I still had something to worry about when it came to what I got in the dungeon.

That's [the core of the golem].

Until now, the golem was an instant golem that would disappear quickly even if summoned because it had no core. But with a core, you can create a semi-permanent golem.

Let's make one to try!

The first thing to prepare is [the core of the golem]. And next, prepare the soil your body needs.

Prepare proper hard materials if you want to create a defensive golem, as the soil affects the strength after production.

This [Iron Golem Shard] is used this time. As you can tell from the name, that's the material you dropped from the iron golem you fought in the dungeon. You can use this to make the same iron golem.

One is not enough, so let's have about twenty of these. Ready now. Set up a wand to activate [Golem Making] skills. Then a magic formation appeared in front of me. It's a brown magic formation because it's an earthly attribute.

... Hmm, apparently it will take an hour to complete. I see, as soon as I finish chanting that simple production without a core is better, it will be generated, but using a core seems to take some time to generate.

After an hour, the golem was completed. Thanks to the material used, it still looks just like the iron golem I was in that dungeon. And the performance seems the same.

I mean, you perform better than an instant golem that you make without a core.

But it takes an hour to make. If you want to use the golem right away, even if it has low performance, no core, and if you want something that performs well over time, it sounds like you should make it with core.

"From now on, I'm your master. Thank you very much."

Yes, if I spoke to Golem, he nodded to reply.

After all, it looks like Core also has the intelligence to understand these words, and he can hear the detailed instructions.

So to try, I left the golem to watering the herbal fields, etc. The orders seem to have been properly listened to and done well.

This is just fine. I was just having trouble figuring out what to do with managing the expanded herbal fields.

Because I and Earl alone were running out of hands. With the help of the golem, it will be easier to manage, and you can make your fields a little bigger and increase your harvest.

[Core of the Golem] is still there. It can be one [core of the golem] for as long as there are a number of damaged cores as well. Looks like you could make a five-body golem if you put them together. Shall I make it in your spare time?

The golem is going to be a force of war if only we could have a few. In fact, I've seen information on bulletin boards and stuff about how Golem operates as a force in a warring country.

When that happens, you want to collect [the core of the golem] as much as possible. You may want to try it yourself and collect it, but it takes time, so you might want to buy it.

Fortunately, there are still people trying the dungeon, the market is going to be overflowing with dungeon material. Let's go to the city of Ilu again next time. I just want to talk to Oliver.

"Mr. Lucille, I'm going out to Miranda's... what do you want to do?

I also finished organizing my items, so I thought I'd go to Miranda's store. If it's always the case, Mr. Lucille is coming with me...... I asked him once because he looks different than usual.

She looks like a teenage girl now. Lucille said that she has different hair colours and eyes, but looks just like her childhood. As long as the other person doesn't know her old days, you won't immediately notice with Mr. Lucille when you see Mr. Lucille in this look.

"Of course I'm set to go! It's been a while since I could walk around the city in people's eyes!

"Okay. Then let's do something about that outfit before we go."

I can't see my hands without the long sleeves rolling, and the hem of the robe is dragging every time I walk about the ground.... If you wear it again systematically, the size of the clothes is going to shrink to fit your shape and fix it, but the clothes don't look a bit good on you, do they? It looked good on Lucille, the original old witch, but now she doesn't look good on her age.

"Ho... it's been a long time since I've worn such a pretty dress!

In the meantime, I put on the [dress of the noble lady] that I was first wearing. You still look better on this one. Mr. Lucille liked it, too, and he seemed to flicker the hem of the dress with pleasure. She looks like some lady because of her clothes.

"Shall we go then, Mr. Lucille?"


Mr. Lucille follows with a coward.... I've looked younger looking like a teenager too. It's better than Chloe if she's her original age...... no, but the AI used for NPC itself should still have been something like five or six years, in the sense that it might correspond to the year.

"Hello, Mr. Miranda"

"Chloe, there you are ~... is that it?

The sauce eyes that seemed tender when Miranda opened the door to her store looked strangely behind me.

"Chloe, what's wrong with that Ketsey kid?

Shit...... I wasn't thinking about explaining Mr. Lucille's existence! It's hard to say it's Mr. Lucille...... yeah.

"Me? I'm your sister, Chloe!

What, hey Mr. Lucille, what are you talking about......!!


"Yep... he's like my sister, and he's a relative's child! I'm going to keep it for a little while..."

"I see."

Make that correction in a hurry. Because I think I would also listen to deception if I told you that I was a relative rather than a blood connection called my sister.

"Mr. Lucille, how many sisters are you talking about..."

"Oh, my God! Hey, I thought my sister would be good. Well, I certainly would have preferred a relative. '

Absolutely deliberate, right? If you look at the dog teeth and smile slightly and pleasantly, it seems absolutely deliberate.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Miranda. What's your name?

"Eh...... BELSEY!

Belle and Lucille together. Is it Bercy? That's kind of a healthy name. It's not healthy at all, though, because I get taunted like I just did.

'And yet... do you need a girl to act?

"Would it be weird to talk in this way as usual? 'Cause it's more natural and it doesn't seem weird.'

... I didn't know you'd start acting (lol) until Mr. Lucille. Well, the person seems to be having fun, and she's not suspicious, so fine.

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