Bahai snorted: "as the saying goes, the water poured out by the married daughter, you've turned your elbow out before you get married."

Yan Xiaoyi pursed his mouth: "this can be regarded as the love of life and death together. What can we give up? His love for me is rare in the world. What kind of people can I meet in the future? Who can make it clear? Is it better looking than him, more powerful than him, stronger and hardworking than him, or more affectionate and righteous than him? It's hard. "

Yan said with a smile: "although I'm young, I don't think it's a good thing to eat the pot and look at the basin. When I meet a good one, I seize it and treat it with heart. Those who want to see mountains higher and higher often get nothing. I think Jian Mo is good. What else do I need to pick up, elder martial brother? "

Bahai speechless: "OK, I can't tell you. I'll give you some advice at that time, but if Shifu can listen, this is my elder martial brother's business."

Yan Xiao said with a smile: "I know. It's easy to succeed with the help of elder martial brother. Master, I trust you most. "

Bai Hua, Yan Xiao's master, has three apprentices in total. Ba Hai, the eldest apprentice, is the most mature and steady. He manages all the things in Yaowang Valley, and also deals with the communication with the outside world.

Bahai is more like the spokesman of Yaowang valley.

The second apprentice is Lei Yun. He is the eldest prince of Tiancan kingdom. He has been a Wuchi since he was a child, and most of them are used to practice. He eats and sleeps at other times. Anyway, there are not many idle things in his life.

If it wasn't for Yan Xiao, he would have lived like an ascetic.

Yao Wang Valley doesn't like to have too much contact with the outside world, so there are not many people in the mountain. It's only after Yan Xiao that it becomes lively.

Therefore, these three apprentices have distinct personalities. It is natural that the big apprentice is the most trusted and the most in charge.

Ba Hai looks at Yan Xiao who is smiling. Although he is the most stable and dependent, one of the most beloved apprentices of master is the younger martial sister in front of him. This time he goes out, it makes people worry. He brings a smelly boy back directly. Can master swallow his saliva?

Bahai shakes his head slightly to show his blessings.

Then Yan Xiao went to see her mother Mei Luo. Ba Hai said, "wait a minute. Generally speaking, the time for this meeting is the time for the master to arrange the medicine bath for her aunt. You can go to see her later."

Yan Xiao quickly asked: "my mother's body..."

Bahai said: "the symptoms can be relieved, but the real cure is that the master has no good way now, so he has to refine the poison pill first to see the effect. But in terms of your mother's intelligence, it's not so good because she has been poisoned for so many years. "

Yan Xiao is also clear in the heart, but I heard that even the master doesn't have a good way, so naturally I am very disappointed.

Can't see Meiluo, said a few words with BA Hai, Yan Xiao went out to find Jianmo and Jinyi: "I'll take you to the residence first, Yaowang Valley environment is good, the air is also very good. But there are many rules in Yaowang valley. The back mountain is a forbidden area. Don't go there easily. And my master doesn't talk much at ordinary times. Just say hello when you meet him. Don't drag him to chat. If he's bored, he'll drive you down the mountain. "

That's a poor rule.

Jin Yi looked at Yan Xiao with a deep look in his eyes: "I didn't expect that you are from Yaowang Valley, so it's not hard to think why you are so good at refining medicine."

Yan sighed with a smile: "my level is far worse than my master. Compared with my master brother, I don't learn as well as him."

Yan Xiao is rare to be so modest. Jian Mo touches her head: "you are already excellent. You are still so young. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Yan Xiaoyi raised his head and said with a smile: "very good. I love to hear that. But I haven't relaxed for a day. Of course, I will become stronger in the future."

A few mischievous thoughts, mouth moved, or did not say.

It's strange that Yan Xiao, the master, is so young that he has an apprentice who looks bigger than him. Moreover, although there are few rumors about this valley in mainland China, and the scope of the rumors is not as wide as that of Xuesheng mountain, it has been decades or even hundreds of years. Few people have mentioned who the valley owner is in front of this valley.

The development of Bijing Pharmacist Association has been a matter of nearly 100 years.

After taking them to the room, Yan Xiao naturally could not live next door to them as before. When he left, he pinched Jian Mo's unhappy face and said with a smile, "don't worry, elder martial brother promised to help us. My master is a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. He will agree with us. "

"Well, it's just that I can't see you holding you every day like when I'm at the foot of the mountain. I feel a little depressed."

