Jian Mo and Yan Xiao's destination is the mountain closing array behind the snow holy mountain. According to Bai Hua, the Holy Lord is now sacrificing the life of the whole mainland. Now the Holy Lord is at a critical moment. If the memorial ceremony is completed, the array will automatically take shape and begin to absorb the vitality of people and things in the mainland for his own rapid growth and then destruction.

So it's too late to stop at that time, but if it doesn't work, then there's only one last way.

Use the basic spiritual power to lead the great array of Fengtian in the mainland.

Jianmo doesn't know how old birch lived. Just like the Lord has been mysterious for many years, no one knows whether the Lord is the same person as the previous one, so they have always been so mysterious.

Bai Hua said that the whole continent is in a pattern, and they live in this pattern. The real form of this pattern is a pattern of Taiji bipolar. The so-called flame array and the snow and ice array on the holy mountain are the two core points of the continent. If it can be activated, the continent will automatically enter the protection mechanism, thus flattening the vitality of the continent.

The destructive and anti-human cultivation of evil power like the LORD would be destroyed by the mainland at that time, but this is just what Bai Hua said. Even Bai Hua himself said that he was not sure whether this plan was feasible.

But is there a better way? No, so they have to do it. They have to do it to the death.

Pig rich nest in Yan Xiao's arms, just stepped into the ice and snow, Jianmo and Yan Xiao will be frozen a shiver, pig rich pig hand a finger: "Lulu, there."

Yan Xiao immediately goes with Jian mo. originally, they didn't want to bring pig Fugui, but pig Fugui's ability to avoid danger and explore treasure is a good way for them to break out. At that time, Yan Xiao thought for a long time and said to pig Fugui. Pig Fugui's reaction was to ask Yan Xiao to cook a year's meal for it after it was finished.

Yan Xiao was holding the pig rich, a word can not say, all in silence.

Snow Yao with people to arrive, Jianmo and Yanxiao have entered the ice and snow.

"Saint, this... They will die when they enter the ice and snow formation. Do we want to go in?"

Xueyao frowned and looked at it. She was a little upset, but she didn't want to go in and die for nothing when she thought about the strength of the ice and snow formation. She just said, "send someone to guard here. If anyone comes in or out, kill him!"

"Yes, saint!"

Xueyao looks at the white distance and shows a cold smile. There is no corpse. It's a pity that she can't absorb the energy before they die.

Xue Yao's eyes narrowed slightly. No one wants to be subordinate to others all her life. Now, the more the Lord practices, the more abnormal he is. Outsiders only say how much the Lord dotes on her. In fact, in private, Xue Yao is frightened every day, and finds many people one after another, hoping to get rid of the Lord's idea. But the Lord never wanted to let her go.

Xue Yao thinks that if her energy is greatly increased, hum, she will be the first one to increase her power!

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao help each other, and Yan Xiao's own fire system power, with her energy running all the way, plus the guidance of pig wealth, they are not as sad as they thought.

However, it is not so easy to enter the core of the ice and snow formation. They were tortured for nearly a month before they slowly entered the core of the ice and snow formation.

As soon as Yan Xiao's Huo Lingli is closed, his hand and Jian Mo's ten fingers are locked, but he is still shivering. Jian Mo's inner Lingli gushes out and envelops them. This is better. After they form a protective cover outside.

They took things out and sat down.


"No, it's on the Lord's side!"

Before we had a rest, a brilliant red blood rose from the sky, and then the brilliant red became more and more thick, turned into dark red, ink red, and finally directly turned into black.

This mass of black directly shrouded the top of Xuesheng mountain. The whole sky trace seemed to be covered by an invisible black ink. In an instant, the sky became black.


Jian Mo and Yan Xiao embrace each other, but their eyes are staring at the sky without blinking. At this time, a white wave surges into the sky. Without hesitation, they hold their hands up in the sky, and the continuous energy between them also surges into the sky. At this time, in the distant sky, there are also three waves, brown, blue and green.

It's strange to say that when these three energies are combined with the energies of Jian Mo and Yan Xiao, they rush into each other consciously and quickly.

At the same time, a roar from the sky: "what's that, come on, kill me!"

This voice is very loud, even loud to the sky, and this kind of roar also makes people around feel the blood churning.

