Dany woke up and winced in pain while holding his head which was bleeding from hitting a rock, there were even abrasions around his arms and face, maybe twigs or anything around that was overgrown with pretty thick weeds.

"Who are they? why did they push the car into the ravine?" Dany began to wonder, remembering the incident when he realized that he was in the car that was about to fall into the ravine.

"Fin and Mrs. Bryana were not in the car. Then, why. they pushed the car with me, why did they intend to kill me?"

Dany tried to get up and looked up where there were shady trees planted a little apart. he saw a puff of smoke and believed it was the result of the car exploding after it fell into the ravine. He sighed in exasperation, holding his head which felt very dizzy, even his throat felt very dry. "I should be able to go up and tell Mr Dean about Mrs BryanaI'm sure all of this is a kidnapping plot!"

Using the logs he found, Dany tried to climb to the highlands using the logs as sticks.

"Dany!" call someone from above.

Dany looked up and realized someone was calling him. "Samuel."

samuel walked cautiously down the ravine to approach Dany. Behind him was Dean while Louis and the police searched other locations.

"Dany survived, that means my wife can also survive!" Dean muttered with relief as he walked over to Dany who was waiting for him downstairs. he looked, the bodyguard looked shabby with a bloody head. The man removed any tall grass that was blocking his steps.

Arriving in front of Dany, the connection immediately pressed the earphones located in his ears and said, "Louis, I've found Dany. looks like he has an injury he will have a hard time getting upstairs please prepare a stretcher."

After informing Louis, Samuel and Dean asked Dani to sit down for a while waiting for help to come. they stared in pity at the leaves that looked so limp.

"Dany, what exactly happened?" Dean asked anxiously.

"I don't know. I suddenly lost consciousness after drinking tea at Aunt Fin's house. When I woke up, I realized I was in a car that was deliberately pushed into a ravine. I immediately jumped and this is what happened," explained Dany who was sitting on the trunk of a large tree that had been uprooted for a long time.

"So Bryana and Fin weren't in the car?" asked Dean seriously.

"No. I woke up alone sitting in the back seat. I saw a few people up there watching the car before I jumped," Dany explained with a reassuring look. "I'm sure Mrs Bryana and Fin were kidnapped!"

"Did Fin pass out too?" asked Dean.

"I don't know. But...it was Fin's cousin who made the tea. that means someone told his cousin to give her sleeping pills but I happened to only drink a little, while Mrs Bryana drank it all. Therefore, I was able to quickly regain consciousness and was able to save myself," explained Dany while holding back the dizziness that was spreading in his head.

Dean fell silent angrily remembering every time Fin looked at Bryana. "Fin kidnapped my wife. because it was impossible for his cousin to put sleeping pills into the tea without being ordered by someone other than himself. I'm sure he did this on purpose with all his charades!"

"But there he really showed that his aunt was sick, sir."

"It could be a trick because Bryana is a person who cares too much for difficult people. Actually, I don't really like Fin when he looks at Bryana like he has an interest. It's not about killing, but I'm sure he intends to take my wife away!" Dean was starting to come to a conclusion. Yes, all this time he had let Fin work at his house because he had saved Bryana, so he didn't feel like firing and Bryana always forbade him to be suspicious of the man.

"Why don't you fire him if he really likes Mrs Bryana?" asked Samuel who had been listening for a long time.

"Because Bryana promised not to be seduced by him. And I always forbade Bryana to be escorted by him, but it turns out he has other ways. I don't think he has any other intentions than secretly admiring. It turns out that he is this cunning, even criminal!" Dean feels both sorry and angry, surprised and curious about who Fin really is.

"I was also surprised, because the person who pushed the car was someone who was dressed like a bodyguard. Could Fin possibly work with a bodyguard? But can he afford them?" Danny is confused..

"We have to go to his aunt's house," said Samuel.

"Samuel is right. I have to go to his aunt's house. Who knows his aunt can give information or we can look for any information at his house," said Dean then asked Dany for directions on the address of Fin's aunt's house.

After getting directions to Fin's aunt's home address, Dean reached into his trouser pocket to take out his smartphone he called Franky who was at home.

"Use some Bodyguards to look for Bryana and Fin's whereabouts and make sure the problem of Bryana's disappearance is not known to the children," Dean exclaimed, his gaze fixed on a nearby river which was shallow but fast flowing.

"All right, sir," Franky said over the phone.

"Spare! And don't come back until you find them!" exclaimed angrily, Then hung up the phone. He switched to setting up the Samuel and also Dany who looked very weak.

"Samuel, take Dany to the hospital. Now I have to start looking for Bryana and Fin. I'll ask the police for help too," Dean said very seriously as he tucked his smart phone back into his bottom trouser pocket.

"Okay, sir. Be careful," said Samuel followed by a nod from Dany.

Dean hurried up the stairs in a hurry through the thick grass and the ground which was a bit slippery from the very steep slopes.

'If something bad happens to Bryana, I won't let Fin go free. I will kill him with my own hands!' he thought as he continued to walk breathlessly towards the plateau where there were still people crowding and there was also the medical team followed by Louis carrying a stretcher to help Dany.

"Louis, you must come with me!" Dean exclaimed as Louis was getting close to him.

"Where to? Shouldn't we be combing around here for Mrs. Bryana and Fin?" asked Louis.

"No they weren't here nor were they involved in this accident. It was actually Fin who kidnapped Bryana I'm sure of it!" explained Dean as he walked towards the top of the ravine. he began to gasp for air from walking the steep incline.

"Fin kidnapped Bryana?" Louis looked clueless. He walked after Dean.

"I'll explain later. Most importantly, now we must be able to find hernquickly. I don't want my wife to be taken away by him. damn it!" Dean said very annoyed. He imagined Fin's face that was acting innocent, it turned out to have hidden intentions. In fact, he was kind enough to give him a job. Hem, as long as he knows. Fin works to win just to get close to Bryana. apparently, only Alex knows who Fin really is. Hopefully Dean thought about telling Alex about this.

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