Yan Xiao took the opportunity to touch his face: "how about I steal it later?"

Jian Mo's eyes brightened. Before he said it, Yan Xiao ran away with a smile: "I'm joking. How can you be so simple? You won't take it seriously. Ha ha ha."

It's really naughty.

However, that night, Yan Xiaogang was about to run out, and he was cut off halfway. Bai Hua stands with her hands behind her back, blocking Yan Xiao's journey. Yan smile Leng next, smile a way: "master, how are you here?" Bai Hua said, "it's a good night tonight. I'm here to see the night scene. Are you interested?" Yan Xiao immediately said with a smile, "I'm just surprised that I don't have any opinions. Master, you can continue to see. I have something to do with Jianmo and Jinyi. They are all down the mountain." Yan Xiao wanted to take the opportunity to slip out, but after a few steps, she found that Bai Hua was following her silently. Yan Xiao said, "master, you can continue to see. I don't have a good night view here." Birch's face was more refined and beautiful under the moonlight. He slightly narrowed his eyebrows: "I haven't had a good chat with them yet. If you say they take care of you at the foot of the mountain, I'll take this opportunity to thank them. Why, do you want to talk about secrets? " What can Yan Xiao say? Of course, I have to agree. It's just a little bitter in my heart. The white birch followed in silence. When Yan Xiao went to find Jin Yi, she just went in and sat down for a while, then just said a word, and then sat in silence. Birch, dressed in white, is really frightening at night, but he has a good bearing. He has nothing to do with ghosts. He has a very strong aura there. Rao is usually not a formal Jin Yi. Seeing him, he can't help but be afraid. He doesn't know what to say when chatting with Yan Xiao. When Bai Hua and Yan Xiao left, Jin Yi wiped his face: "this elder Bai's aura is a little too strong. It's much stronger than the emperor that day." Mischief and others adored him very much and nodded: "yes, young master, that day, where can the emperor compare with the white pharmacist? This valley of medicine king can be famous all over the world, but it's just a low-key and unwilling to say it."“ Ah, since all the pharmacists in the mainland can be regarded as from Yaowang Valley, how strong is the pharmacist level of Miss Yan Xiao? "“ I don't know how strong Miss Yan is, but I know. I'm afraid there's no white pharmacist in the world. " That's for sure. There was no doubt. Yan Xiao was going to find Jianmo, but now she feels inconvenient. Bai Hua said, "why, you're going back to your room to have a rest now. Do you go to bed so early today? Isn't there another friend that hasn't been seen? " Yan Xiao suddenly turned around behind him, pursed his lips and looked at Bai Hua: "master, don't you like Jian Mo?" The expression on Bai Hua's face was light, and there was no change: "why do I want to like a man? If I can let him into the mountain, it's just for the sake of walking with you." Yan Xiao looked at Bai Hua, gritted his teeth and finally said, "master, do you know the relationship between me and Jian Mo?"“ You're not friends? "“ Master, you clearly know that I have a heart to heart relationship with him, so that we can promise each other for the rest of our lives. "“ No Birch's eyes changed when she heard it. Yan Xiao was very unconvinced: "why not, we are very good, our friendship is very deep, between me and him..." "OK, I know about you, I don't need to say it again. He pursues you, these things are what he should do, but not where you should be moved. I don't think it's a good match. I don't agree with you! "“ Why don't you agree? He's very good. Master, you don't even give me the reason to refute! " Bai Hua's face suddenly sank when she heard this. Yan Xiao was startled. She saw that Bai Hua was not looking at her, but at the position behind her. Jane Mo did not know when, slowly came over. Birch expression is quite bad: "eavesdropping is villain behavior." Yan Xiaopai's mouth, I don't do less. Master, you didn't say anything before. Jian Mo said: "please forgive me, master Bai. I see the beautiful moon tonight. I want to go out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet you, and I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you."“ Hum, you are very dishonest. I don't like you very much. I won't agree with you about Xiaoer! " Jian Mo's expression became serious: "I can't accept it for a while, but I don't want to give up. Xiaoer and I agree. I will prove to you that she and I will be happy."“ Oh, with your weak strength? How do you protect Xiaoer“ Shua, master Birch words between a fall, a hand fierce hit, then to Jane Mo grasp!

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