The black air mass suddenly turned into a round face with open mouth, tusks and eyes like lanterns. It looked extremely frightening, like a devil.

And when the face appeared, the voice was even louder: "it's you little ghosts who are dying. You dare to do me a bad deed. Oh, you are just a few little nourishments. You deserve it. Ha ha ha


The black face suddenly gushed out a few black Qi swords, straight to the sky trace, and then rushed to Jian Mo Yan Xiao and the other three energies.

A white air sword also appeared at the same time, and it hit each other.

When the two Qi swords collide with each other, the powerful impact of energy will almost tear the traces of heaven. People in the whole continent can see such a scene of fear and shock.

Is this a human fight?

It's incredible who can have such energy!

Because of the appearance of the white sword, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao, the three energies are ba Hai, Lei Yun and Jin Yi. At this time, they are also empty handed. These five energies quickly gather together, and then divide into two waves of power, and directly rush to the flame array and ice and snow array.

When the five energies come together, there is no need for them to do any more, because they have been directly impacted by default and instinct.

In the words of birch, the name of the bipolar continent is precisely because of the implied Taiji energy, and this hidden Taiji array is unknown to most people. In this world, little is known about it, because every time it comes to this great array, it is a catastrophe in the mainland.

If you want to start Taiji array, it's very difficult. That's because it requires five kinds of spiritual masters with basic spiritual power to start Taiji array at their own cost. If one is not good, five people will be killed.

If someone is willing to sacrifice, it is not possible for anyone to show up, because it is very difficult for these five people to fully trust each other, to interact with each other with their own energy, and to help each other.

This is the critical moment!


Black and white double swords attack, black sword's energy is fierce, if someone can see, it's a bloody killing.

The power of the Holy Lord is equal to that of the white sword, but don't forget the evil power of the Holy Lord.

"Lord, you..."

The Lord, who had been sitting in the great array, suddenly opened his eyes. All the people who had been in the great array were surprised.

Xueyao is scared to turn around and run, because at this time the eyes of the Lord are red. Those eyes are not human eyes at all. They are cruel and murderous. They are a beast and a non-human.

However, it's too late for these people to run. The Lord's hand hasn't been moved, but several black water chains are thrown out fiercely, and then directly and accurately wrapped around people's neck. The black chain Instantly increases, and the entangled face instantly becomes flat.

Xueyao stretched out her hand and pulled the black chain around her neck: "Lord, it's me, Xueyao... Xueyao!"

The Lord licked the corner of his mouth: "not enough, not enough, I still want to eat!"

That pair of red eyes suddenly flash, in the big formation completely turned into a howling despair.

The black chain flows out in an instant. The places and people they pass by are entangled by the black chain which is regenerated and forked out to absorb energy.

The black face in the air is bigger and bigger, and it looks more and more evil.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other. Jian Mo says, "Xiao Er, I love you."

Yan Xiaochong laughed at him: "Jianmo, I love you, too."

Two people kiss each other, just a little kiss, eyes straight at each other, can not tolerate other, and then their bodies suddenly burst out of great energy, suddenly combined with the other three in the sky, at the same time, there was a big energy, instantly lit up the flame array and ice array eyes.

"Ah, what's the matter? There's an earthquake!"

"No! Why is that? I don't want to die! "

The whole continent, no matter where people are, feel the shaking of the sky and the earth at this time. The feeling of powerlessness and subsequent swing makes people feel like duckweed. They can only let it contain them powerlessly and wait for death.

With a "boom" sound, the whole sky is suddenly covered by a black shadow, and the whole continent is shrouded in it.

"Hum, I'm invincible. No one can stop me from rising. I'm invincible!"

That black ink pan face, the voice can break the eardrum like yelling, clearly away from so far, but no matter who, listen to all seem to hear in the ear, this scene is too terrible.

In retrospect, it's a desperate and terrifying nightmare.

The two things confronted each other for nearly half a month. During this time, people were dying and crying until they had no tears. They could do nothing but pray to live.

Suddenly one day, when people look at the sky numbly, they suddenly find that the dark sky has cleared up for so long. With a roar, the mainland is back as before. The sky is blue. Everything seems to be living in a dream.

"We're alive!"

"We are alive!"

