The dungeon exploration proceeded very well and finally reached the fifth level. But every time we went down the layer, the strength of our enemies also increased.

"Be careful. Those iron golems, they seem to be very physically resistant individuals!

"I didn't think the attack would make sense."

Mr. Kyle plays Golem's offense with a shield, answering Bluyi-kun's words. Bruyi-kun apparently has analytical skills and gets more information about the monster if he succeeds in making analytical decisions.

That monster called [Iron Golem] is very physically resistant. But the fact that something stands out and has high abilities makes other abilities lower.


"Yes, you can always!

Behind me I stand a wand, putting out a magic formation at my feet. Its magic formations emit purple light powerfully just to say it's ready.

Take that as a signal. The avant-garde group backs off. While keeping the iron golem where the four bodies were in place in a hardened position as much as possible to avoid tearing it apart.

Make sure they're all away and activate the magic that was keeping them waiting for the chant. [Darkburst] activated around four golems, and the explosion of darkness erased their health. Physical resistance is high, but conversely, these golems have very low magic resistance.

"All right, that's it -"

"No, wait. What the hell is left of it!

Without Savar breaking his guard, he leads the arrow and shoots it out. I rang the sound of cutting the wind and stabbed the core of the [iron golem] where the only arrow that was shot off stood like nothing happened.


"Analysis suggests that only those individuals were highly resistant to magic"

Bluey says sorry. Apparently, the other three bodies were physically resistant, but this whole thing was different.

"If physics goes through, no problem!

Light-kun jumps into the golem running this way. He wielded the Great Sword as it was and defeated that golem.

The battle ends first with this. The fact that resistance appeared in this way stopped me from going easy. But the drops got better. What a [core of golems] I still get now. It's a decent core, not a damaged core. I'm glad to hear this.

"Level has risen to 30.

Looks like you've risen your level, too. The experience is very good in there, so I was able to get to 30 levees right away. Hmmm...... your skill level is going to be up in a little while.

"Mmm... there's a hidden room there again"

Mr. Southern Ka, who was ahead of him, stops and points to a place with stone walls. When I looked closely, there was something like a door. You seem harder to see than hidden...... When I walked into the room, there was a table, and there was something like a kitchen in the back. Was this the dining room in this facility?

"Just fine, and why don't we take a break here?

It was Mr. Kyle who suggested it. Everyone seemed to agree with that opinion and decided to take a small break here.

"Nil, take a rest."

Nil also fell asleep with one yawn like he was tired. It's difficult to understand the time because it's in the dungeon, but it's daylight now. Because a nocturnal nil moving at this time is going to be quite impossible.

When I looked around, each of them began to take a break of thought. Mr. Kyle sits in a chair, arms together and eyes closed.... Looks like you're leaving your seat when it feels like that. Light was surrounding the table with the Azies and threesomes, talking about monsters and drops earlier.

Mr. Southern Ka is away with his partner (Haku). They also organize drops from where their gaze is busy and moving, within the screen that shows them in view.... although sometimes the four of us looked at each other discussing it.

Behind the futon cafeteria. Oliver, who was in a kitchen-like place, caught my eye.

"What are you doing?

"I'm seeing if I can still use the kitchen here... you can always use Kamado. Then if we start a fire, we're going to be able to cook here. You're lucky you found us in a dungeon like this."

... Speaking of which, couldn't you do without the skills to cook outdoors without a dedicated facility to cook?

"We've been fighting this far. That's a lot less full, isn't it?

That's what Oliver said. He took out the firewood and the firestone. Certainly Oliver was right, and if you noticed, you were quite less full. You have to eat something and fill your stomach because when you're hungry, it affects your status.

Oliver, who was a non-combatant, said he hasn't lost much, but that's why he seemed to cook for me to try to be of some use. If I can't find a place here, he said he created a simple cooking area to handle it. You're ready.

"I'll look forward to it"

"That's it for the cooking arm, so don't expect the flavor, okay?

Player skills are tested to some extent for the deliciousness of food. If you have a high level, you can cook regular dishes in any bad way.

Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten something...... Ah.

"I forgot about the soup expiration date!

Open the item box in a hurry. Dark soup made in large quantities before this. Those expired in a few hours. Oh...... I should have made sure I stocked the soup properly. Some of them are already past. Oh, it's a waste.

The expiration system was added in the last Apde. He said that no matter how much time he'd had before, he'd never rot with the food... and the operation added an extra element at all.

"What the hell is that? Are you rotten?"

"This isn't rotten yet. It's like this from the beginning."

"Yep... that's a lie..."

Oliver pulled himself back to avoid me with the dark soup in his hand. If it rots, the item name changes to [Expired Dishes]. Then it changes its appearance.

If you eat it, you will get a [abdominal pain] condition abnormality. Even dark soup that gives more than one state anomaly. By the way, the flavor also turns into something you can still eat. I wonder why you're losing performance if you rot.

"Is that the one Chloe drank before this?

