"Who said I didn't dare!" Lin Qi immediately called reflexively.

Jianhuan immediately clapped and said, "OK, let's do it."

Lin Qi suddenly feel cheated, squint at Jian Huan, a face of depression.

Jane Huan said, "OK, we've discussed everything. Let's do it first. You have a good rest. I'll go." Then he left without looking back.

Lin Qi suddenly some regret, but there is no regret medicine to buy, Jane Huan did not give her this opportunity, OK.

On the other side of the room, Jianmo sat drinking water, and then pour water, Yan smile to hold: "are you so thirsty? This is the result said well, in the morning, two people but each make counsels, anyway is embarrassed, really like Jianmo and Yan smile.

Just look at the front. They are very close to each other. Yan Xiao says something from time to time. Jian Mo also looks down at her gently, holding hands. As soon as they come near, they feel uncomfortable and take another step to the side. They have to stay away from each other.

The hand just touched together, with the whole body on fire, especially uncomfortable.

Lin Qi said with her eyes: don't you mean to show love? Come on!

Jane Huan then said: it's not what you said. You come first!

That's about it. They all make eye contact, so that's what you see.

Until noon when they were stationed in the camp, they were still staring at each other, but none of them stepped forward. It was funny to say that they were staring for such a long time along the way, and their eyes were red. As soon as they got to the place, they covered their eyes one by one and went to find a place.

On the way to Huanye secret place, it's not all towns, so we also need to camp in the wild. Once we get there, we all get busy, looking for firewood, making tableware, making tableware, and playing game.

Yan Xiao is the last chef to do it. She has nothing to do with her now. She sits next to Jian Mo and whispers, "those two are not right."

"Don't worry about them, just get used to it." Jian Mo poked the firewood, especially calm.

Yan Xiao is speechless to this big heart.

"Hum, these two are just like the little lovers who make trouble. Tut." Pig rich and noble directly lean on one side, a head planted Yan smile on the side of the leg.

But before he lay down, the pig's hoof was pulled, and it immediately made a pig like cry, and Jane murmured: "don't cry! I'll throw it into the fire and eat it

Pig rich and noble moment silent, only with the eyes of the prosecution to see the ruthless Jian Mo, is simply tired ah, so was pulled to one side, put Jian Mo side.

Pig rich Lulu two: "Yan Xiao, I strongly suggest you reconsider, you this man is like a cool bucket, he is a pervert."

Yan Xiaohe said with a smile: "you are really in debt."

"Lulu, Lulu, Lulu!" Pig Fugui has a strong voice of disdain and anger. He shakes Yan Xiao's eyes and makes no sound. He shrinks to one side and mourns. He follows Jian Mo and Yan Xiao. It's really pitiful. I hate it!

Yan Xiao's skill is very good. Even in the wild, they bring enough things, add some vegetables and mushrooms, stew a pot of soup, and cook two wild pheasants. The food is good outside.

Then they were divided into men and women to rest, because in the wild, not to mention the danger of people, some animals may also attack, which is bound to change shifts and watch the night.

They got up early the next morning and were on their way.

The next morning, as soon as they got up and ate something, they met a group of unfriendly people. There is no doubt that they are Geng Wentao and Geng Wenxin.

This team looks bigger than Yan Xiao's, because some family members follow them. It seems that the number of them is more than twice as many as Yan Xiao's.

Geng document see Yan Xiao they are very happy, but the next moment on the face expression is not very good, eyes toward this side make a wink, and the next moment Geng Wen before writing a person.

The man looked back at Geng Wenshu and gave him a smile. Knowing the reason, he asked, "second prince, I haven't blocked you."

After Lao Zhang's tragic death in front of them, they didn't eat any food one day. Let's say, the mainland practitioners can't go out to do some tasks and experience. The only reason is that there are more and less people around them, or the people who protect them are not considerate.

But no matter what kind it is, no one has never seen blood. They have all seen the dead.

But Lao Zhang's death is not the same as that of the dead people he has seen in his practice. This tragedy is more glaring and more unforgettable. Frankly speaking, he was scared by disgust!

Where can Geng Wenxin suffer? Even if people look at Geng's documents, they can't let him send letters. They want to teach them a lesson, and naturally they are chasing them.

Now that we meet, the atmosphere is not so good.

"What a coincidence. I met you here." Geng Wenxin looked at Yan Xiao and saw people, his eyes flashed with poison, especially when he saw Yan Xiao and others with red faces. Instead of being affected by anything, he looked better than before.

These days, Geng Wenxin's food is hard to swallow. Even if she doesn't have to eat when she is hungry, she always feels very tired physically and mentally. Now when she sees Yan Xiao's, how can her mood be smooth. Yan said with a smile: "is it a coincidence?" Yan Xiao's eyes are really meaningful. When he says this, it makes people feel ironic“ Oh, get out of the way for me. My hands are numb and I can't lift them! " All of a sudden, a roaring voice came from behind. Then Yan xiaoyileng was immediately pulled to the left rear by Jianmo, and he was held in his arms. Then "Hua" of a record, the air suddenly raised a wave of water, according to Geng Wentao and others on the body splashed in the past“ Protect the prince I don't know who yelled, but there was a bit of chaos here, and someone responded quickly and immediately took out an umbrella to block it. But the spilled water can't be recovered, and the speed is also quite fast. What's more, the water is infinite. It's like a flower when it's splashed, and it sprinkles a large area“ Ah! What is this“ I'm poisoned. Help me Geng Wenxin was affected the most. As soon as she stood beside Geng Wentao, she stood in front of the crowd. Moreover, her movements were slower than Geng Wentao's. among all the people, she was splashed the most. She immediately thought of the horror of Lao Zhang's death, and immediately screamed for an antidote. On their side, however, those who stood in front of them all got a lot of water. When they looked down again, they found that the water was really black, and it didn't look like normal water“ what? Is the water poisonous? " Lao Zhang died miserably. Geng Wentao wanted to hide it from them, but other family members were not vegetarians. Even if they didn't know what the truth was, they also guessed something, but it was impossible to take Lao Zhang's body away. This must be solved. In addition, the reaction of Geng Wenxin and others these days, naturally, is also a guess. Now, seeing Geng Wenxin's reaction, they immediately start to feed antidote pills to their mouths one by one. The faces of those who don't have pills in their hands are livid. They have a particularly bad premonition in their hearts. They can frighten Geng Wenxin and others like this. I'm afraid the poison is not simple. It's going to be over! I won't go to Huanye's secret place, so I'll take it! Geng Wen beat his heart and said, "Damn it! Yan Xiao, you dare to poison me. Come on, catch her and force her to hand over the antidote. If you dare to resist, kill me! "

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