"Great! I'm not dreaming

The people on the mainland are cheering and cheering so that they can survive, but those who work hard for this moment are still in a coma.

A year later, in the huge garden full of flowers, a young girl in pink clothes came over with a blue flower. She gradually showed her beautiful face. The smile on her face was bright and beautiful, and her eyes were bright and dazzling. At this time, a fiery figure came over: "what do you do when you walk so fast?" The girl in pink turned her head and said, "didn't you complain about my slowness just now? I'm speeding up now." The girl who came running behind rolled her eyes: "anyway, I say you are the only one. It's not enough for you to pick these flowers. Hurry up. I'm satisfied with the quantity." The girl in pink smiles: "didn't you say you didn't marry before, but now you are so worried?" These two girls are not others, the pink dress is Yan Xiao, and the one who is in a hurry behind is Lin Qi. At the beginning, Yan Xiao's energy was exhausted after they restarted the battle, and their bodies were still eaten back. It was Bai Hua's strength that pulled the five people's lives back. Although the five people woke up, their strength was consumed so much that they didn't even have half of their original strength. Fortunately, it's just a recovery. Thanks to half a year's training, our strength has recovered 70% or 80% in the recent month. Jianmo can't wait to marry Yanxiao. Lin Huichang directly asks Jianhuan and Linqi to get married. It won't be two days before they are very happy. Lin Qi stamped her mouth and said with a smile, "I'm ignoring you. I'll go to find Jane Huan and see what she's doing." Yan Xiaoxiao watched Lin Qi run away with a blushing face. She also relied on her body behind her. She didn't have to look back. Yan Xiaoxiao knew who this person was. She leaned back and couldn't help laughing: "that's good." Jian Mo lowered her head and gave a kiss on Yan Xiao's cheek: "yes, it's good to have you soon." Yan Xiao turned around and said with a smile, "well, it's just because you can have me. You rascal." Jian Mo chuckles and looks tender: "it's because I love you, so I want to have you. It's also because I can have you, so I love you more. Xiaoer, you don't know how much I want in my heart." Yan Xiaohong face, raised his head also gently smile, beautiful face light general: "my heart is also." They hugged each other tightly. Even if they looked at each other from a distance, they still felt affectionate. In the distance, Jin Yi saw it for a long time and then slowly laughed“ As long as you're happy, boss. " When Jin Yi woke up half a year ago, his mother begged to go up to the mountain to find him. At that time, the contradiction between them finally opened up. In a word, the Holy Lord died under Jin Yi's hand and avenged his father's death. At that time, the Holy Lord killed many people, including Jin Yi's father. At that time, his mother took him and suffered a lot of grievances in the clan. Seeing that his uncle couldn't do it, he turned to marry his mother to protect them. Because at that time, there was a change of heart in the clan. This time when the Holy Lord was in trouble, some members of the Jin clan split up to submit to Xuesheng mountain. The poison in Jin Yi's body was also poisoned when he was a child. Just because he found out the difficulties of Jinyi and his mother, his uncle did so. In fact, his uncle hurt himself when he was young, which was inhuman at all. Over the years, what makes Jinyi care about is poor communication. Jin Yi doesn't need to feel inferior, but now he has lost the chance to pursue Yan Xiao. Perhaps such a silent love is the best, but the world will never be abandoned, but if Jianmo dares to bully his beloved, Jinyi will never let him go! The two couples who got married, one of them is very talented, the strong and the hope of the mainland. The wedding is especially grand. The ambition of the Lord of Xuesheng mountain makes people in the mainland see their true colors clearly. Because of the war a year ago, Xuesheng mountain has become a ruin, leaving only people in the mainland to talk about their grievances from time to time. The wedding is blessed by everyone. With everyone's attention, Jianmo and Yanxiao, Jianhuan and Linqi get married. Under the moonlight, they are full of love, bright and beautiful moon, blessing and shy gaze, drawing the most sincere and beautiful love between the two couples. They are blessed and wish them happiness forever. Under the moonlight, Jane Mo embraces Yan Xiao: "Xiaoer, my love, I'd like to swear with all I have to love you forever." Yan Xiaohui hugs Jian Mo: "my love, I also want to be with you forever, love each other forever." This is not the end. This is just the beginning of a sweet life for a couple of gods and wives in mainland China who are envious of others

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