What's life like after getting married? Now I want to tell you that it's always sweet and goofy. What's more, after Jian Mo, Yan Xiaohe, Jian Huan and Lin Qi get married together, the situation is even more like this.

When they got married, it was held in Yaowang valley.

Afterwards, Jianmo and Jinyi pay homage to Baihua one after another. Baihua is no longer cold and jealous at this time. To his disciples, Baihua is more cordial than others, and no longer so cold, although it seems a little cold.

Under the guidance of Bai Hua, Jian Mo and Jin Yi's practice became more systematic. In fact, in this continent, there are not many people who can become spiritual masters and have the ability to teach others.

The original spiritual masters in this continent are those who support the gods. Under the ambition of Xuesheng mountain before, almost all the people in Xuesheng mountain have been destroyed. Even if there are some fish who have fallen out of the net, no one dares to say that they are Xuesheng mountain people. Even for a lot of time, they dare not show their abilities at will.

You know, xueshengshan's action offended the public anger of the mainland.

Even though there are many ordinary people in the mainland, only a small number of people are really powerful, but the people of xueshengshan are the public enemies of the whole bipolar continent. If they dare to step forward, they will naturally be hunted down.

It may not be right to kill all the people, but these are not managed by Baihua and yaowanggu. They can't control the behavior of all the people in the mainland.

At the beginning, the people of Yaowang Valley recovered the disaster by relying on Baihua's five apprentices. The reputation of Yaowang Valley has been improved in the whole bipolar continent.

You know, the pharmacist was very respected. Now he is going to worship the five saints in the valley of medicine king as saints.

Who let them rescue everyone and recover this catastrophe.

How many people want to take medicine? Wang Gu came to learn from his teacher. Unfortunately, after Bai Hua finished, because all five disciples were injured, he closed the door and disappeared. Even the people from the pharmacists' Association came to see him, but they didn't see him. For the first half of the year, there were many people guarding the valley every day. They wanted to see the saint's appearance and ability.

It's a pity that the strength of this medicine King's Valley is that the original Xuesheng mountain faction can't break it, and other people can't, so they can only go with regret.

Later, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao wake up. Bai Hua allows people from the pharmacists' Association to come to see them, but no one else. That's how sincere they want to learn skills. Bai Hua doesn't accept them.

Such a stubborn person is not disgusting, but more mysterious for Yaowang valley. These people turn to the Pharmacist Association, but it's not easy to become a pharmacist.

In the past, there were Lin Zhenyue and Lin Lang, father and son, who were bewitching the public in the pharmacists' Association and took refuge in xueshengshan. The conditions for joining the association were even more harsh, but it could not stop the determination of people from all over the mainland to join.

In a word, Jianmo and Jinyi got a big advantage.

But for Jian Mo, who married Yan Xiao, Jin Yi has to stand aside.

At the beginning, Jianmo and Jianhuan got married together. One was the entrance disciple of Yaowang Valley, and the other was the daughter of the president of the mercenary Association. None of them were ordinary people. Besides, they were regarded as the saviors of the mainland, so there were not many people who could come to watch the wedding ceremony. However, when they got married, the whole mainland was celebrating.

You know, although Xuesheng mountain was defeated, there are still some influences left by Xuesheng mountain.

At least many people were swallowed by the Holy Lord at that time, and some of the creatures affected by it also affected the mainland. Many people were living in pain at the beginning. Such a happy event can be regarded as a signal for us to look forward.

However, after the marriage, I don't know when it started. Jianmo and Jianhuan are secretly competing.

Jane Huan's character is so cheerful. If he wants to think about it, her mouth is so sweet that she can wipe honey on it. After becoming a relative, Jane Huan also matures a lot. For her usual relationship with Lin Qi, sometimes they seem to make a little noise, but they know how to handle it. When they quarrel fiercely, they try their best to stop and work hard for this relationship.

Often a lot of time to see the two of them show love, coupled with Jianhuan eloquent, from time to time to coax Linqi smile.

Jian Mo once saw Yan Xiao looking there, smiling, but her eyes seemed a little complicated?

Jane Mo's heart suddenly a tight, began to think up, is smile son think he can't say sweet words, so some envy.

Jianmo doesn't sleep at night, thinking about how to change.

Although Jianmo was afraid of affecting Yanxiao later, she didn't roll any more, but her breath was different when she didn't sleep. After lying in bed for a long time, Yanxiao didn't stop. She sat up at night.

Jane Mo was startled. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a dark shadow coming down. He was startled: "smile... Well." Before I finished, I was swallowed by the kiss. Jane Mo Leng for a while, feel this some not right, usually is not he initiative kiss, smile son this time how so initiative? It's just that this moment is so enjoyable that Jian Mo can't bear to push people away. Directly Yan Xiao took the initiative to eat dry wipe clean, afterwards, Yan Xiao touched his face and asked him what bothered him, Jianmo still said his worry. Yan said with a smile: "are you worried about this? I was just thinking about new tricks at that time, but these two guys made my husband think so wildly. Naturally, I can't let them go. " Jian Mo said, "how are you going to do this?" Yan Xiao pick eyebrow smile, smile cunning: "show love who won't, not to mention we are really in love, as long as casually revealed, enough for others to drink a pot." for this, Jianmo very agree. So the next morning, a pair of crazy people showed their love. Everywhere they went, the air was always full of sweet smell. People who were watching were making eyes. They were not so crazy. But the couple didn't realize it. When they were complained, Yan Xiao would still have a strong sense of propriety. She hugged Jian Mo and said, "my husband and I love each other. Do you have any opinions? It's destroying my relationship with my husband. " It's shameless. Is there such a show of love? The truth is, there are. Jianhuan and Linqi are not convinced, they also show, and then it's such a vicious circle. They were once users who were refused to communicate with each other. Don't be choked to death by the show's love. Is it easy to be a single dog! Well, well, you are in love, you are a couple, we admit it is not enough. And these two crazy couples are often talked about by later generations as the envy of unmarried men and women and the goal of hard study

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