Lin Qi's little daughter-in-law's appearance also made her feel stunned. Then she immediately raised her head and straightened her chest. She came out from behind Yan Xiao and walked out. When she saw someone blocking the door, she raised her chin slightly and hummed coldly: "in the way, get out of the way."

The protection of the entourage looked at Lin Qi, the face has changed obviously, little master this face changing skill is rising, this is only a little bit bigger, just two faces.

However, the road still to get out of the way, Lin Qi micro red face went out.

The other people's heads turned and looked directly at Yan and laughed. Jian Huan said directly: "boss, what happened just now? What are you doing! "

When I was a child, one of the people who suffered the most was Jian Huan. When did I see Lin Qi as a little bird.

Jane Mo goes over and reaches for her hand. No matter how many people are present, her possessive posture is right.

Yan Xiao turned his head and saw that Jian Mo's lips were silent. Although he didn't say anything, what he showed was that I was very angry now and I was not happy now, but it was too obvious, OK.

Yan said with a smile: "I just talked with her about the philosophy of life from poetry and ode. In front of us, we opened a broad road to the future. You should also understand that there are so many things in the world that we can talk about. As soon as we talk about them, we are very involved. We forget that you are outside for a moment. Ha ha, it's urgent to wait."

Then he took another look at Jianmo.

I believe your evil!

Jin Yi also smokes the corner of his mouth and looks at Yan Xiao's serious nonsense. It seems that he really can't refute anything. Yan Xiao's fake mouth can make it true.

For Jane Mo, who has been specially taken care of, she feels a little better when she sees Yan Xiao's flattering expression. However, when she thinks of Lin Qi's reaction just now, she still feels a little bit eye-catching.

Yan Xiao ignores their different moods and goes out. At this time, Lin Qi has gone to see Xiao Yu. Naturally, she follows her entourage. As soon as Lin Qi goes in, Xiao Yu immediately shivers.

Lin Qi looked at Xiaoyu, squinted, and then stretched out her hand. At first, her entourage was puzzled. Lin Qi said, "take some silver."

On hearing this, the attendant immediately took out a bag of silver. Lin Qi put her hand on the mat and said, "take off half of it."

The entourage immediately poured out half of it, and Lin Qi threw the money bag on the ground: "take it and go."

Not only did Xiao Yu, who didn't know how to be treated, but also Lin Qi's entourage was shocked. You should know that if anyone dares to do this to Lin Qi before, it's basically impossible not to be retaliated. This Xiao Yu is so deceitful and makes little master suffer so much injustice. Can he let people go and let them go?

"Little master, do you really want to let her go?"

Lin Qi slightly raised her chin, took her nostrils to see Xiaoyu, and her tone was also very flat and indifferent: "you have your difficulties, but it doesn't mean that what you do is worth forgiving. This time I can let it go, and you'll know for yourself in the future. Once the conscience is blackened, it's hard to change back. You won't meet people who are not so kind as me again. Go away! "

Lin Qi's words are very cold. Xiaoyu looks at her hesitantly and finds that what Lin Qi seems to say is true. She immediately runs out with a silver bag in her arms. When she leaves, she even forgets to say thank you.

Lin Qi Ha of smile a, facial expression some not good.

No matter how pitiful Xiaoyu is, she also has the chance to save herself. Lin Qi's kindness to Xiaoyu is far more than others. Even though she has understood, Xiaoyu's decision still makes her uncomfortable. If Xiaoyu kneels down to ask for her forgiveness and wants to follow her, Lin Qi may not accept it, but at least she can see Xiaoyu's attitude of admitting her mistake.

In the end, Xiaoyu is a person who is abused and struggling for survival. Growing up in such an environment, she is either a person with a firm mind or a person who is aggrieved and seeking perfection, but both good and evil are in the same mind.

Yan Xiao and they also followed. When Lin Qi saw Yan Xiao, her eyes lit up and she said, "I'm gone."

Yan nodded with a smile and said, "well done."

Then, she hung her head and looked very shy. When people saw her, they were just making eyes. Is this really her? Why does she feel like a different person after a conversation!

By the way, before in the room, Lin Qi yelled and yelled, and it seemed to fight. Now it doesn't look like it, so what happened before?

However, this question, Yan Xiao and Lin Qi do not want to give you the meaning of confusion, people scratch the heart of the liver, it can only be their own heart to go.

After a rest the next day, they set out for Huanye secret place.

But before leaving, Jianhuan had a talk with Linqi.

