The cauldron has been repaired, shall we do production activities? Because we also have to produce the water potion on the lake that Mr. Miranda asked us to do.

And because I don't have any money. Because I flew away with new equipment and repair bills. We also have to collect taxes on the city.

Prepare the ingredients as usual. But I make it in a cauldron this time, so I put it in twice as much as before and stir it.

Stirring is also a struggle because of the amount. And it takes time....... I can see why alchemy is chosen to make potions. I think about getting skills if I can afford it.

"Ok...... done! Is that it? Different potion name?

[Universal potion: potion made of holy water. Treats all injuries and illnesses and speeds up health]

No, wait a minute. What I wanted to make was a regular recovery potion with water in the lake......

"Why is this..."

"If you make quality medicinal herbs grown in lake water in an advanced blending cauldron, it will be..."

I can hear Mr. Lucille's frightened voice...... Right. It will, won't it?

I was oblivious...... this cauldron is for advanced formulations. It performs better than the tools I've been using, so it was natural to have even more advanced items to be created.

I made it because of it, but it's a rebuild. Because it performs a little too well.

I took care to rebuild it. Mistake the process deliberately or wrong amount of material......

That kind of miscalculation reduces the rank of items that can be made for advanced use. And I was able to create a [recovery potion] instead of a [universal potion] safely.

A little failure? Yes, but the production of the potion is over safely.

Five hundred in number. It took me three hours to make a hundred before, but now I can make this amount in the same amount of time. Maybe it would have taken longer if it hadn't been for the cauldron.

Restart after a short break. Now I want to do a little experiment.

What to prepare is [dark soup]. You have to drink it to use it, right? Although it's obvious because it's a dish, I'd like to make it feel a little more user-friendly.

Enough to take a bite...... I thought I could do it like a pill for example.

Here is something called [Catanese grass]. This is a type of medicinal herb that is also used in cooking, and they act like single-chestnut flour. Put this in dark soup as a connecting agent and you'll be sure......!

"Oh, that?

The catanese grass and dark soup I put in the cooking pan had a failure effect and it turned out to be a failure. Same result no matter how many times you do it...... does that mean you can't do this combination?

Is it because you use dark soup? I tried adding katan grass in the process of making dark soup...... I could normally just do an item called dark soup.

Being a failure effect doesn't systematically combine, or isn't it level enough - oh, maybe.

Now instead of a cooking pan, I decided to use the cauldron I had been making potions for until just now. [Cooking] I couldn't make it with my skills, and I thought maybe I could make it with my [blending] skills.

Instead of water, add the dark soup and add the catanese grass. Then there was a sparkling effect.

[Dark soup pills: when taken, they give the effect of [poison] [paralysis] [sleep] [abdominal pain] [high fever] [debilitation] [weakness] [blunt feet] [dizziness] [ineffective eating]]

... Done! You were right to make it out of a kettle for conditioning.

Later, I also added [cold medicine] to make a version that also added the effect of [cold]. Now we have one less hassle.

It is also possible to pill recovery potions and the like, but you seem to lose your healing effect. The same goes for dark soup, but the only thing that made it less effective was the one about fullness. Is it because it's the [cooking] category where the ex gets full?

Anyway, all I want is Bad Status, so stay put.

By the way, when I took a universal potion after using this pill, it healed all properly. Now it's easier to get back.

But...... you want more bad stats. So I'm going to increase it even more.

Good luck mastering [Language: Unilay] so I can now understand the contents of the book. As a result, there was a book in Mr. Lucille's sorcery book that summarized the poisons that could give him bad status. [Defense lowering pills] [Magic defense lowering pills] [Attack lowering pills] [Magic attack lowering pills] etc...

So you'll be able to medicate a bunch of those abnormal conditions that Azi put on you.

They say Catanian grass can also be a defensive medicine. We will use this to create medicines that will have the exact opposite effect.

[Defensive lowering pills] with catanese grass, lady black and poisonous grass. [Magic Defense Decreasing Medicine] can be done by adding Blue Rose to it. [Attack Reducing Medicine] uses a wood called [Purple Berry]. Eat like that and you'll get a little more aggressive. It can be done with this and lady black and poison grass.

Then [Eye Moulding Medication]. That's a poison that gives [blind eye] bad status. Make this with red glass and poisonous grass.

Well, finally mix them up with [dark soup] and it's done!

[All-purpose poison pills: when taken, they give the effect of [poison] [paralysis] [sleep] [abdominal pain] [high fever] [debilitation] [weakness] [blunt feet] [dizziness] [ineffective feeding] [cold] [blindfold] [defense loss] [magic defense loss] [attack loss]]

Just one mouthful of this pill will give you fifteen state abnormalities.... You're going to be able to kill people with this one.

I'm resistant to some, so there are twelve that work.... Speaking of poison resistance, I knew you didn't need it, right?

So I decided to go to a dedicated NPC and have it turned off. You've got 1 point back SP and an empty skill frame. Even so, [Language: Unilay] was mastered in SP3, so it's like practically exchanging with this one.

And then again, I also made [Magic Attack Decreasing Drugs]. Though I will not use it because I am a magical attack force life.

Let's turn these things over to one celebration festival sale next time. This celebratory festival celebrates the inauguration of the new lord. The Die Road is the first festival since the service began, and the players based in this city are tenacious.

Just about as many of the third period players are still in this city and are expected to be quite excited. There may also be tourists from Wang Du because there has been a resumption of the contact ship.

If you open a store and sell it, bring it for publicity. I also applied to open the store at the festival properly. I was told by someone at the bureau that I would pay taxes at that time.

You must have been told because you bought up Mr. Lucille's impounded house......

Well, if you open a store and make sales, it means you can pay taxes. Let's do our best.

"Hmm? What is this sweet smell..."

I started smelling sweet inside the log house room. I had a big Earl's back if I followed the smell to the kitchen. Nil had already refrained from taking his side. You were sleeping in a stopwood until just now, weren't you? That's right, Nil, I'm only quick to react when it comes to food.

"What are you making, Earl?

Earl, who turned around, gave him the plate he had at hand when he laughed like he was just fine. Hall cake on a white plate. That's not just a hall cake either. It was a flower cake with flower decorations that mimicked the blue rose. Beautiful as if you saw a bouquet of flowers from above.

"Wow beautiful......! Did Earl make this? Isn't that amazing!

Next to Earl, who smiled happily as lighted, Nil was winging his wings with the bass as he told him to eat quickly. Don't you think it would be a shame to eat something so beautiful?

But it's certainly a cake made by Earl. Taste must be delicious, of course.

I just decided to get ready for tea time and eat that flower cake for everyone.


"Ha - I'm just happy..."

The sponge inside is fluffy and sweet raw cream spreads in your mouth. Maybe it's in the ingredients that it's just a little blue-rose flavored.

Mr. Lucille next door was also very happy with the cake on his cheek. Sometimes it's because it's been a long time since I've had cake for Mr. Lucille, or he seems happier than I am. The childish look of it now goes hand in hand, and it seems like she's just a cake-loving girl.

Nil was also pecking the cake looking delicious again. And I just want to eat a slice and hope for a slice. After Earl gave such a nil his share, he alternately referred to the medicine and cake I had been making until earlier.

"... maybe this cake. Do you want to make it a product for your next store opening?

Apparently, this cake was a prototype for that.... I did wish I could sell something else as well as drugs, but this is perfect.

"Of course, that's fine. I'm sure this cake will sell it to fly."

Can I get it out? He gave me a howling smile, like a relief if I nodded to Earl, who had stared at me to ask.

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