. Your humble servant is willing to do anything for you." Although the man stood up after hearing what Li Xuan said, he still didn't dare to look up, as if he was disrespectful.

Li Xuan nodded faintly, took out a small bottle from his arms, which contained a small bottle of blood, and threw it to the man: "Drink it, I will reward and punish you. It will make you a prince-level existence, mission I am satisfied with the completion. You will always be the noble prince. If you are not satisfied, your honor will drop. If you do not complete it, he will become a more deadly poison than holy water." The man looked at the bottle in his hand and his eyes showed There was a trace of greed and excitement.

Without saying a word, he drank the blood in the vial, knelt down on one knee and said, "Your humble servant Conrad III will fight for his own life to your satisfaction."

Li Xuan nodded and said as he closed the door: "Take care of these two useless guys outside. I don't want to have to clean the yard the next day."

"As you wish, my honorable lord." The voice of awe sounded from the outside, followed by a scream, but Li Xuan ignored it at all, it was just a vampire and two ordinary people. If not, his Dharma Eye.

Chapter 20: Consciousness and Unknownness

"Is this one of those families that will prevent others from investigating your identity? Vampires, it's surprising." Although Dalian was a little surprised, she was not surprised, because vampires have long been in fantasy books. Records exist, so there is no need to make a fuss.

Li Xuan nodded: "What's so unexpected. It's not just vampires. Werewolves and Vatican people will also come later. I just don't know if it will bring me anything that interests me. These are those. The people of the forces have agreed to pay tribute every 100 years. If something satisfies me, then I will agree to their terms. If I cannot be satisfied, they can only go home. Of course, I don’t want something. They will stay too, and hope I will remember them next time I'm useful."

Da Li'an couldn't help it itch. Although Li Xuan looked like he had to answer questions, every time he asked a key question, Li Xuan would go to other places, or just pretend to be stupid. Like that, he wouldn't reveal a word!

"The kids last time know your body, right?" Da Li'an suddenly suffocated such a sentence after holding it back for a long time.

Li Xuan was taken aback for a while before he smiled: "Yes, one of them knows, the others don't, but from the beginning she knew that even if she said it, it would only lead to her own demise. No other benefits can be obtained, so it is better not to say anything."


"Woo~" The howling of wolves from far and near kept coming, which made Da Li'an hide behind Li Xuan timidly.

But after a while, a crisp young girl's voice came from the door: "Belal of the wolf clan asks to see the lord.

Li Xuan's finger lightly moved, and the door opened. A decently dressed but sharp canine teeth were exposed. A cute girl with unexpectedly pointed ears walked in, full of wild beauty, as if waiting. It's like a tamed wild horse.

Li Xuan slowly sat back on the chair and smiled at the girl: "It turned out to be Belal. You were a baby when your grandfather brought you here to seek protection."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Belal's face turned red in an instant, and she said as a little girl for a while: "This, I heard my grandfather say about this matter, and the adults even hugged me. I can be in the Holy See. Growing up safely under the curse of "I" is also the blessing of the adults, but my grandfather said that the adults didn't ask for anything back then, so he sent me over to listen to the adults."

Li Xuan smiled and said, "I don't want anything because you had a good relationship with me in your previous life, so I don't want it. Come over and sit down with me and wait until the Holy See and the kings of many countries are over before talking about other things. "

"En." Belal didn't refuse Li Xuan's kindness and sat aside, but looked at Da Li'an who was sitting in a chair with Li Xuan and hiding behind Li Xuan with curiosity.

After a while, a knight in armor watched the door open and was taken aback. Then he walked to Li Xuan and knelt down: "The three knight commanders of the Holy See, Belis, have seen the adults, because they know that the adults seem to be looking for some precious things. So this time I brought all the medicinal materials collected by the Holy See for hundreds of years, and I invite you to look at it." After speaking, the paladin carefully took out a sachet from his arms and held it in both hands. Off the top of the head.

As soon as Li Xuan waved his hand, the sachet returned to his hand. This was a small universe bag he gave to various countries and religious forces to hold some exchange items.

