"... yeah"

I replied small, but she didn't grab her hand or stand up, looking at my hand. What's the matter with you? Could it be that I got injured now?

"Why are you reaching out?

"Why... I was just trying to help you get up."

"Yes... then I don't need it."

Somewhere carelessly, she stood up on her own. Well, I'm glad I didn't get injured.


She stood up and thought she would go somewhere soon. She looked around.

"Are you looking for someone?

"We were together just now. Not now."

Looks like you've strayed from people. You must have bumped into me because you were walking in search of him.

"Well, shall we find it together?

"It's okay. You'll find it soon."

You really think you're going to find me. There is no hurry from her.... rather, you've been without expression for a while now. That's why the expression is hard to understand...

"Um, do you want a hot dog?

The hot dog Nil won earlier. Earl gave me one and I was eating it.

I noticed that the hot dog in Earl's hand was worried about me, and I've been staring at it for a while.

"Yes, please."

I took the child and sat on a bench nearby. I received the hot dog with a white hand like pottery. After receiving it, she won't eat it, staring at it again.

"... maybe you don't know how to eat?

"Never eaten"

It seems to have been predicted.

"This is how you eat."

I also got a bump when I got the hot dog. The sausage sandwiched in the bread makes the skin crisp and juicy and delicious when chewed. The sweetness of mustard and ketchup is also good.


She took a sip when she saw how I was eating. Since then, I've been eating at an early pace with a small sip. It's like a squirrel eating nuts.

It's delicious.

"... delicious?

"One bite is not enough, so you want to eat more, so you're eating it now, right? That's because the hot dog was delicious."

"Yes... this is delicious."

"Fufu. There's a ketchup in your mouth."

It looks like you're obsessed with eating it and you don't realize it. Take out and wipe the handkerchief Earl made for you.

Strange... or a strange kid? I don't know if it tastes good without eating hot dogs. He wears a plain coat and feels like a traveler, but he doesn't know anything about it.

Even though it looks just like Chloe, it even feels like a newborn child.

"Where did you come from?

"... I don't know. It's nowhere."

"So you're going to see this festival with my people?


It wasn't about the festival, was it? Hmm, I wonder if you happen to have visited this city with your people. Nevertheless... what does this child's guardian do? Isn't it dangerous to leave such a child alone?

"Hey, that! You're the new lord!

"Let's go have a look!

The streets become noisy. Looks like there's a new lord in the square. Are you the main character of this festival? I'm a little worried about it, so I'd like to go see it. I was also worried about the square.

But... what did you do to her? That's right...

"It's a festival until your guardian shows up, so why don't you join us?

I can't leave this child alone. It also has the purpose of looking for a parent. The square is more spacious and is now crowded. There may be her guardian there.

A pure white, faceless woman kept staring at me for a while, but slowly opened her mouth.

"... that's fine."

"Great. Speaking of which, you haven't introduced yourself yet. I'm Chloe."

When I held out my hand in search of a handshake, I was stared at again.

"... I'm not falling."

"That's not true. When we introduce ourselves, we hold hands."

I didn't think you would receive it that way. After laughing a little and explaining, she gently laid her hand on my hand.

"I'm Meatier."

Thank you very much, Mr. Meatier.

"Best regards... Chloe"

She gave me a good grip on the stack of hands and gave me her back.

As you go further into the square, you hear light music. There was an orchestra nearby that was playing live. The music is matched by a fork dance in the square.

"Come on, enjoy this sunny day! The joy of the inhabitants is my joy!

New lord banzai!


Looks like that's the new lord of this dildo. A woman weaving a vibrant platinum blonde. A bright red dress that accentuates a well-styled body adds elegance to her charm and has a presence in this crowded area.

Were you indeed the only daughter of the former lord? He seems to have succeeded his father and become a lord.

Well, I've been looking around for a while... but there's nothing else I can see. Miss Meatier is not coming out either.

"Why don't we dance?

The song that was just playing is over, and the next song is about to play. And if you're dancing in the middle, it's noticeable, so it might be easier to find who you're looking for.

"... I don't know how to dance."

"It's okay because I'll lead you. This is an invitation to dance. If it's okay, please lay your hands on it.

That's how I reached out to Ms. Meatier. I was staring at you, but you slowly laid your hands on me. Grip it back to treat it as a broken object.

"Well, Earl, we're going to dance. I'm going to dance with you next, so please prepare."

Yeah, and nodded away from Earl, he pulled Meatier's hand to the center of the square. Take steps to match the music you've been playing.

To be honest, I'm not good at dancing either, but I was able to study some of the movements of the people I just saw. And I'm a former noble lady. It seems that the skill effect has been corrected and there is no problem with the movement.

