As soon as Bai Hua slaps, he has a fierce fighting spirit in his hand. Jian Mo's heart trembles fiercely, and he turns around to avoid this palm. When he finds that this seemingly simple palm can gather all the areas around Jian Mo as the attack area, Jian Mo can't stop this turn.

Yan Xiao was surprised and wanted to stop. However, as soon as Bai Hua waved her hand, Yan Xiao felt pushed back by a strong force and was pushed to the side. At this time, Bai Hua had already grasped Jian Mo's arm and twisted her hands back. Jian Mo snorted and pressed her neck.

But Bai Hua didn't let it go. He patted her abdomen directly.

"Master, no!" Yan Xiao kicks his leg heavily, and a fire snake runs away in his hand. He rushes through the gas layer, but it's too late.

Jian Mo's face suddenly changed, and then she fell to the ground. Bai Hua looked at Jian Mo coldly and snorted: "I'm so weak that I dare to touch my apprentice!"

Said the dissatisfied swing sleeve back hand.

Yan Xiao ran to Jian Mo: "are you ok?"

Jian Mo felt that she was breathing hard just now, and then she felt a discomfort in her abdomen, but it was just a feeling of discomfort, as if she had been touched, looked at, and then the discomfort disappeared.

No, not only that, he even felt that his body seemed more comfortable than before.

Jian Mo shakes her head and looks at Bai Hua with hesitation. Yan Xiao immediately understands the taste: "master, Jian Mo was a disciple of Xuesheng mountain before, because he wanted to leave, so he was taken away and abandoned. Otherwise, his strength would not be the same as it is now, and then he would become a soldier. "

Bai Hua snorted, and his expression was ironic. He didn't know whether it was for Xuesheng mountain or Jianmo, but said, "abandoned Dantian?" Then Bai Hua looked at Jian Mo and said, "once you want to use your spiritual power, not only your spiritual power can't be condensed, but also your whole body will be stabbed like a sword."

Jian Mo was stunned: "what elder Bai said is true. At the beginning, the younger generation's elixir field was destroyed badly, so they can't operate their spiritual power."

Birch expression some cold: "Dantian destroyed, difficult to gather spiritual power, the body is relatively weak, does not mean that there will become a poison hole, unable to recover."

Jian Mo and Yan smile a Leng, Yan smile way: "master, is Dantian destroyed, or can repair it?"

Birch don't know what to think of, light um A: "wash marrow cutting bone will have a chance."

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other. Jian Mo's eyes are even more excited: "master Bai..."

"Oh, but it's just a method. It's a question whether you want to survive or not, not to mention the need for marrow washing pill."

Yan Xiao said: "master, I've got a lot of herbs in Huanye secret place. It's very difficult to get them outside. Have a look."

Then he took out several things and offered them to the birch.

Bai Hua is stunned. Let alone Yan Xiao, the harvest of this trip is really great. Bai Hua's family background is very different. He can't even be regarded as a person from this continent. Even if he knows how to make some prescriptions, he can teach Yan Xiao, but he may not be able to refine them.

However, the things Yan Xiao is holding now are different. Some of them are difficult to live on the mainland.

The birch said, "the secret place of Huanye? Many ancestors have been there. Why can't they collect these herbs? "

Yan Xiao coughed softly, and looked at Bai Hua eagerly: "master, it's because I'm lucky. Besides, there's a cute little pig. Anyway, we've gained a lot in this trip, and there are still many miracles."

Bai Hua looks at Jian Mo and Yan Xiao suspiciously. Yan Xiao looks a little shy. Bai Hua hums, and then turns around and walks away.

Yan Xiao didn't catch up.

Jian Mo said, "master Bai seems to be not very supportive of our affairs."

Yan Xiaoxin said, at that time, I said that going down the mountain is revenge, and I won't stay long after all. At most, I came back in two or three months. This time, I didn't say for a long time, but I brought back so many people. Isn't it natural for the master to feel unhappy.

Yan Xiao comforted him: "no, my master is generous. But if your elixir is really expected to recover, that's great. "

Jane Mo shook her head: "it's good that I can do this."

At the beginning, Jian Mo worshipped Xuesheng mountain. Yes, everything he learned was returned to Xuesheng mountain when he was going down the mountain. This is not a problem in itself. But it's a bit excessive to abolish the elixir field. Well, the elixir field can barely be said in the past.

They all believe that there is no need for birch to cheat them on this issue. That is to say, the reason why Jianmo's elixir field can't be cultivated is that it has been poisoned. This is too much.

Isn't this killing? At that time, Jian Mo was so young that he used such a poisonous trick. If I told Jianmo that she couldn't leave Xuesheng mountain, the result might not be like this. That is to say, a man with good looks agreed to it, ruined his years of cultivation and abandoned his elixir field. This should have been the same. It was too much to kill him.

Yan Xiao pressed Jian Mo's pulse and then said, "I'll examine your body carefully later. Don't resist."

Jianmo nodded: "OK, let's go back to the room first." Two people then return to the room, also no longer delay, Yan Xiao immediately into Jian Mo body into a gentle and soft air flow, originally won't because Yan Xiao and resistance of Jian Mo, but feel some comfortable. The air flow slowly began to swim to the body, the speed is very slow, Yan Xiao look but seriously do not look at anything else, Jian Mo will deeply stare at this kind of Yan Xiao. Yan Xiao's expression is more and more rigorous. When the air flow comes to the Dantian, Yan Xiao's expression is even worse. When I was in Linjiang City, Yan Xiao also treated Jianmo's injuries. At that time, Jianmo swept Jianmo's body, but maybe it was too fast and didn't think much, but I didn't notice anything else. Now Yan Xiao carefully checks and finds something wrong with Jian Mo's Dantian. She didn't think much about it before, but now it's really boring. Yan Xiao tries to use Lingli to get through, trying to see if it can be cured. However, as soon as Lingli is transported to Jianmo's elixir field, several black undercurrents flow out directly, and the speed is still very fast. One needs to entangle Yan Xiao Lingli, and then quickly flash over to glue Yan Xiao Lingli, which needs to be sucked dry. Yan Xiao was all over for a while, and immediately received the spirit power. Jianmo said, "what's the matter, Xiaoer." Yan Xiao's face is a little white. Jian Mo is very nervous and looks at her. Yan Xiao shook his head: "there's something wrong with your Dantian. I'm afraid it's not just about poison..."

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