On the way here, Jianmo also mentioned that she might meet this man here, and Jianmo's name is Jianfeng.

Jianfeng was saved by Jianmo's parents when they traveled outside. They not only saved him, but also helped him recuperate carefully. Jianfeng is not an ungrateful person.

When Jianfeng recovered, he followed Jianmo's parents and said that they should follow him. But Jianmo's parents were all brothers to him, and they didn't mean to look at him now.

Then there was an accident with Jianmo's parents. When Jianmo escaped from the place where she was seeking a teacher, it was Jianfeng who risked his life to help Jianmo escape. At that time, Jianmo must have been very young, and even if Jianmo didn't explain it, Yan Xiao also knew that the situation of Jianmo's escape would not be good.

Without Jian Feng, Jian Mo would not have been sent to the mercenary guild, and he would not be there now.

In those days, Jianmo's parents respected Jianfeng very much. They were brothers. Now Jianfeng has saved Jianmo's life and protected Jianmo's brothers from growing up. So Jianmo and Jianhuan respect Jianfeng very much.

"Uncle Feng is a bit serious, but he has no bad heart. He has been thinking about us all the time."

Jian Mo is also afraid of Yan Xiao's nervousness, so she persuades Yan Xiao.

After seeing people, Yan Xiao feels that this external Jian Feng is not just a severe problem for people, is it?

No matter what you think in your heart, there is a sweet smile on Yan Xiaolian's face, saying hello to Jian Feng: "Hello, uncle Feng."

It's not an illusion. Jian Feng looks at Yan Xiao with sharp eyes like a knife. The so-called hand does not hit the smiling face. Yan Xiao faces him at this time and feels that it's a trick. Jian Feng is not moved. He just nods his head and says: "the president hasn't arrived yet. It's hard for you to come all the way. The room is ready. You can take a rest first. After you've recuperated, Say something else

"Uncle Feng, you're here too." Lin Qi's happy voice rang.

When she first arrived, because it was the first time that Lin Qi came to Hengshui Town, and it was the first time that she lived in Hengshui Town, she couldn't hide her curiosity.

Now when I came back to see Jian Feng, I immediately walked in with a smile, looking very close.

The expression on Jian Feng's face didn't change much, but her eyes softened for a while: "little master, where did you go to play? I thought you didn't catch up with others. It wasn't a wave."

Lin Qi said: "Uncle Feng, how can you tell me as soon as you meet me that I'm not playing around? I'm also for the sake of everyone's safety. I ran out to see the surrounding terrain. Uncle Feng, I'll tell you that we've been together with the wave of people led by the prince and Princess of Tianji kingdom. You don't know how bad they are. "

It seems that the relationship between Lin Qi and Jian Feng is really good. After meeting people, Lin Qi seems to have opened a chatterbox and constantly tells what she has seen and heard along the way. Of course, Lin Qi can't say everything. About her relationship with Jian Huan, Lin Qi selectively conceals it and only chooses some unimportant things to say.

The main idea is that the other side set up, thanks to their wit, or maybe they won't see them now and so on. Jian Feng also patiently said something to them.

Jian Mo pulls Yan to smile a way: "this inn mercenary guild all package down, we go to see to live first where."

Yan Xiao said hello. What's the reason for Jian Feng? She didn't pay attention to her at this time. This is not what Yan Xiao wants to pay attention to. After listening to Jian Mo's words, she goes out with her, but her keen second and sixth sense still feels that Jian Feng didn't want to pay attention to her, but her sight is locked tightly at this time.

"Uncle Feng, do you hear me talking to you?"

"Oh, I just left. What did you say?"

Lin Qi said: "ah, I'll go back and have a rest. I feel very tired in case of those people all the way."

Jian Feng's eyes slightly condensed, and then he called Lin Qi and said, "what's the matter with that Yan Xiao? She and the young master... "

Lin Qi said with a smile: "Uncle Feng, you can't see that. They're OK. It was when brother Jane went to find Jianhuan that she met. Yan Xiao was the elder brother Jane Huan recognized. Later, she knew that she was disguised as a man for the convenience of experience, but Yan Xiao was very powerful and she was very nice."

Jian Feng's eyes flashed slightly, looking at Lin Qi by accident: "this is strange. I didn't expect you to agree with Yan Xiao, but she robbed your brother Jane."

But Lin Qi suddenly thought of the beginning of some confusion with Jian Huan, and her face could not help floating a little red: "Oh, uncle Feng, you don't care. No matter how good brother Jian is, it doesn't necessarily suit me. I really don't want to tell you. I'm so tired. I'll go back to my room first."

What Jian Feng saw was the red fluttering on Lin Qi's face. Her eyes narrowed and she came out with her back. She said to the guard outside: "call Shao Zifan and Anji over."

"Yes, Mr. Feng."

These two people are just the names of spoon and tiger. Most of them are big men in the mercenary guild. Sometimes they feel uncomfortable and like to use nicknames.

Now those nicknames, even more than the original name, in the League basically still call their name, only Jian Feng. Spoon and tiger listen to the message, immediately do not rest, hurry to come back. Jian Feng said: "sit down." Spoon and tiger sit down quietly, Jian Feng also did not beat around the Bush, direct way: "all the things you saw and heard all the way to tell the truth, especially about Yan Xiao." Jianfeng for Yan Xiao, there is no hidden exploration. Although Jianmo has recognized President Lin as his adoptive father, they also have their own mercenary regiment in the mercenary Association. In the mercenary regiment, Jianmo and Jianhuan are two brothers. Jianmo often practices behind closed doors, but Jianhuan has not yet grown up. Many times, they are like a bear child. In the last few years, Jianfeng has been busy, and the mercenary regiment can develop, Jian Feng has made a great contribution. Of course, Jian Mo is a smart man. He has such ideas and ideas since he was young. This is not what ordinary people can have. In the regiment, even many Jian Feng can manage inside and outside, but Jian Mo's prestige in the regiment is not reduced. Spoon and tiger will be on the way to brief with Jianmo said, the more later, Jianmo's brow will wrinkle deeper, spoon and tiger talk, can only be more careful, but even so, Jianfeng frown still no relief. Even, for what she saw and heard along the way, Jian Feng's expression became more and more heavy, and he came with a kind of anger. Spoon and tiger were a little frightened and looked ove

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