"Yes, next to the right... next to the left"

"Right... left..."

Meatier was also a tight move at first, but he gradually got used to it.

"Fufu, this is fun."

"It's fun...."

I repeated my words as if they didn't make sense at first.

"... yeah, it's fun."

After turning around, the expression seemed to have no expression until now, but I felt a little smiling just around my mouth.

"--You were here, Meatier."


Another hand that appeared all the time grabbed the hand of Ms. Meatier, who was connected.

Someday a person in her black coat and hood stood behind Ms. Meatier and took her hand. This must be the one Miss Meatier was looking for.

"Looks like you took care of me. Thank you...."

I can't see my face with a hood on. But I understand. I know who it is.

"This is... Chloe if you think she's a pretty lady. I didn't realize I was dressed differently."

"You look plain like that. What happened to your usual flashy outfit, Ignith?"

There was a hateful smile under the blinking hood. Ignith... I can't believe I met someone who was looking for someone like this.

"... what are you going to do with her?

"Anyway, this kid is one of us. I just came to pick you up when you were lost."

"Mr. Meatier, is that true?

"Yes, I was told to act with Ignith."

Looks like it's true. I can't read her expression, but she doesn't seem to dislike it.

Let's go, Meatier.


"Oops, I won't forgive you if you tell me to. Our people are lurking everywhere. You know what happens when I give you a signal... don't you?

The hand that was trying to retrieve the weapon stops. The surroundings are still filled with music, and the voices of people who seem to be having fun can be heard.... are their people lurking in here? If you're not wearing a red hood, you're no different.

Maybe someone is dancing next door. Or maybe someone watching from afar.

"... Shit!

Both of them disappeared into the crowd while they were distracted. It seems difficult to find out from this crowd with these two plain clothes.

Looks like he didn't come for the festival from his mouth. Then it really happened that I came here.

But... I'm curious about that girl named Meatier. She said she was one of them, but who are they?

◇ ◇ ◇

"Actually, Meatier was my character!

Light. It was my friend who gave me a really light idea of who I really was.

This is the City of Mirage. After that, if my friend contacted me, I had a friend who had been with me for a while and was wearing a Meatier avatar. And then Ignith... came to this phantom city too.

"When Ignith came out... I thought it was somehow like that, but I didn't know it was really you."

"Fufufu, I didn't mean to deceive you, but I'm sorry I didn't say anything.

* giggle * and laughing fun with my friend Meatier. Where did she go when her expression muscles died... well, I'm sure it was a role-play.

"If I knew it was you, I thought I might have had to pull you away even if I didn't have to... Ahh, if you're not surrounded by enemies....."

"As a matter of fact, I didn't have anyone else with me except Ignith, so maybe you could have taken him with you.

"Eh, is that true?!

I saw Ignith by accident. It looked like, "Say something extra..."

"You were lucky to have friends....."

"... it was definitely just us. But I can't even tell you the truth all the time. Our organization has a setup whereby organizers take off the hood and spend time mixed up in the city well during normal times. He's aiming for the opportunity to blend into daily life and invite us into chaos. So..."

"... is that where you think you are? But is that really possible?

"--Don 't you think it's possible that this world works?

... if you say so, I think I can do it.

It wouldn't be strange to be in that city if the organization were set up. In addition, there have been cases of medicine recently... and the conditions are met that it is not strange to show up. Perhaps, if it did, it would have been an NPC organizer.

"Still... did you come to that city for something?

"Ahahah, that's exactly what we say -"

"To raise my level. Ignith was going out with me."

"Ahhh!! That's the last thing I should say!!!

It was Ignith who blocked his mouth, but it was already too late.

"Well! I see. Thank you for taking the time to do this for my friend."

"Stop it... don't thank me with your head down!!

Damn it. I'm just thanking you for your goodwill.

Forget the jokes. Well, my friend is just getting started. If you want to raise the lever, it would be nice to have a low-level monster. Then the area around the die road needs to be turned into a hunting ground.

But they are characters of a villain organization. You couldn't be so majestic, you had to be so snug. Besides, it's kind of funny how the villains are struggling...

At least that's what Ignith would think, and he's hiding it himself.

"Well, now you know what character she's playing with."

"... perhaps you also prepared for our encounter?

"There's no way. It just so happens!

Chloe was able to meet her when she found the lost Meatier in the city. If we had met normally, we might have been hostile without words.

"Thank you very much."

"So don't thank the villain!

Ms. Ignis turned her face away with her arms around her face.

I don't know the truth, but it seems okay even if I keep my friend.

... well, I'm only worried about Meatier!

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