I just came to the mining district of Ilu.

Before I got here, Mr. Lucille told me a story.

Of course she's right, I didn't forget her role as guardian. No... but what both I and Mr. Lucille have felt for a long time that we need the strength to do that.

Since this is what I need to do to get enough guardians, Mr Lucille didn't seem to be seriously opposed to it either.

For once, I've left the voicemail to Earl. It's better than no people at all, and it will always be like this during my logout. If anything, I'll fly back.

"You're a lot prettier than before"

"Um, and the residents look good."

This city, seen from a position where you can look down through the cave, has changed since the first time you saw it. That also still leaves the nail marks that Willamedes broke out last time. I could well see houses and such trampled down by warcraft.

The city is in the middle of reconstruction work. But the expression of a walking dweller is not that dark. He said that the Prince of the Kingdom of Swallo is the main focus of the reconstruction of this city, and that some artisan and volunteer players who came all the way to rebuild the building are pretty quick to rebuild?

And extreme is the discovery of a new dungeon. Some players gathered for this, and the city of Ilu was vibrant as it was being rebuilt.

It is the entrance that leads to the heart of this city, the underground mine, while being flushed to and from more people than obviously before this. The entrance was a big hole that was pompous and empty, and it continued the same way beyond. So Willamedes came out of the basement from here, so naturally this many holes are empty, right?

In front of the big hole, it was a mess in many people. You can also see a worker with a groove, but overwhelmingly armed people. Obviously, you're the players who came to try the dungeon.

"Our party is looking for two more recovery jobs ~!"

"We're looking for an avant-garde position! There's a wizard and healing!

"Somebody pick it up because I can use my banditry skills -!

Is this also a temporary party recruiting area, and you can hear the recruiting from there. They say that the dungeons in Ilu can be challenged by up to eight people, and if there are a lot of people, they will make the enemies that much stronger, but they will get better experience and things to drop?

Then it sounds like I should throw a party and try, too. It is also challenging for solos, but a dungeon adjusted for large numbers. Something about trying alone is that it's pretty tough. And you're a wizard who needs chanting. Oh, she was a witch.

"Wow, I see a familiar tongue..."

... who is in charge? Though I do always wear a stubborn witch hat!

"Oh, you have a very familiar person. More importantly, Light."

"It won't change at all, though. Look at this. Your gear's new."

Looking back at the voice, there was Wright with a muffled look. The gear does seem to have changed, but he himself doesn't seem to have changed much. And those next to it.

"I don't think that's what you're saying... well, I better not say"

"Long time no see, Mr. Kyle. You seem the same..."

"It's been a while, Chloe."

Some look like Kyle who smiles and greets back like a little trouble.

They've apparently heard rumors about the dungeon, just like me. They said they had already taken to the Wang capital, and you think they heard rumors there?

"You don't seem to have enough strength to take the Knights of the Kingdom entrance exam yet. I thought I'd keep my arms up here."

Speaking of which, you said you wanted to be the same knight as your father.

"This sword was clueless."

Shoulder to shoulder. That's what Wright said. They can't even find Mr. Tsubaki's whereabouts, who seems to know where the sword is. In contrast, they've seen Red Hood a lot lately, but it's the lower end that comes out, or something abnormal that's just rambling on its own name, and it didn't seem to get any powerful information that could connect them at all.

"Damn, I used to be scattered and prominently rampaged here before, and now I don't see any shadows or shapes. Chloe, don't you know something? Whatever."

I don't know either.

Actually, you think a real friend is at the Ignis'? You said you met and talked in person the other day. Because such a story has nothing to do with this one. I mean, there's no way Chloe (Character) knows that, so I can't talk to her.

"... really?

"It's true. I don't even know. Rather as much as I want you to tell me. For me, too, I want to be crushed."

"Okay, don't stare at me with a scary face."

Act (pretend) you don't know, in a frustrating manner like you remember something you don't want to remember. If you find it, you want to crush it fast.

"So Chloe came to try the dungeon here, too, didn't she? Then why don't you come with us?

"I was thinking of this one with someone, so it's just fine"

"Then five more? If you're a member, you'll have to have a scout and a healer."

Not only do scouts discover enemies, but they also include uncovering traps and unlocking doors. You're a so-called bandit (sheaf). Needless to say, the recoverer.

The shield doesn't seem to have a problem because Kyle is already there and Light-kun and I are there as avant-garde rear firepower positions.

"Worst case scenario, I can serve as a healer... but don't expect too much from me because I'm not specialized"

Kyle says he can handle healing magic, but does he still think the amount of healing is inferior to that of a professional? As a sub-healer, you can't be the main healer. He's also a shield.