"Ah, if you think you've seen something, it's bad soup then"

Is it because you've seen me drinking before I use magic, Wright and Savar looking interesting.

"Sure, that would have made you stronger, wouldn't it?

"Yes, indeed, this is the source of power"

It adds a lot of state anomalies, so it's easy to get the effect of [the price of darkness], right?

"Give me a drink, too!

That's what Wright took the dark soup out of my hand and drank it with momentum as it was. Ah.

"... Ha!! What the hell is this? Ugh!

"It's okay!?

"I'm glad I'm ready after all..."

Light-kun drops a plate from his hand right after a sip, keeps his mouth down and falls in. After seeing such a light, Azi immediately takes out the water and hands it to him, and Bluey cures the condition anomaly.

"You used to drink that with your face..."

Savar watched that with cold eyes.

"Because I'm used to the taste. Would you like a drink?

"Can you look at that and drink it!

It's okay, it tastes fine if humans eat it properly. Rather, we should eat here because we think of it as an experience. Because it's the first flavor I'm sure I'll ever eat in my life.

"... what the hell happened while I was out of my sight?

Ah, looks like Kyle's back. The face that was leaning up looked up and wondered at the suffering Light.

"This is what happened when I drank Chloe's soup. It tasted strange that it wasn't rotten at all."

"Really? But I can't believe that much with soup... isn't that exaggerated? And it's rude to say that."

"If that's what you think, drink it too."

That's what Wright said. I saw this one. Oh, you want me to serve soup. We have a lot of stock, so let's get it out. It's all before the expiration date, but it's okay. Because if it's before it expires, all the food can be made and the game specifications come out in a hoya state.

"............... this"

Mr. Kyle solidifies with the soup in front of him. Yeah, because you look bad first from the looks of it. Because it's so demonic soup that I think I'll be dead if I drink this for sure. I actually die.

"Look, what's up, brother Kyle? Ooh! If you want to drink, just drink it. You're rude to Chloe.

Light seems to be very entertaining to stir up. Mr. Kyle, you won't refuse to drink this soup. Because a character named “Kyle” has a personality that can't possibly do that.

But the people inside will be different. He doesn't seem to want a drink. Because for a moment I felt Kyle's eyes stare at Wright. If you resent, resent your character of a character you can't refuse.

"... it might just look like it, I still can't tell if I don't try it"

You've made up your mind, you've got a very serious eye. That's Kyle, you're a role-player connoisseur. Then shall we act with respect for that readiness?

"I'm so glad you want to eat my food so badly. Shall I feed you?"


I'll spoon the soup and offer it to Kyle. Interesting for Mr. Kyle, who is a werewolf. Are you so happy to be fed by Chloe?... or did you have trouble using your hands to pretend you ate?

"You can't come this far and not eat, can you?

"... of course not"

My laugh right now will surely be as black as dark soup. Kyle approached me with a slightly dry grin on it. Then he grabs my hand with my spoon and pulls it toward himself.

'... anyway, don't you think I feel sorry for Kyle?

"The beginning of the matter in the first place is Wright, Mr. Kyle (...)"

"Yeah, but you got on as a joy, too."

"I won't deny it."

I say that in a voice that only I can hear and I fly cancer. As always, you have such an awesome stare that you don't look good.

"You fucking witch!

Even as she vomited such evil, Mr. Kyle drank soup.

"... this is... not just soup... you can't... ugh!

"Look, just like I said, right?

"Wow, Mr. Kyle fell down too!?

After that, as expected, I fell while holding down my mouth like Wright did earlier. Thank you, Mr. Kyle. I won't forget about you. No, I'd be in trouble if they really died, though.

"... I'm starting to wonder how bad it tastes too"

"Stop it, Bluey. I can't treat you if you drink."

"But I'm starting to wonder too!

"What, are you seriously going to eat it, Azzie!?

"I'll drink up that soup! Look, Savar, too!

"No, I'm not eating! He said he wouldn't eat!

...... Needless to say that Bluey's therapeutic magic was activated twice afterwards.

"But no one drank this soup out of me...... I think we should get used to it."

'... Chloe, I'm not saying anything bad. Don't make people eat that soup any more. "

To my crush, Mr. Lucille penetrates as if he were stunned. I didn't expect to be stopped by NPC.

"Whoa, what are you doing? In the meantime, do you want to reword it with my cooking?

"There was a God here!

"I will! Thanks, Oliver!

The dish Oliver cooked for me was an easy one called Consomme Soup with vegetables.

But the faces that ate the dark soup were eating so happily as if this soup was better now than any other dish in the world.

Yeah, well, it does seem like eating after that soup refreshes you and purifies your mouth.

"That one's out of stock?

That's crazy. Minus the amount of dark soup I behaved to everyone, I don't have enough soup for one thing. I tilted my neck, and that's when I heard something fall with the screams.

"... Sa, Mr. Southern Ka is down!

"Was it you if I didn't think so!

There were also people here who lost their curiosity. Don't be afraid, dark soup.

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