Second Story Online: Aiming To Become The World's Number 1. Ideal Witch

111 · What I was picking up while I didn't know

"Yo, Chloe! You took care of me before."

"Isn't that Oliver?"

Mr. Miranda's store had Oliver. I didn't notice it hiding a bit in the shadows, partly because of the dwarf and being short. Nevertheless, it is unusual for him to be here, a Dwarf craftsman based in the city of Ilu.

"Why are you here?

"Oh, I hear there's a merchant ship coming over the seat link. They're opening up the market, so I thought I'd go check it out. I just happened to be here."

"I was worried about the market, too. I was just talking about going with you."

Speaking of seat links...... were they indeed the names of the port towns a short distance from the city of Die Road. You've never been to much on the other side of the Dusk Forest. Because it's something I didn't have business going over there in the first place. Besides, there seemed to be a recurring ship with Wang Du, but it also seemed to be due to demonic influences that he was not coming very often -

"... hmm? Didn't the demons in the ocean make it hard for the ship to come?

"That's right - I think the demon just got knocked down. Anything. Someone who was on the contact ship a while ago caught the demon and exorcised it."

"Oh, really..."

... caught and defeated the demon?

"Isn't that possibly the fisherman before you?

You're the guy I met in this store before. I remember him because he was the one who caught the Holy Sword and he was from his hometown.

"Chloe thinks so, too? I thought so too. But it's a rumor, I don't know the truth. Well, it seems that the pirate exorcism was successful, so there are regular ships and merchant ships coming again."

Was that fisherman actually an amazing person? I don't know the truth...... but whatever it is, it looks like the seaways are safe now.

"Hey, Chloe, why don't you go to the seat link, too? You might be able to buy a rare product ~"

Hmm, that might be good, too. I sold it to Miranda before...... and the glass doc she sold me was also a rare item. You might get valuable items that aren't around here.

"Are some things likely to be cane material?

"Probably, I think so. I'm talking about products for Iru artisans like me."

This is a great way to find ingredients for the wand Earl makes for you.

"Then it's settled. I'm coming with you."

"Really? Yay!"

Nico and Miranda seem happy. If I had merchant Miranda and craftsman Oliver with me, I'd be able to avoid the damage that suits fakes and creeps.

"Speaking of which, Oliver. I just wanted to talk to you about something."


"I want you to use this [Moonlight Stone] to make accessories."

That's how I show Oliver the [Moonlight Stone] I dropped.


A white stone that gathers the light of the moon and shines. If the collected light is gone, it becomes gray.

Oliver is an accessory craftsman. I was hoping to ask him for an accessory that used this.

"Hmm... it's not a regular accessory because I want you so bad, is it?

"Yeah. This has the nature to collect moonlight, doesn't it? I was wondering if I could use that power a little bit."

[Amethyst] of Magic Ore can increase the Magic Attribute Power or something. This [Moonlight Stone] doesn't seem to have that kind of performance, but it says gather the moon light in the description.

I thought this light might not be available. There is something called [moonlight] in my skills. When it comes to the light of the moon, it raises its status. So I thought that if we could use the light of the moon that this stone collects well, we might be able to get results during the day or even where the light of the moon doesn't reach us.

"That's right... he's just a flavor... no, you can't say flavors don't make sense in this game"

Oliver-kun put his arms together to think about it. Exactly. It is this game that even flavors make sense.

"Okay. I'll give it a try. You may not be able to do what you want, but still, okay?

"Yes, thank you"

That's why I'm going to ask Oliver for an accessory.

"And then another thing, do you accept repairs called Oliver-kun? It's not an accessory..."

"What? Just show it to me."

I removed the [Broken Cauldron] from the item box. This is the cauldron that was at Mr. Lucille's house, isn't it? I use it for advanced conditioning, but it's broken and useless.

"This guy looks like he can fix it with his metalworking skills."

"Well, can I ask you a favor?

"I'm not a convenience store... well, fine. Then I'll fix it."

I thought Oliver could fix it. So I asked him.

"Can I ask for another one?

"What, now..."

"What is this? It's like something I picked up in the last dungeon... but I don't know what it is."

That's how I took it out is a small round ball item of red and blue that is treated as unapproved. I found it when I was organizing items in the dungeon, but I didn't know what items because I didn't have appraisal skills.

Oliver stared at me when I offered it for the appraisal.

"Yeah, this guy... come on, seriously."

You must have finished your appraisal. My gaze seemed to follow the letters in the info window, but I immediately gave a surprising look.

"[Demon-proof Twin Balls]... Isn't this the boss's rare droid!

He was a dungeon boss [guardian of Silver Ridge], a treasure ball that gives him two invincible effects that he was protecting that one.... Apparently this item was that treasure ball.

"Do you get an invincible effect like then with this...?

"No, you can't do it like this. Shall I make it for you? It's going to be a one-time product..."

"Wouldn't it be nice if consumables also had an invincible effect? This, too, please."

"Nah I've got more work...... Well, no. I'm gonna get paid for that, right?

Oliver would also be happy to be able to make gear out of rare materials. I was trying to have a little fun.

Well, we're done doing business with Oliver, so shall we go to the market?

"Clin, I'm going to the store."

"Then I'll take care of the store."

"Damn it! Clin's coming with us! Because you're never gonna do it to another one!

"You don't have a choice anymore... Well, I wanted to go, too."

While I tell Mr. Miranda to do something with her arm pulling, she looks happy, Clin. Last time, Mr. Miranda would be overprotective, too, considering that Clin has become chaotic, right?

That's why Miranda and Clin, and then Oliver and I are going to the port town seat link. Of course Nil, Earl and Mr. Lucille are with us.

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