We started recruiting on those terms, too....... but it's hard to come by. Especially recovery jobs are being recruited everywhere. Again?

"Savar, over here! Sounds like a good recruiting condition for those people! Is that it?"

"Azzie, don't pull - that was before..."

It was the cat-eared girl and the elf youth who jumped this way out of the crowd. You must have come to hear Mr. Kyle. That didn't seem to have occurred to us, and we both had a surprised look on our faces.

"This is it. Isn't that Azi to Savar?"

"Duh, hi, Chloe."

... Azi, with her eyes on her, hid behind Savar's back. Am I still scared?

"Please wait, both of you! Please don't leave us!

"If there's always more people, it's not going to happen."

Then the Dwarf youths come out trying to chase the two of them. The dwarf of a cleric with a scepter in his hand is Bluey, and Oliver is the one who carried the glimmer in his craftsmanship.

"What is Oliver to Bluey... that's a rare combination of you guys together"

There are a lot of things going on here.

Savar-kun spoke to me with a bitter smile. Anything, they said they stole Oliver's stuff in the last case, and they were going to help Oliver ask if it was a sin against the matter.

"You're not the right people for the bandits you make..."

"Pfft... we were a known bandits indeed"

"No, because they don't know his name that far, do they?

"... eh lying. Seriously?"

"We kept failing, didn't we?

Seeing Savar nodding at Blui-kun's words, Azi began to talk again, even though she was depressed. Hiding on Savar-kun's back.

"... and we were a bunch of bandits who knew, but we already washed our feet from the banditry business! From now on, as a thief, I started doing new activities to help people in need!

"That's why we're working to get rid of a handful of priors."

It seems that the content was the attack of the dungeon that appeared this time with Oliver. Oliver seems to have wanted to go to this dungeon as an artisan.

"But, you know, it's hard to have a party where you can put in a professional craftsman. I'm just glad these guys came to the trouble."

They say the market is flowing with raw stones that look like dungeons, but he wanted to pick them up on his own again this time, mottled to do local procurement rather than buy them. Because I feel I can make something better that I picked on my own.

"You seemed to be looking for a scout and a recoverer. Why don't you join us? The scouts can be Azi or Savar. I'll take care of the recovery."

"Except the artisan Oliver will be with you, okay?

"Honestly, you can assume I'm out of combat. I don't like fighting."

Hiraki Kyle looks at me and Wright. I nodded so that we wouldn't mind.

"Of course I'm fine. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, nice to meet you. Thank you for coming. I just kept getting turned down by other parties."

Savar-kun says so, as he was horrified by Kyle's reply. With one Oliver, who is certainly out of battle, it's hard to get into a party intended for offense.

"Now you're seven. The maximum number of people is eight..."

"Wouldn't that be nice? We have all the jobs we need. - Hmm?

I can feel my gaze. Instead, Mr. Lucille seems to have caught something on his sign detection. Nil on his shoulder is also looking in that direction with vigilance.

Someone was looking at this one trying to get lost in the darkness of the crowd. I don't know how to distinguish my face because I weave a cape and I have a hood. If you can tell one thing, you must have the same twilight oul as Nil.

... No way. There's no way that's happening, is there? I don't know. Of course, Chloe is well aware of Lucille's presence.

Chloe, what about him?

'... for now, let it go'

Until that identity...... right. You haven't noticed (...) yet. So be wary of suspicious beings while not touching them in particular.

"Come on, we've got all the members, and just now..."

"Excuse me, are we still recruiting members?

Wow. I was surprised to hear a voice from behind. 'Cause I didn't think you'd call me! Looking back, there was a man there, a cloak who was watching us from the crowd.

"I can still get one more in."

Kyle will respond to anyone who has spoken. That response is to the first meeting, isn't it? Nor does it look particularly alarming.

"So would you let the awkward in? Repellence, as well as avant-garde."

"Oh, sure, sure."

"Thank you. The Awkward... It's Southern Ka"

What, are you really coming in, Tuba... Mr. Southern Ka? But why are you here......

"You're Southern, I'm Wright. Nice to meet you!"

... Wright, the person you've been looking for is in front of you now, right? Apparently he hasn't noticed at all.

"Nice to meet you!

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Best wishes"

Azi and the others greet each other well...... No, was Azi the only one who was well? The two looked a little frowned upon. Is that against the suspicious look of a hood weave or...

Is this party going to be okay? I'm getting a little anxious to get ahead of myself.

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