Get out of the east gate of the city of Die Road and continue straight on down the road. There were no particular problems on the road and we arrived at the seat link immediately.

[Duo Region/Port Town Seat Link]

"Heh... is this the seat link"

A similar township appears as the city of Die Road when you creep through the gates. Behind that township was a distant view of the blue sea and the large ships that docked. The sea breeze blew and the smell of the Iso was slight.

Going near the dock had the desired market. Overflowing with people and things. Sometimes the sea is close, and seafood such as fish and shellfish are sold. And it seems to be from a merchant ship, some of which I don't really see around here.

"Ah! I'm just curious about that one ~! Let's go check it out, Clin!

"Manager, please wait. You can't buy weird stuff again, can you?

Looks like Miranda found something early on in her arrival that concerns her, and I'm going to pull Klim-kun's hand.

"Is that... is that the ore you can pick in the south region?

Oliver seems to have found something that he cares about, and he tries to get there.

"Well, let's say we look around too...... is that it? Nil and Luci...... where did Bercy go?

There's no Mr. Nil and Mr. Lucille around until just now...... Then Earl pointed at his finger like it was that way.

They were in front of the open air selling baked fish. Nil always sees a fish that opens his sleepy eyes clearly and burns with his glittering eyes.

"This... looks delicious."

Mr. Lucille is also shaking his tail loosely, stretching his back and peeking into the open air. I watched the carpet and the baking fish with the same glittering eyes as the nil.

What are you doing, you guys... You're looking at the two like the clerk's in trouble.

"Chloe, Chloe! I was wondering if you could buy me this!

Nil snorted at Mr. Lucille's words, too. Yeah, he's nodding fast. That's like wanting to eat right now.

As you can tell by the eating nil...... why even Mr. Lucille. Is it because you're a cat? Half cat bell, so you got stuck in a fish?

"I get it!

It makes it stand out when they do that in front of the open air. I had no choice but to buy each one a grilled fish for you.

"Yum... yum!

Mr. Lucille was cheeky happy with the freshly baked fish. Is it because it's a cat tongue? You're eating in the cold. Next to it, Nil is eating if he pecks too.

Of course I bought Earl's share. Fish is like samma, moderately fatty and tasty. It would be nice to sprinkle with moistened radishes and lemons to refresh them.

No, no. Today's purpose is shopping. It was not for dietary purposes.

"No, Nil. That's it for today!

Keep away from food stalls while catching Nil trying to fly to another store (food based, of course).

"Ah, Chloe! There was a timber shop over here."

Mr. Miranda was waving behind a slightly visible figure across the street with stalls and things twitching.

"Sounds like you have wood over there. Shall we go, Mr. Lucille..."

Is that it? No Mr. Lucille again?

"K, Chloe, wait... Wop, don't push! Crush!!

When I turned around, there was a figure of Mr. Lucille being crushed between people.

I have to help you. Pulling the hand that was jumping out with Earl, Supin fell out.

"Ha-ha-ha... it was terrible..."

"Are you all right, Mr. Lucille?

"I can't handle it... it's just inconvenient when it comes to children's bodies."

If it had been drunk by people's waves as it were, it might have gone off. We decided to hold hands so that Mr. Lucille would not be crushed again.

I guided Mr. Miranda to the timber stall. There were different kinds of cuticles lined up.

"There's a lot going on... there's something quite unusual about Trent's wood."

You really have a lot going on. Mr. Lucille seemed knowledgeable and was explaining the wood to Earl. With Trent's wood, you can have moving furniture, or steel wood can have something strong?

"It looks good on Chloe's wand... this looks good on you"

I referred to the black wood called [the wood of the obsidian tree]. It doesn't reflect light as black as charcoal.

"It's a tree that grows in a place called [The Black Forest]. It is commonly used in cane materials because it is a tree that grows by sucking the magic flowing deep into the ground, making it easy to tour magic. But if you don't handle it well, the tree will suck your magic. It's not for beginners like you can't adjust magic yet."

Apparently, the cane that can be done using this wood has to have a skill level of [both canes] of 30 or higher. I've already reached that level, so you can gear up.

"Excuse me, take this [obsidian wood]"

"Yes, 300,000 G's."

"300,000 G...... eh, 300,000 G?

Isn't it a little expensive? 300,000 G for this tree? Well the origin is far from here...... you won't be able to help it if it gets that high. I even asked Miranda once, but she told me that was the right price.

I redeemed what I picked up in the dungeon before I came here. I got the 1.5 million G that flew away with my house purchase again so I can pay it.

And then we want to get new accessories and then protective gear too...... this is going to fly again soon.

"Oh, it's Chloe and the others."

"Miranda's ladies were here too."

"Oh, my uncles. - Oh, my God."

"Aren't you Mr. Sunny and Mr. Tetsu"

Looks like the two cooks who open stalls like skewered meat and sandwiches in the city of Die Road were here, too.

"Ah, Nick's here, isn't he?"

"... wow"

Behind the two of them was Nick, who could be described as an unfathomable bear. I didn't know the Die Road craftsmen would get this far.

"Tetsu and the others are here to see the market."

"Well. Because there seemed to be some rare spices and recipe books."

"There's going to be a celebration soon. I thought if you came to this market, you might find ideas for new products to put on the festival."

"Celebration festival...?

"Lady, don't you know? The next time a new lord is in office, we're going to have a festival to celebrate."

Heh. Was Lord of the Die Road replacing someone new?

"We're leaving the store, too. It will also promote the store."

"I heard good things. Sounds interesting, and I think I'll join you."

Looks like both Miranda and Oliver are opening stores.... Hmm, shall we let it out too? I was just about to set up a store in the city. If you stall that festival, it will also be publicity.

