Iru underground mine. That's where the pits that have been dug for decades go underground. We walked to the entrance where there was a dungeon, the guide to Oliver-kun.

The pit was maintained by the hands of men and dwarves, but either the effect of the emergence of the earlier Warcraft Willamedes, or this one had collapsed there. Do you think there are some paths that have been completely blocked?

"One of those paths leads to the bottom. I also picked fine and rare ore around there... I thought the seal of Willamedes prevented me from collecting it, and now the road is blocked. So I thought I wouldn't see those ore until I paved the way..."

The road was blocked, but they also said there were caves and minerals that appeared anew due to crustal fluctuations. One of them was a dungeon of the matter.

"What a rumored dungeon you could pick a rare ore that you weren't supposed to see. This is gonna have to go, right?

Ni and hoist the edge of his mouth, Oliver says. Does the artisan soul hurt? You're just a little excited for the ore you haven't seen yet.

The entrance to the dungeon was near the middle layer. They usually only have miners, but before the dungeon there are many players. Some of them do business with them. Maybe I should have had an inventory of potions.

"Oh, are you guys a dungeon offense, too?

Seeing you speak up, there was a noticeable group of golden pickets in this crowd...... all of you El Dorado. Mr. Kogane is the one waving at this one in the center of it, isn't he? Of course, there was Mr. Rush and Mr. Friday next door.

"Yes, we have adopted Mr. Kogane's advice"

"It seems to have helped. More importantly. Hmm, are you going with this member? Oliver's not a bad member, is he?"

"Thank you. I've always been there for you."

"Oh, my God, if you wanted to go to the dungeon too, you could have told me. I would have taken you..."

"There's a lot going on this time. I decided to use this hand."

Speaking of which, Elle Dorad's clan was Oliver-kun's specialty. Oliver looks at the Azies who are doing it a little awkward. This one's over here. Last time it was about being caught or being caught.

"Are you going to go too?

"Of course, I'm going to attack you. They haven't grasped the whole story yet. I thought we'd uncover it!

Mr Kogane said with a deeper grin at Oliver-kun's words.

"Well, you guys work hard too!

Mr. Kogane took Mr. Rush and the others towards the entrance to the dungeon.

"All right, we're going too!

"Yeah! Let's all do our best!

Lights and Azies hanging out. So we decided to go to the dungeon, too.

The entrance to the dungeon is as big a rift as it suddenly appeared in a well-maintained pit. There was a doorway that was big enough to look up ahead of that rift. White doors are dug with creatures like demons. It was open and I could see people going in continuously.

But the people who went inside quickly disappeared as they were summery. If you take a step at the end of the door, they'll fly you to different spaces cut off from the outside world. They say there are labyrinths waiting for people to look different there.

Well, to put it plainly, it's an instance dungeon where more structure is randomly generated. I don't meet other parties because they are also made to suit one party in the dungeon.

'... Hmm, that's a lot of old ruins. Feels like I saw it. I wonder if it's from the disastrous times. These ruins are equipped with defensive magic, so be careful.'

Mr. Lucille, who saw the door, was spilling such a word. That's what this dungeon seems to be like in her perception.

What is waiting for you ahead? With anxiety and anticipation, we also moved on to the door with those who disappeared one after another.

Unlike the pit where you can see the ever uneven rock skin as you dive through the door, it led to a place where the stone wall corridor continues. If you look back, you'll find it in front of the entrance to the pit. There are people out there, but I can't hear the hustle. It was as if the doors had been divided apart. I'm sure those people over there won't see us.

There's no light in the hallway. It's dim and I can't see ahead. But suddenly the light appeared and it was brighter. Looks like you cast a light magic light.

"Light said you used Light's magic."

"Stop being so weird."

I've got eyes for Wright, who's a little regretted giving me the same name as magic.

Mr. Kyle and Mr. Bluey also cast light magic [lights], so the dark issue was solved.... Though I didn't mind staying that way as a dark wizard. Move a little to escape the light.

"Then let's go!

"Wait, let's do the auxiliary magic before we go."

It was Savar who stopped Wright from trying to walk away. It's better to hang auxiliary magic with longer effect times before you forget to hang it.

Bluey asked me to hang auxiliary magic. [Mana Shield] of divine magic. Do we weaken the power of any attack by targeting a shield made of magic? Was it because of this that the street of the attack was bad when we fought before? And then [Protection]. They say this is magic that will completely prevent an attack only once.

"The Spirit of the Wind, Silf. Show us what the contract looks like and give us protection!

What a subpoena magic spirit Savar-kun chanted. The Spirit Silf that appeared circled directly above us. When I wondered if the sparkling light had fallen, I received [Silf protection]. The effect is resistant to the effect increase of the wind attribute to the movement speed increase of thirty minutes. Reduce damage when falling from heights, etc.

[Windstep] But there's nothing you can't do if you're just moving up, but this magic is more potent. That's the magic the Spirit handles. Silf then disappeared, wrapped in light, like when he was summoned. Spirit magic is the magic of calling the Spirit to help you. If you help me, the Spirit will soon disappear. I'm not always the type to summon spirits.

