"To the new lord!


I hear jocks meeting from all over with cheers hanging.

For the first time in the city of Die Road there was a big festival. Celebration festival to celebrate the new lord. Whenever there are more new players, this city will be lively, but it feels as busy as it was then.

Nor is that full of beginners, but you can see intermediate players like you already left here, etc.

"It's so busy..."

"Really. That's why I have to try to sell in these times!"

Miranda, who is opening next door, was just calling in passers-by.

"And Chloe, you're wearing a beautiful dress today ~! Did you make your gear new?

"Yeah, that's right."

That's how I circled around on the spot to show the new gear.

"Wow! You look great on Chloe and she's cute!"

"Thank you. Miranda looks great in her hair."

"Hehe, thanks. I got this for Clin."

The lily hair decorations that fastened her fluffy hair looked good on her. Looks like you were safely sent to Miranda for that hair decoration I talked to you about the other day.

"No - the festival is a good thing!

"Mr. Tetsu. You're having another fancy drink."

In the shop before the diagonal was Tetsu's stall at the skewer baker. The shopkeeper now single-handedly drinks in front of a table placed on the street.

"You bet, you drink and eat and make a scene at the festival! Hey, good in the game. You can drink as much as you want, or you can eat."

I think I drank the liquor poured into the barrel jock and I'm going to eat the skewered grilled meat in my hand.... Isn't that that meat sale...?

"It's a shame you can't get drunk."

Sure, this is in the game. I just drank a drink called booze and you can enjoy the same flavor but never get drunk.

I can drink as much as I want, but I never get drunk. That may be a good thing, but it won't be suitable when you want to get drunk. The exhilaration you get when you get drunk can only be tasted real.

But... Mr. Tetsu seems to be drunk right now. Sometimes humans get drunk on the atmosphere of the place, so I'm sure it is.

"That's why you can't just drink and eat. Get to work."

"I know. My skewers go well with booze! Come on. How about your brother over there! I've got some new flavors for this festival!

Though slightly pissed off by Mr. Sunny, Mr. Tetsu returns to the stall to bake the skewers.... I don't drink alcohol, but this smell looks really good and makes you want to eat it.

"No, Nil. We have a store number too."

Keep the nil down like you ate. Because I'll buy it for you later.

While I forgive the unhappy nil, I will also check my store's products for defects. All right, you don't seem to have a problem.

"A new opening in the city of Die Road, also known as [The House of Dusk]! Regards -!

Flip the hem of the dress and a sign cat daughter is calling in front of my stall.... Mr. Lucille, right?

Mr. Lucille, I take full advantage of that adorable look. Thanks to you, the attraction rate is high. Surprisingly, our shop was thriving. Well, there's another reason for this...

"There it is, dusk house! You were letting me out here."

"Oh, Oliver. Welcome."

Yo! That's Oliver waving. By the way, I kept the name of the store as [Dusk House], named after Dusk Forest. Oliver-kun is also open, but he's a little far from our store, isn't he? Apparently, I'm here to see what's going on at this store.

"How's the sale going?

"Unfortunately, it's a bad idea to sell drugs."

I thought the pills in line were all well common, so I wouldn't be selling them to fly. But it seems to have a good reputation because the performance is generally better than it is.... If I sold the universal potion, it might have been different, but it's a little hard to get it out, that one.

Oliver-kun gave a decent surprised look when he heard what I answered.

"What, this wasn't the cake shop?

"This is a pharmacist...... I do sell cakes too"

Oliver, I can see your mistake. 'Cause the top seller here is cake, not medicine.

That blue rose cake Earl made sold it to fly.

It's still so desperate on the back that Earl is making a new cake. So most of the guests who come here come to buy cake. I can't help but think I'm a cake shop.

"I came here because they said it was a delicious cake shop on the bulletin board... was it a pharmacist"

"Would you stop laughing for a second?

Is it true we're talking about this on the bulletin board?? While I'm missing out on Oliver now, who's biting off a laugh, I was just wondering, so I looked into it.

Celebration Festival Featured Store! Blue rose cake looks perfect in the picture! Cake shop [dusk house]. Pretty Billboard Cat Daughter, marked by Belsey!

It did have the name of our store on it. As a cake shop. No, it's even on about Mr. Lucille! That means me too...?

The owner is the witch of the grass.

"Who's the grass witch? Who!!!!

Who is it, who did this writing? Can I sue you for libel?

