Yes, Jianmo is jealous.

He also knew that they met at the best time. Intellectually, he knew that, but he was not happy at the thought of missing Yan Xiao for so many years.

Maybe it can also be said that he is just taking the opportunity to act coquetry

Yan Xiao looks at Jian Mo speechless, but she teases people first, so naturally she has to finish it by herself. She can only coax her with a smile. Jian Mo knows how to be proper, but she doesn't really want to end it.

Yan said with a smile: "however, our previous behavior, I'm afraid that after we enter the secret area of Huanye, Geng Wentao doesn't know what kind of harmful move it will be."

Jian Mo said: "without these, he will think the same, and there will be no scruples."

There are a lot of people entering Huanye secret place every time, but few of them can come out alive.

Incomplete statistics. If you go in one thousand people at a time, you can come out with more than one hundred at last. Almost none of them are more than one hundred. This is one tenth of the survival rate, which is less to say.

There are more than 1000 people who can enter the secret world of Huanye. Although there are some restrictions on entering the secret world of Huanye, not everyone can abide by that rule.

Yan said with a smile: "recently they have come together. It's not convenient for me to make medicine. I have to find a chance to make medicine. You ask Jianhuan, Jinyi and Linqi to pay attention. I'm afraid they will find them if I can't find them from you."

Jianmo nodded: "I know, they also know, I'll talk to them later."

Next on the road, Geng Wentao didn't come here any more. Of course, he didn't want to come here, but as soon as he came near, he could always feel Yan Xiao's strange and surprised eyes, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

Geng Wenxin expressed concern for Geng Wentao's strange face: "brother, what's the matter with you? Haven't you had a good rest recently? Your face is not very good."

Geng Wentao said, "it's OK. You can take care of yourself."

Geng Wenxin looks at Geng Wentao, who is angry to leave. He thinks that he is not able to be wronged. What's the matter? Isn't she concerned? What's the matter with her.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Yan Shanshan looking at her with a smile but not a smile.

Originally in the capital, Yan Shanshan was always looking for opportunities to pester Lin lang. now that she came out, she was even more bold and had a convenient opportunity.

Geng Wenxin secretly gritted his teeth and came to Lin Lang's side: "brother Lin, come and help me to have a look. I still feel uncomfortable. My head is a little dizzy and my body is numb. Yan laughs if they are cheating. They have poisoned me secretly."

Said with shame, some wronged looking at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang was really concerned: "let me show you. If you are poisoned, you can't be a horse."

Geng Wenxin had been poisoned by ha ha poison before. He couldn't stop laughing, and his body was almost hollowed out. Later, he got better for no reason. Even his father didn't find out the reason at last, so he prescribed some tonic drugs to Geng Wenxin. After taking care of him for some days, Geng Wenxin was alive again. If he relapsed again, it's not possible.

Yan Shanshan sees that Geng Wenxin has cheated Lin Lang away. She is resentful. She looks at Geng Wenxin's background, and her eyes are dark and frightening.

"Do you like Lin Lang or Geng Wenxin?" Around a strange voice ring, Yan Shanshan startled, turned to see, Mo fan did not know when to stand behind her: "you nonsense."

Mo fan looked at the background of Lin Lang who took Geng Wenxin away and said: "otherwise, I really don't understand that Lin Lang is so good that you are so determined. He..."

Mo fan had a satire on his face.

Lin Lang is a young generation's outstanding pharmacist, but he is the kind of crispy pharmacist. Unlike Yan Xiao, who is a genius of practicing both medicine and war, he can at most strengthen his body. He is not a real fighter. Wu Shi is worth less than Geng Wenxin and Yan Shanshan. It's not only that he doesn't understand, Many young people in the city don't understand.

Yan Shan face immediately a black: "don't need you to manage."

Mo fan suddenly lowered his head and startled Yan Shanshan. He stepped back two steps. Mo fan looked at her with a smile: "I'm in love with you. Are you so ungrateful? In fact, you like Geng Wenxin better than Lin lang. he is destined to... "

Mohism is a new rising family in Beijing. It grows up very quickly. It's like God's help. It can even squeeze into Shangbo family in Beijing. Of course, compared with the old family such as Yanfu, it's not good, but it can't be ignored.

Mo fan and Yan Shanshan had known this person for a long time, but in the past two years, she didn't have much time to see Mo fan, but she always felt that this person was strange, and she always spoke in a strange way: "what are you destined to say clearly?"

Mo fan squinted and laughed: "sooner or later you will know that pharmacists are useless." Leave this meaningful words, and Mo fan will leave.

Yan Shanshan frowned, and suddenly thought of something. How did Mo fan approach just now? Was it really her dispute with Geng Wenxin, and her spirit was used to it. Otherwise, how could she not find Mo fan at all? Was his step so light?

Yan Shanshan wants to turn around and keep up with Geng Wenxin. If she doesn't, she won't let Geng Wenxin have too much contact with Lin Lang. Jian Mo and Yan Xiao are on the road, and they are familiar with the contradiction of the triangle relationship. If they have nothing to do, they just pinch it. They must stare at each other. Yan Xiao joked to Jianhuan and Linqi: "look, like you, love and kill each other." Jian Huan and Lin Qi have the same expression, staring at the grievance: "where is it?"“ How can it be They looked at each other again, then both nosed and turned to sulk alone. Huanye secret land is at the junction of Tianji Kingdom and Tianxuan kingdom. It is next to HENGDU mountain range, which is the longest and most mysterious mountain range across the mainland. In front of HENGDU mountain range, there is a town called Hengshui town. This town does not belong to Tianji kingdom or Tianxuan kingdom. It has a sense of self-identity. Although Tianxuan kingdom is a little smaller than Tianji Kingdom, and it often gives way to each other in major events, when it first discovered the secret land of Huanye, Tianxuan kingdom was quite powerful in the fight for the surrounding ownership. Of course, Tianxuan Kingdom has the support of other forces behind it, so that Tianxuan Kingdom can challenge Tianji kingdom. At the beginning, the two countries almost fought each other. Later, how did they negotiate secretly? I don't know. In the end, Hengshui town became a place where the two countries didn't care. Hengshui town is guarded by various forces. Naturally, there is also the territory of the mercenary Association. After arriving at Hengshui Town, Jian Mo takes Yan Xiao to meet a man. President Lin of the mercenary association is not here at the moment. He is not president Lin, but he is more important than President Lin. Yan Xiao sees Jian Mo introduce to a middle-aged man with ordinary appearance and flat expression. He looks very respectful: "Uncle Feng, this is my fiancee." Yan Xiao suddenly feels that this man named Feng Shu, whose eyes are very sharp and not good at staring at her!

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