Li Xuan nodded and said, "What do you want? A grown-up dragon?"

"No, this time we want to ask for the power of Seraph Michael." The paladin lowered his head, still not daring to raise his head.

Li Xuan dumbly shook his head and said, "His divine power is not enough if he only uses these herbs."

"Of course, for this we found the magic spear that had been lost in the rumors to pierce the Spear of Deaththorn, and exchanged it for Michael's supernatural power." After speaking, the Paladin took out a rectangular box.

Li Xuan's interested hand sucked in a claw shape, and the box unfolded automatically, and the red gun inside flew into Li Xuan's hand.

Li Xuan waved a little, then nodded, and threw the red spear into the black space suddenly unfolding behind him. Then with a wave, a golden light fell into the paladin's body.

"Okay, you'll wait on one side first, and talk about the others later." Li Xuan nodded, and immediately after the other kings, or the leaders of the country, they exchanged what they wanted to exchange. After that, Li Xuan said faintly: "From now on you don’t have to come again, and don’t bother me. If I need it, I’ll find you. If anyone dares to disturb me uninterestingly, then Don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless, and fertilizing you in the pharmacy as a fertilizer for medicinal herbs."

After listening to Li Xuan's indifferent words, the crowd of people for a moment, look at me, I see you, no one knows what to say. After all, they are so respectful to Li Xuan because they are mostly afraid that they will not be able to exchange benefits from the other side. Xuan's true strength, although the ancestors repeatedly warned them not to be rude to this person, some people still thought about it.

"It seems that if you don't see how powerful I am, you won't leave, so you can stay here. I will send Xiaohui to your family for the things you exchange. "Li Xuan's slightly squinted eyes gradually opened, a scarlet light radiated out, and an unknown and sinful atmosphere filled the whole house.

"Since the adults have said so, then I will return to the Holy See first, and I hope the Holy See will still have the opportunity to serve you." The Paladin shook his heart, feeling a wave of fear for no reason, and then thought of Michael on his body. His supernatural power is bestowed by the other party, even if the other party is Michael, even God thinks it is possible!

Thinking of this, the paladin quickly ran out of the door, and Li Xuan's gaze shifted to the others...

Chapter 21 Time Is Not Enough

Seeing the paladin running away, the other important officials, national representatives and so on, quickly said goodbye. They were originally mortals and came to join in the fun. Now that the host family is about to show off their power, they hurriedly leave. In the end, only left is left. There are three people, one is a magician with a high level of magic skills, one is an ordinary businessman, and the other is a strong man with a fierce look.

"It seems that the three of them are really not smart people." Li Xuan sighed slightly, and when his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope of writing wheels, the surrounding environment became even more empty. In the grassland, several frost dragon kings, black dragon kings, and three golden dragons were hovering in the sky. After seeing Li Xuan, they immediately flew down and roared like a baby.

Li Xuan caught one of them and turned into a black-haired girl with a double ponytail, stroked the other's head, and said to the other dragons, "Except for that businessman, give me the remaining two. Packed up."

"Roar!!" Several dragons roared angrily and rushed towards the two of them. When the magician and the strong man saw the dragon, they were already panicked and wanted to run, but they were endless. Where can the grassland go?

That is, the magician's magic lasted a little longer, but in the end it was burned into a handful of ashes!

After killing the magician, several dragons turned into seven or eight-year-old little girls who happily turned around Li Xuan, and then left after Li Xuan fed several candies.

And Li Xuan also took the Moon Reading Fantasy Land back, and looked at Belarr in a daze and smiled: "Belaar, after I go back, ask for a word and sleep. This is the last time I asked them to help and help me find the world. On the demon contract that still exists, I want to talk to the demons in hell."

"Oh." Although Belal was smiling at Li Xuan, he shuddered for no reason and Li Xuan couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't be afraid. You didn't stay here without permission. What are you afraid of? You want to eat. Do you want something to leave?"

"No, I'll come again next time I bring the contract." Belal still felt that his mood could not be recovered now, so he gave a strong smile and left.

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