Sounds like you should consider selling then.

"It was, Mr. Nick. I was going to visit the store later."

"... a new one?

Somehow Mr. Nick answered with pleasure. This guy has difficulty getting emotions on the table, but somehow I felt the tone of his voice was higher than usual.

"Are you happy to be asked to do so much?

"I got the right material, so I thought I'd be able to use it."

That's what Mr. Nick took out of the item box was one piece of cloth fabric. It looks like wool and is soft to touch.

"It seems to be imported from the Hayes region. Nice touch and good breathability. Then because each fiber is solid, it is more defensive than other fabrics, and it seems to be good for professional clothing that deals with witchcraft because of its magical properties. It would be perfect for a guy like you, wouldn't it?

"Hehe, right. Then one piece of protective equipment in this fabric... is that it?

There was a belt that was stopped from spreading on the rounded fabric. I looked there and something came out of the info window.

[Viscount Bradley's Seal]

... Viscount Bradley's house? Kind of like I remember seeing it somewhere...?

Ah...... oh! Isn't that Chloe's home!?

"Mr. Nick, this crest..."

"It seems to be the mark of the source of production. It's true that the merchant was talking about where the noblemen there made it..."

So this is a cloth fabric made by Chloe's parents...?

I didn't know you were in the sheep's textile industry. I also asked the merchant who was selling this afterwards, but didn't know the details.

But I've never had any contacts before, but I didn't know we'd be on edge here.

Though I ran away from home, I was concerned about my parents, but I was getting more and more concerned...... You want to try to get back home sometime. In the meantime, I decided to buy this fabric too.

I looked around to see if there was anything else that caught my eye. It's a demonic material called [Small Big Snake Blood].

"Mr. Lucille. Isn't this the ingredient for" becoming a child "that was in that [witchcraft]?

"Come on. What do you think?

"... you're mean"

"If I asked you anything, you wouldn't expect growth, would you? If I could think for myself, find out for myself, and make it on my own, I could be a one-ranked witch. Think of it as an exam for that."

If you say so, you can't not not.

All right, that's good. I'll make one or two of the tickles that make you a child. This is the first step in that!

"Thank you -! Your price is 300,000 g -!

Yes, this is a necessary step towards witches. It's a necessary expense......

I kind of don't feel like this step is a very short one, but even a small one is all you get. You shouldn't be going in the wrong direction either so you'll be fine...... I'm sure!

Well, is this how much my shopping is? Honestly, if I'm still here, I might be spending again, so I just want to cut it up here.

"Hmm... how about these shapes, Clin"

"Right...... might be good"

There was Klim and Oliver in front of one stall somehow. It's unusual for those two to be together. Besides, isn't it the accessory store where you two are?

"What are you doing?"

"Wow... what a Mr. Chloe..."

I was surprised when Clin saw me. I don't know, you're more and more concerned.

"It's suspicious that two men are in front of an accessory store...?

"Nothing's suspicious. Cline wants to find a gift for Miranda, so we're dating."

"Um, it doesn't make any deep sense! I was worried when I was in Ilu... and I wanted to give you my daily gratitude..."

Is that what happened? What a smiling thing. So when we spoke earlier, you were surprised. Because I thought Mr. Miranda spoke to me.

"Honestly, I told you I'd rather ask Chloe the woman than me."

"No, but... it was a gift for a woman like the manager..."

"I'm a woman, too, Clin?

"Oh no! It's not! I just thought Chloe might say it because she and the store manager are close...! The Sunnies seemed busy purchasing, and only Mr. Oliver seemed to be able to rely on them! Because he was also an artisan!

Am I less of a woman, after all, Mr. Kyle? I need to build up some more women's skills.

"I'm not talking, am I? Well, whatever it is, I'll help you, too."

That's why I helped Oliver choose a gift while riding with Clin to discuss it. Even so, since Oliver is talking about making things themselves, it meant looking at the stall stuff for reference and deciding what it would look like.

Ultimately, Klin-kun decided to make the lily flower an elephant hair ornament. Everything. Lily seems to like Mr. Miranda's flowers. Unlike necklaces and rings, I don't really want to make sense and it's hard to get in the way of my job, which is why I decorated my hair.


"Hey, what the fuck!!

Hey, what is it? I thought I was suddenly hearing screams from across the street, and people fled from there.


From among the people who fled and got lost, I saw one man rampaging. Unfocused eyes are bloody red. Oh, could this be it?


"Yeah, I know!

In answer to Mr. Lucille's voice, I threw a watered potion in the lake. The man in the potion seemed to have been safely purified. He went away and fell to lose his mind.

"This one... still seems to have gotten chaotic"

"Sounds like it. But why?

Look around to be alert immediately, but there's no sign of them. But where there is chaos, there is a red shadow. Something seems to be involved.

"Is that... is this...?

"Are you all right? May I ask what's going on?

The man I noticed was in a hurry to look around.

"Do you remember how this happened?

"Yeah... oh yeah, it's a pill. I bought it just now because there are drugs that can make me stronger."

"… so I tried it and it happened? To whom did you buy it?

"I don't remember... he was a regular merchant like the one around him."

I didn't seem to get any more information. I decided to leave the scene because a guard was just coming over who heard the noise.

"Hey, Chloe. Just now..."

"It looks like a runoff due to chaos. Apparently, you bought medicine from a merchant."

"... unforgivable. Let's find that merchant!

Mr. Miranda's anger is perfect. You don't leave a trafficker walking around selling dangerous drugs. If we get caught by that, we might get some information that leads to them.

So I tried to find a seller of drugs limited to the market, but it didn't come out. Well, it's just after the noise. You won't do anything to stay on the spot.

I had no choice but to pull it up once. The investigation is another time, right?

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