The exploration from then on went well. Discover the staircase leading from the first to the second floor and just go to the second. The enemies that emerge are Golems and monsters similar to stone rollers. Then there were bat demons. But we defeated everything without jeopardy. Sometimes it was as if it would end without a curtain for me to leave.

On the second layer, the drops now hit something a little better. [Reinforced Demon Stone] and [Damaged Core]. Reinforced demon stones can reinforce weapons, they say. They seem to be limited to weapons from thirty levels, so they can't be used for current weapons, but they are likely to be used in the future.

[Damaged core]. Mr Lucille's story taught us that if we gather this, we might be able to create a new core. With this, you can make a decent golem, not an instant golem! I've only got one so far. I don't really drop it.

And then [Repair Demon Stone]. You don't have to go to a blacksmith or anything. You can repair your gear with this. That's very convenient. I don't really drop this one either.

And mapping speed is fast. If you don't proceed, you naturally won't see terrain or anything on the map. Normally, I can tell a certain number of miles from my range, but this time the range is extended.... It was apparently Mr. Southern Ka who was making this effect.

"Because I'm very good at exploring these places."

I asked and that answer came back. I guess you also have investigative skills.... Nevertheless, what the hell is Mr. Southern here for? We observe her from the sight of Nil who made her advance, but we don't see any particularly suspicious behavior.

I just watched it the whole time and realized that I laugh sometimes. Of course, he's hooded on the surface and can't see his expression, and his attitude is something cold. But I laugh when I'm fighting, when I'm talking to my partner (Haku).... Whatever the character is, I feel like the people inside are enjoying the situation right now. Look, I still laughed.

"Wait. There's a hidden door there."

"Really? Where?

As always, it was Mr. Southern Ka who found it. I've seen your direction, but there are only stone walls. But when she pushed a place on the wall, the stone wall moved and a new room appeared.

"Are you going to explore? There's a staircase right around the corner..."

You won't be able to move forward and ignore this. Everyone seemed to do the same, and we ended up exploring that room together.

"... is this an arsenal?

All of the small, cluttered rooms were like weapons.

"They're all old and rusty. I don't think I can use it anymore."

Did you even take one weapon and do an appraisal, Oliver says so? And how can there be so many old weapons here......

"Mr. Lucille, do you know what it is?

"Hmm. Like I said, this is a disaster site. To see this, I think this is a fortress built when chaos was raging around. '

There was once a time when the world was overshadowed by chaos. I think the weapons here tell the horror of that time.

"Hey, look, look! This is not a chest!?

"There must have been one here."

Apparently, there was a treasure chest in a pile of weapons. With a delightful look, Azzie and Mr. Southern show two boxes.

"Oh, looks like they're both locked"

"So, Savar, it's nice to meet you! I don't like unlocking my keys!

"Okay, okay. The trap... doesn't look like it. I'll leave that box to you, okay?

"... you have understood"

Savar-kun and Mr. Southern Ka took out the picking equipment and tried to unlock the crate.

"Azzie doesn't like unlocking, does she?"

"Yeah, because that's a delicate task, which I can't do at all. But you're so good at Savar! I broke my tools right away."

- Kachan.

- Pocky.

Two sounds echo on the spot at the same time. One sounds like unlocked. The other is the sound of something snapping and breaking.

If you look at Savar, you shake your head like it's not me. Then I look next door.

"Mr. Southern Ka......?

"My hand just slipped a little"

Take the broken tool in your hand, Mr. Southern Ka says like it's nothing. It was Southern Ka who tried again to unlock the key......

- Pocky. Once again, what sounded like it was a breaking sound.

"Hey, I'll open it, take my place."

"... it's not nice."

Slightly dropping his shoulder, Mr. Southern Ka leaves the front of the crate.

"That's surprising. I thought I was good at these things..."

"I don't like these fine tasks. To be honest, it's suspicious to lift the trap."

"What, even though I can untie it!?

Azie, who's not good at the details, but it looks like someone clumsy was here to go further than that.

"What were you doing when you found the trap before?

"If the trap is really activated, it must have gone through with a full force of sickness before the trap was activated"

That's a lot of force moves. But I thought this guy might be able to do it.

"All right, this one's open, too."

It was Savar, who unlocked the crate in just one go. Now, let's see what's in that crate. By the way, there are two crates, each with contents for a number of people. When I opened the two crates, they both contained small sphere gems.

"Is this [Magic Gem]?"

"Magic Gem?"

"That's a new item added in this update to Mai. A magical stone that slightly increases the status that can be attached to weapons and protective equipment and accessories. I deal with jewellery as an accessory artisan, and I'm thinking of working with this artisan."

Oliver says that and laughs niggly. You can't use it with your current gear because you can't use it without a slot to set magic gems on weapons and such. But remember for the future.

Check the effect of the magic gem coming out of the chest. To Physical Attack Rise... Agility Rise... I don't want to. Agility is still a servant, no physical attack power. You want me to hit you with a cane?

"It's magical aggression... I don't need it -!

"No, no, that's a hell of a hit!

"Uh, I'm a swordsman. I do use magic, but that's it..."

"Then let's trade it for my Physical Attack Rise?

"Something like that! Way to go!

That's why I traded it for Light. The others start to exchange on the spot. Guys, you didn't pull the hit for yourself...... In that flow, I traded the agile rise from Mr. Southern Ka for a magical increase.

Then, after the armory, we headed to the next tier.

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