The room was quiet. They sat opposite each other, but they both hung their heads. For a moment, they were speechless, and the atmosphere was particularly stagnant.

After a while, Jane Huan said, "what do you want to do? I'll listen to you."

Lin Qi was a little surprised. She looked up at Jian Huan and said, "what's your look like? It's like how ignorant I am. I'm also a man, OK?"

Lin Qi pursed her lips. In her impression, Jian Huan was still the one who was bullied by her. She knew how to hide from her at the beginning, and then knew the people who quarreled with her. They didn't seem to have grown up, and now they seem to be. Jianhuan sat there quietly, but she was also a beautiful man with a straight back and a beautiful face. The person who was shorter than her in my impression was already more than half her head. It seemed that Jianhuan had really grown up. Lin Qi opens his mouth: "I..." but last night's events are really hard to say. Jane Huan clenched her fist, and then swallowed: "Lin Qi, am I willing to marry me?"“ What? " Lin Qi was stunned. Jane Huan's ears are slightly red: "what's strange? We have the reality of husband and wife, and naturally we want to get married. I won't be irresponsible." Lin Qi listened, but felt some complex emotions in her heart churning: "I said let you be responsible, our children of the mercenary Association, how can there be so many rules? Yesterday was just a mistake, which can be regarded as never happened." But Jane Huan glared: "how can you regard it as not found? Can you forget it or can I forget it. Lin Qi, what do you take me for? " Lin Qi's mind is also reminded by Jian Huan, thinking of last night's madness. At the beginning, she is not deeply impressed. I don't know why. The longer the time, the more she remembers. Too crazy and exaggerated, Lin Qi blushed and said: "anyway, you don't have to be responsible. I didn't take this seriously at all!" Jianhuan looked at the expression of some cold Lin Qi: "this is really what you mean."“ Otherwise, do you really want to marry me? We are usually tired of seeing each other. If you marry me, you can't scold me in your heart. Since you are not to blame for this, we are all innocent. Don't tie us together Lin Qi said to hang his head, inexplicably rose in the heart of a sour, really do not understand, or for their own innocence, the heart is mind it. Jane Huan is silent for a long time, suddenly stood up, tone with anger: "whatever you want, I don't care." Lin Qi was stunned, and then she was a little annoyed: "what are you angry with me? Isn't that what you think? What are you angry with me now? Is that what I think? But it just happened. What do you want me to do. If I don't pester you now and don't let you be responsible, why are you angry? " Jianhuan was also very upset. Although she said that, he seemed not to be angry for these things. But when he saw that Lin Qi didn't care, he couldn't help but get angry. What was Lin Qi last night? In her opinion, last night is such a thing that can be said and forgotten. Isn't it the first time for Lin Qi? It's said that his first brother is very concerned about the first time. He used to listen to those Hun people talk about it and said that he must find someone with rich experience, so that the first time won't be painful, it will be wonderful, and it won't affect the future play and so on. He also felt that it was those people who were blowing something. Last night, because he was taking medicine, he didn't have time to worry and fear, so he passed away. However... They seem to agree with each other... It's the first time that it's clear that it's also... Jane Huan thought of this and bit the tip of her tongue to let this idea go. She said, "yes, I'm making trouble out of nothing. I'm really sorry. Miss Lin, it's all my fault. Please forgive me a lot." Then he hugged his fist and turned to leave. Lin Qi see him like this, but more angry: "you give me stop, you just what do you mean, you are perfunctory me."“ No, I call it obedience. I'll listen to whatever you say. " With a smile, Jane did not look back. But Lin Qi grabbed his arm: "you tell me clearly!" Jane Huan leaned against the door and hugged her chest in both hands: "what do you say? I'm clear enough. Everything I do is under the command of Miss Ren Lin. if you let me go east, I'll never go west. Yesterday's event, as if it had not happened, we return to the bridge road, after two irrelevant On hearing this, Lin Qi said eagerly, "no! You're shameless. If you want to eat, you can't admit it! " Jane Huan speechless looking at Lin Qi's sophistication: "then you talk about it, what are you going to do?" Lin Qi pursed her lips and clenched her teeth and said, "I... we have to be like Jian Mo and Yan Xiao!"“ Elder brother and elder brother, which are they? "“ Just... Just like that. " Lin Qi blushed slightly and her voice lowered. Jane Huan felt thoughtful, and suddenly she laughed, "which one? In front of outsiders intimate, let people look at the kind of eye? Yes, I can cooperate with you, but I'm afraid you'll be counselled at that time

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