Oliver and the people around me surprised me because I accidentally raised my voice.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? Shout out like that..."

"Excuse me...... Isn't that Mr. Rush"

Turn around. There was a Mr. Rush in gold armor who often stood out in this crowd.

"Has Mr. Rush been concerned about the festival, too?

"As it were, well. I'm here because Oliver said he was opening a store."

"Hey, did you come all the way to my store?

"What's wrong with you?"

What is it? You're a little restless about Mr. Rush. Oliver's right, it's rare to be alone. I didn't know you weren't with any of the guild members, not to mention Mr. Friday and Mr. Kogane.

"Ah! I'm not Rush ~! Yay!"

Miranda from the store next door seemed to notice him and came waving.

"Hey Miranda. Your place was open, too."

"That's right - that's why I'm going to look at it?


Mr. Rush tried to go to the store with Miranda's guidance, but he stopped on his feet, speaking more like he'd noticed.

"Miranda...... what's wrong with that hair decoration?

"I got this for Cline."

"Well... you look great"


Mr. Rush looks somewhere horny. Ooh, ooh?

"Isn't this, Mr. Rush? Welcome."

Mr. Miranda and Mr. Rush would have had a store number if they were talking. Here comes Mr. Klim.

"I'll take care of him, manager. May I ask the other customer for more information?"

"Really? Well, then, Clin, I asked for it."

"Oh, no, hey, hey. -"

Leaving Mr. Rush in a hurry, Mr. Miranda went to another customer.

"Oh, my God, you're doing this on purpose."

"Well, what is it?

Without being frightened by one of Mr. Rush's glances, Cline had a loving smile on her face. Between those two eyes seemed to be a bee and a spark flying.

"Ah, I see. That's what he's after."

"Sounds like it."

I see disappointed Mr. Rush's back with Oliver smiling slightly funny. I don't know what will happen to his love whereabouts, but at least that sounds difficult unless Clin admits it.

"Earl, you can sell all the cakes, but why don't you go enjoy the festival?

That's what I said to Earl, who has been doing several cake refills.

Even though we participate as storekeepers, we also have the right to enjoy this festival. Besides, Earl will probably be tired soon. I also invited her to take a break.

"Besides, it's time for Nil to be the limit."

Nil was squatting behind the store with dead eyes somewhere. It seemed like hell to him that there was a Mr. Tetsu skewer in front of him and a cake that he couldn't eat.

"Then you can leave the store number to me."

"Well, please. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Mr. Lucille, who was calling in on the street, came back, so I decided to leave it to her. We'll give Mr. Lucille a break this time when he gets back.

When this many people and shops joined the familiar city of Die Road, it looked like another city. The whole city is colored like illumination with magic lighting, so it's fun just to see that sight.

"Wait, Nil!

Do you say fast...... Nil flies to the food stall in sight at a glance. What the hell is this time, American dog, pizza, apple candy, turos, baked corn, popcorn, ice cream...

"Too many!!

If you eat that much, you'll be fat and unable to fly! Ah but Ma Mu fat nil could be cute with that...... no nothing.

Can you eat that much by and large...... no, it's possible if you're a nil.

"No. I can't buy that much!

Don't look at this one with a would-be eye like I said please. What is it...... hmm? What's up, Earl?

"Come on, let's start the Hot Dog Breakfast Games with this! I am the challenger! Now is the time to make a name for yourself!!

"... nil, rejoice. You can be hungry now, can't you?

When I smiled at Nil, I was stunned with jito eyes who said otherwise.

As a gourmet nil, you wanted to eat a variety of dishes slowly. But eating hot dogs as soon as possible didn't seem bad either.

"Shit, the winner is Nil!! Surprise! I didn't know monsters would win, though Familia!!!!

"You're crazy, how fast with that beak...! Isn't that a tight mistake, not an owl!!

"He said he ate that much even though he was small!?

... I didn't think you'd win. Nil, who overwhelmed the other challengers and ate them, is now forming with his throat and face on the podium. By the way, the winning product was for a year of hot dogs. You don't seem to have to worry about Nil's meal bill for a while.

"Now where are we going... we have to!

"... Huh!

I bumped into people because of the heavy crowd. When I looked at them in a hurry, the guy had his butt on.

"Excuse me, were you okay?

Reach out and speak up. She looked like Chloe, a girl with bright white hair and eyes.

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