These two are not others. They are Jianmo and Yanxiao in disguise.

One part of Bai Hua's plan on that day was in the forbidden area behind Xuesheng mountain. Jianmo had a blood feud with the Lord who killed his parents. At this time, he would come to Xuesheng mountain.

Don't ask Xueqing why, but in fact, Xueyao is not reconciled, but because of the power of the Lord, she may not even realize this kind of unwillingness until the emergence of Jianmo.

When Jian Mo was young, his talent and strength were noticed as soon as he entered the holy mountain.

When she saw Jianmo, she was extremely jealous. At that time, she even used the competitive psychology of the new disciples and secretly provoked them to exclude Jianmo. She also wanted to kill Jianmo before she grew up. She really didn't like it.

However, the fact is that Jian Mo not only attracted more attention by her own skills, but also attracted the attention of the Lord. Later, she accepted her as a disciple, and Xueyao could not do anything. At that time, Jianmo was really excellent. Even when she was young, Jianmo was calm and resolute. She was a teenager, but Xueyao couldn't help her heart.

But she didn't expect that she was discovered by Jianmo. She wanted to follow the trend and take Jianmo as a little man, but she didn't want to see Jianmo even when she was tired of her. Xueyao just wanted revenge.

Then things are like that, after Jane Mo shut up and came out again, not long after she wanted to leave, she took people to chase.

No one can get what she can't get.

I didn't expect that Jian Mo was injured like that. Instead of being dead, she appears more excellent now. However, what appears next to him is not her, but a very beautiful woman. Xueyao hates poison very much.

Just want to scratch the beautiful face of Hua Yan Xiao and kill the dog man and woman!

There are more than ten people behind Xueyao. Those who can be brought to Xueyao's side are not as strong as they are. They are also the elites of Xuesheng mountain.

Xue Yao flies to Yan Xiao with a sword in her hand. Her eyes are full of poison. When she flies to Yan Xiao, the point of the sword will stab Yan Xiao's eyes.

Yan Xiao's expression is cold and jealous. This woman wanted to seduce Jian Mo at first, but the kind of malice after meeting made Yan Xiao nauseous. She put her hand up, and a fire whip burning like a fire snake flew out in an instant, directly wrapped around Xue Yao's sword.

Xueyao is afraid that Yan Xiao has such ability. His hands are a little slow. Another fire whip flies out again in Yan Xiao's hand, and he takes it out on Xueyao.


Xue Yao screamed in pain, and suddenly felt scorched. It was the fire whip, which was completely transformed from the spirit power. This kind of power existed completely. As soon as she pulled it down, she immediately lifted Xue Yao's clothes.

Xue Yao is hurt and frightened. She quickly pulls her clothes. Yan Xiao looks at her, but she throws her hand on her face: "let you dare to touch Jian mo."

"Pa Pa Pa" side is to shake a few slaps.

Xueyao is almost stunned. She pushes forward and attacks directly. Yan Xiaoyi hides. Then she gets away.

However, when she looked back, she was frightened to find that all the ten people around her just now were lying on the ground. They were all dead.

How long has it been? What's more, the speed of Yan Xiao's spiritual power just now surprised Xue Yao. She didn't seem to be their opponent!

Xueyao's eyes shrank, her body turned back, and she ran away in an instant!

Yan Xiao sneered a way: "we chase now, direct seek Holy Lord?"

Jian Mo shook his head: "no, business matters. We'll do it according to the master's advice."

By the way, after crossing the flame mountain, Jianmo and Jinyi have been worshipped by Bai Hua. In fact, they have to call elder martial sister Yan Xiao, but now they don't talk about it. There's no time for a teacher worship banquet, but the name of the master and apprentice is settled.

At this time, they rushed to the back of Xuesheng mountain.

And Xueyao quickly ran to the back mountain array of Xuesheng mountain, where the LORD was sitting on a round platform in the middle, surrounded by blood red. When she came near, she would see that the blood red was from countless people who had been placed in all directions, their hands and heads broken, and the blood flowed out continuously, and gathered to a circle of the concave position under the disc where the LORD was sitting.

When the holy square was seated, the blood kept flowing to the hands of the Holy Lord, forming several blood streams. Because of this, those people's bodies were constantly dried up.

After these people are sucked dry, someone will immediately continue to pull people on the scene, cut off their hands and heads, and continue to supply blood and nutrients.

No matter who saw such a scene, they would feel the terror of madness. However, the people who were mainly in the presence of the LORD were used to it, that is, Xueyao ran over, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

Snow Yao urgent way: "Lord, someone attacked the mountain, is Jianmo, he came back!"

But the LORD did not speak, just sit quietly, but Xue Yao is very anxious, her back was whipped by the fire, at this time hot pain.

The Lord suddenly gave a low smile: "what's the use of keeping you? If you don't take someone to catch you, catch me as nourishment." The Lord licked his mouth: "this is what the Lord likes." Snow Yao a listen, in front of a bright: "come on, with me to Siege!"

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