Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 304 - Husband And Bodyguard Panic

Louis and Samuel tracked Dany's whereabouts via GPS because only his smartphone could be tracked while Bryan and Fin, could not be tracked again a few minutes ago. Oh, yes. what is certain is that Bryana's smartphone exploded in the car while Fin's might have been damaged by being dumped on the street.

Louis stopped his car when he was at the closest point where Dany's smartphone was. he and Samuel saw the atmosphere on the side of the road near the ravine looked crowded by residents and several policemen, even a police line had been installed around it. He immediately got out of the car together with Samuel and immediately approached the crowd.

"What is this?" Louis wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe an accident," said Samuel.

Louis tried to look at the chasm between the crowds. He saw a sports car was burning so badly. There were several explosions from the burning car.

"Oh my God... Isn't that a car..." Louis couldn't finish his sentence when he realized that the exploding car was Bryana's.

"That's Mrs. Bryana's car!" said Samuel with his eyes wide.

Louis felt confused and weak if he imagined if indeed Bryana and the others who were in the car did not survive. But seeing the fire that was so big, it was certain that the person in the car would be burnt to death. Gosh, but the car is empty!

until a few minutes, fire engines and ambulances came to make the atmosphere even more crowded. Louis immediately approached the police.

"Sir, were there any victims in the car?" Louis asked worriedly.

"We can't be sure yet. We'll inspect once the car is out and cold. However, if the driver didn't have time to save himself, he would have died in the car for sure," explained the policeman who wore silver clothes with several rank symbols pinned to his chest and shoulders.

"Louis, we should find where Dany's phone is still active. I suspect that Dany had jumped before the car exploded, therefore his phone was still active," said Samuel.

"Is the owner of the car your family?" asked the police.

"She is my employer, sir. today she was out with two Bodyguards and started losing contact a few minutes ago. But the number of one of the bodyguards is still active. We believe she managed to save herself," said Samuel.

"That means Mrs. Bryana and Fin...." Louis was getting worried. his chest tightened, imagining the horrific reality of what Bryana and Fin would have been like if they were still in the burning car the firefighters were trying to put out.

Brett... Drettt...

Louis immediately grabbed his ringing cell phone from inside his trouser pocket. he saw an incoming call from Dean. This made him even more anxious, not knowing what to say to his boss and best friend.

"Hello," said Louis after connecting with Dean.

"Where are you? Have you found her? I tried to call hee but the number is no longer active!" Dean's voice sounded frantic. "Wait... Why is there a siren sound? What exactly happened?"

Louis sighed, massaging his forehead which was suddenly throbbing with dizziness. He looked back at the burning car that was starting to go out. "Sorry, Dean. I can't explain it on the phone because there is no certainty. You better come here. I will share the location."


The phone line was cut off. Louis immediately shared his current location with Dean via WhatsApp. after that, he returned to focus on the police who began to approach the car with Samuel.

'Oh my God, I hope Mrs. Bryana isn't in there. Either she jumped before the car caught fire or whatever I beg of you to show your greatness to save her. I can't imagine how sad Dean and the kids would be if Mrs. Bryana was burned in the car too.' Louis said to himself, walking carefully down a ravine that was quite deep and there was a shallow but rocky stream around it.


Dean accelerated the speed of the black sports car he was driving. The memory of calling Louis had heard the sound of a siren, making him worried if something dangerous happened there. Worries deepened when his wife's number was completely unreachable.

"Oh my God, what exactly happened. I beg you, never take my wife from my side!"

Dean drove his car faster without breaking through the red light that had just turned on. he committed a trespass but luckily there was no accident or arrest on him as he is quite proficient at driving.

Until a few minutes passed, Dean finally arrived at the location that was sent by Louis. He immediately got out of the car and stared at the peace in front of him. he also interrupted the residents and some journalists began to come to cover the accident.

"Jill...." Dean whispered with his heart suddenly stopped when he found the car his wife was riding in had been burned. he remembered the morning Bryana wore a tie for him while advising him to learn to wear his tie just in case his wife left one day. The advice was like an omen ... "No. She must be safe!"

Dean shook his head. He breathed heavily, trying to believe that Bryana would be safe. He rushed down to the ravine area where Louis was with the police checking the charred car while Samuel was nowhere to be found. Hmm, is it possible to find Dany?

the police checked the inside of the car which was still a bit hot and of course, they were wearing gloves and masks because there was still smoke that could suffocate them.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone killed in this car. There is nobody or smell of someone burning," said one of the police officers wearing a black hat.

"Yes, but I found this," said one of the policemen, showing the bag that was out of shape.

"May I see the contents, sir?" asked Louis until he noticed Dean's arrival. "Dean."

"Was my wife a victim in this accident?" asked Dean anxiously, even his body was shaking and his eyes were bloodshot with so much fear of what he was about to face.

"No sir. maybe she was able to save herself with the others," replied the black hat cop.

"And maybe this is your wife's bag." The other cop handed the charred bag to Dean.

Dean grabbed it and crouched down to put it on the ground as it was still a little hot. he opened the bag carefully because it was already sticky with the contents until he found a smartphone, wallet, and some makeup tools that Bryana always carried.

"Oh my God... Where is she now," Dean muttered weakly? he was relieved that Bryana wasn't in the car but seeing the current state of the river and the steep surrounding conditions made him think that maybe his wife had fallen into the river or some land. 

"You'd better search, sir. There are three people in the car," said Louis. "I and the Bodyguard team will also search."

The police agreed and searched the scene. They started to scatter. Likewise, Dean and Louis are looking for the whereabouts of Bryana, Fin, and Dany. Hmm, if only they knew. Bryana is still fine but is kidnapped by Fin.

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