After a short break in the decaying dining room, we proceeded again through the labyrinth. While similar passages continue, defeat your enemies to the sixth level.

You've had a break, especially if you've never been in an accident like this and been able to move on. Everyone moves well. Thanks also to Mr. Southern Ka for finding the room. I was dying of soup earlier.

"… there is another trap there"

We stopped naturally to say what we heard many times today. The hallway that stretches out in front of you looks like nothing from us.

"Apparently, the next trap is like a pit."

"Ma'am, either way, I'm going to disarm you!

"Wait, Azie! Don't disarm me yet!

Savar was the one who stopped Azi from trying to untie her.

"What, we can't move on until we untie the trap, can we?

"No, that's not necessarily true, is it? This labyrinth is the type that goes underground. Then if you fall for the pit, you can go straight down to the floor."

"Oh, shit! Sure you do!

Sure, you don't have to use the stairs, but if you fall into the pit, you can go straight down. If you're talking about Savar, you can use it as a shortcut, as it may fall not only for the first floor but also for more than the second floor.

"But if you fall, you take falling damage..."

"That's not a problem either, there's [silf protection], right?

Savar answers Wright's concerns. Speaking of which, you had a reduction in fall damage among the effects of protection. Then you'll be fine if you fall from height to some extent.

"Yeah, but you don't even know how tall..."

"If you're so worried, why don't I drop in and take a look at the height? I can fly."

That's what I'm gonna do. I thought there wouldn't be a particular turn within this narrow labyrinth, but that's something that comes up unexpectedly.

"I'll make sure the fallen end is safe. If it doesn't work, I'll fly back."

"Then I'll leave it to Chloe. Don't push me."

I approach the trap with words like that hung by Mr. Kyle. Then Nil and Mr. Lucille follow. I also thought about my hands letting Nil go, but apparently the trap doesn't respond to the user demon. Likewise for pets. Too bad.

- Gattang!

Stepping into the trap, the ground on the spot instantly disappeared. Foot is only the invisible darkness ahead. After a moment of floating, the body falls into darkness.... If I use dark magic here, will it have the highest output?

Though you didn't have time to worry about me falling to death, you didn't have time for swallowing thoughts. But unexpectedly, the time for falling is long. The floor for the first floor shouldn't be that long...... this is for the second or third floor, right?

I finally see the light. Well, that's as far as free falls go. It's time to fly aboard the pod. We flew through the darkness and reached the basement floor.

"We're here."

Chloe, how's it going over there?

"Well, it looks like a very large room."

In response to Mr. Kyle's correspondence, he descends to the ground and looks around. It's not like the complete darkness earlier around, it's just dim but without the lights it would be hard to see. I don't have any particular problems because I have dark vision.

- Gattang!


I heard a loud noise coming from overhead. I don't think so. I look up at the ceiling.... I knew it. I'm missing the hole that fell. Apparently, the pit was a one-way street.

"The hole is blocked and I can't go back up"


"Well, besides not being able to go back at the moment, the problem is -"

"Chloe, behind you!

Mr. Lucille's sharp voice. Through her [signs perception] skills, a red effect appears on the screen that informs you of the danger. I didn't think it was a good idea. At that time, I had my body grabbed by the hands of something big.

I see it in the dark. That's a bigger individual than the golem I saw earlier. [The Keeper's Giant Golem]... What exactly two names have. Moreover, if you look closely around, there are several [iron golems] with the appearance of a subspecies [crystal rollers] of stone rollers with a wide variety of gems on their backs.

"Apparently this was a... monster house"

Monster House is at the end of the pit. It's a very good double trap to repel intruders.

[Protection] shields are torn and health shredded by the hands that tighten the body critically even during such an interest. You can't run away or handle magic because you're in custody.

It's a bad situation, but there's something I can do...

- Gattang!

It was then. At the same time I heard another noise overhead, a white chunk descended from directly above the golem grabbing me. The hard stuff sounded as heavy as a bump, and the golem loosened the power of the hand it was grabbing with its impact. I escape restraint in that gap and take a distance.

"Chloe, are you okay!

"Yeah. Thanks to you, Mr. Kyle"

There was a figure of Mr. Kyle kicking over the head of the golem and getting off to the ground and putting up a shield to protect me on my back. I didn't know you'd jump right into the pit and come and help me. Besides, it looks like he's falling with his shield down and no drop damage. Rather, he even decided to do damage to the golem.

"Oops...... looks like you're both okay!

"For a while the other enemies are drawn by the awkward. I left the big man to Lord Kyle."

It was Azi and Mr. Southern Ka who came down without a sound. They were defeating their enemies with their own prey when they fell. I'm working fast. Keep dealing with other enemies.

"I'm sorry I put you in danger for what I just suggested."

"Well, I didn't expect the hole to get blocked, and I had no choice."

The next thing you know, Savar and Bluyi, held by him, are coming down. Savar-kun turns to cover for two people who are on the front line, and Bluyi-kun hits my treatment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, mislanded!

'... shouldn't you have been held by Savar, too?

"Ugh! I just got the wrong angle to fall a little!

It also came down to screaming, rather than falling lights. It's Oliver who looks like he chose to wait upstairs to stick it in cold....... no damage. The protection peeled off, though.

"Light! Just help me out here, I can't keep it down by myself!

"Oh, bad! Because I'm going now!

Light-kun turns to Kyle's support, who was enduring the onslaught of the one-man Giant Golem.

"The analysis came back, but there's no magic resistance to that golem."

"Thanks for the report, Bluey. You see that Giant Golem weekpoint over here, don't you? I asked for the rest."

"Yeah, I know."

Nod and answer to Savar-kun's words. - Okay, do you want to do it?

Kyle and Wright play Giant Golem opponents in the front. Azi and Mr. Southern Ka, who deal with the enemies around them so they don't get in their way.

Savar-kun shoots through enemies they couldn't deal with, or enemies and magic coming this way. If anyone gets hurt, they'll recover soon, Bluey.

So, what's my role? That, of course, is a magical damage dealer.

"The Power of Darkness..."

The Purple Magic Formation appears in response to the activated word of the set skill. Ten seconds of chanting, you don't have to earn it. Because everyone else is holding back their enemies. Take dark soup and cold medicine just before, lower your talent and raise it... just release it after.

"Come on, this is my payback! Blow it all up, Darkburst!

An explosion of darkness rolls around the Giant Golem. Magic strikes directly at the brittlest part of your hard body like there are no gaps. A black-purple flame smashed its body. Not only that, but the enemies that were around them blow up together.

"... as always, awesome amount of damage"

"The person I let go is dying, though. It's almost suicide bombing."

I can hear Savar-kun like a shudder. But isn't that good, this damage? You've been able to destroy enemies all around you, including the Giant Golem.

Oh, Bluey, thank you for the recovery. Surely this is close to suicide bombing. Though I can't say much because the price is greater, and the power is greater.

"That's why I told you not to get me involved. Whoa!

... I hear voices like that from the vortex of some magical explosion that hasn't fit in yet, but I'm sure it's because of you. Because you weren't involved with Kyle or Azie or Southern Ka who were in the same range.

"Oh, are you done? It seemed like we could handle it. Good, good. '

I can hear Oliver waiting upstairs for you to relax. Yeah, I'm really glad I managed.

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