"You could have used spiritual magic."

"I've just been able to get a contract."

Apparently it's hard to sign with the Spirit. Summoner and Familia, the other subpoena magic, are better monsters around it, but Spirit can't even make a contract without meeting the Spirit. What's more, as we met, it's another matter of whether you'll sign a contract. Savar-kun said he had met the Spirit of Fire before, but that he was incompatible with the elves of the forest people and couldn't make a contract?

"Is there anyone else who can use auxiliary magic?

Yeah, auxiliary magic was something I could use... This sounds good. It was the newly remembered earthly magic [protection of the earth] that I chanted. Increases target's Defense.

"And then there's the magic of increasing your Attack in exchange for a Defense called [Black Crest], do you need it?

"What are you going to do with the defense you just raised? I don't need it now."

"I know, Savar. I was just asking."

[Black Crest] is, as it works, a [Dark Magic] skill that gains power at a price. I wanted to try it...... well when that time comes again I'll try it.

We went inside the dungeon. The line is headed by Azi and Mr. Southern Ka, who are scouts. Next, Mr. Kyle and Mr. Wright. Me, Bluey and Oliver as follows. And it's Savar.

"There's a trap there. Be careful.

Such a report has been raised by Mr Southern, not by Tuba, a leading scout...... Apparently, he discovered a trap before he met the enemy.

"Awesome! I had no idea...... Is Southern Ka's level high?

"No, I just found it, too, so you just missed it, Azie!


Hang on, Azi...... I'm glad Mr. Southern Ka came to the scouts for this. For once, even Nil's [nursing] skills seemed to me to be able to discover the trap. But I can't untie the trap if I can make a discovery.

"Let it be, at least let me disarm it! Because I'm good at it!

"Oh, do that"

Mr. Savar, standing next door, sighs one thing. It always seems to be in this condition. You kind of hear the daily struggle. I just untapped the trap and went further, and the previous two stopped on their feet.

"Enemy is finally here!"

"There are five stone golems. I haven't noticed this one yet."

I don't really see the enemy from here. The barely visible figure is a white figure. Somehow, it looked similar in shape to the golem I could summon.

"Is there going to be an ambush?


"Yeah, I think it's okay. And Savar, too, right?

"Oh. I got it."

"Then if I ambush you, me and Wright will come forward. Chloe and the others say hello for backup support."

Using that word of Kyle as a signal, the two men who were ahead disappear.

[Stealth] of covert skills, right? Two people who disappeared completely.... Azi disappeared to dissolve in the darkness, but Mr. Southern was disappearing the next moment wondering if he was wrapped in white smoke.

Performance effects are different even though they have the same skills. Apparently, Mr. Southern Ka is customizing his skills.

I didn't have time to be impressed. An ambush attack has already begun on the Golem where I was earlier.

Mr. Southern Ka's attack was a blow aimed at the steeple, whereby the Golem died instantly. You're working fast.

Azi also put in a [guard break] to reduce his defense, then gave him a continuous attack by a double dagger.

The third body is attacked by Savar-kun's bow and arrow.... The HP bars that look far away have gone down in the grip... oh was it the critical power that came out of attacking the core, which is the weakness.

Kyle and Wright, who came forward shortly, enter the augmentation between the two. The two bodies, who were losing strength, were defeated without the art of exchange.

The other two...

"Come on, be drunk by the darkness!

Activate the [Darkburst] that you spoke of. The two are drunk by the explosion of darkness. Immediate death... I'm almost dying though I didn't go with it. Too bad.

"Oh, my God, don't get me into this!

"Oh, I'm sorry, Wright."

Wright, who was within the range of effects, apparently got involved. No magical damage will come in, but the blast was flying with the golem.

I'm going to wake up the flying lights. Kyle and Southern Ka handled the golem that fell during that time.

"Don't use me next time, that move"

"But this is the most fire-powered move..."

"You haven't been able to kill me even with the firepower! Stop blowing up enemies in that state!

...... the golem did fly a little farther. Though a stone-walled corridor surrounded by walls, it is a corridor large enough to allow people to pass even in line next to ten people. That's why if I fly poorly, I fly far away. Needless to say, the end of the aisle.

"Okay. Then we'll do it with the firepower we can be sure of."

"No, that's not what I meant..."

"Of course I'll be careful not to get involved. This isn't gonna be a problem, is it?

Smiling back gave me a slightly drawn grin, but he convinced me. It's okay, because I won't blow it off carelessly anymore.

Well, I was able to get the Golem drops. Hmmm......

"Scum stone, scum stone... broken core..."

"Can we really pick gems here? At this level, you'd better still hunt those monsters out there, huh?

It's just something that's not very good. You thought the same thing, Wright says so.

"This is what regular drops of general monsters here look like. If you're after Rare Drop, you should go to the lower tier."

Oliver says with a scum stone in his hand. Sure, it's still the first fight. Let's hope in the future.

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