"Go, send a group of people to guard this place! We will deal with these fearless people!" Chu Huaizhi's face became ugly. After he finished speaking, he walked out with large strides, completely ignoring Gu Changji and Gu Zhongxian who were sitting down.

The father and son duo didn't mind as they looked at each other and followed him out.

Yan Xiao and the rest who were in the cell heard the sound of guards being called out again.

Jian Huan asked: "What the hell are you doing now?"

Yan Xiao's eyes lit up, the corners of her mouth raised, she thought that although Jian Mo looked to be very silent, he was not stupid at all, and truly understood her intentions.

Yan Xiao leaned on her arm, lying down and looking at the mottled roof of the cell, her heart was filled with anticipation …

Before Chu Huaizhi and his men could even approach the door, they could already hear shouts: "Quick, call Chu Huaizhi out!"

"Hurry up and compensate me with money!" Lose money! "

"Chu Huaizhi, just hold it in and don't make a sound. I know you're in the manor, what are you pretending to be a son of a b * tch!"

The angry curses did not put Chu Huaizhi in their eyes at all.

Gu Changji was somewhat gloating, "How dare such a bold person scold the Lord Protector in such a manner. This is outrageous."

Of course it was outrageous, after being the local tyrant for so many years in the Jiangyun Town, Chu Huaizhi was already a proud man, and with the Gu family's father and son watching him make a fool of himself, how could he possibly lose face?

"Call someone out!"


The people outside were still shouting furiously when the door was suddenly opened. The sound it made silenced the crowd for a while.

With a cold face, Chu Huaizhi walked out with a gloomy look in his eyes: "It's all you guys who are shouting outside of Chu Residence.

Chu Huaizhi's cultivation had already reached the mid stage of level 4 Viscera Training. He, who was the strongest expert among all the youths present, stood there alone facing all these young participants.

Chu Huaizhi's face did not look the least bit good, "You insulted and scolded this guardian, do you know what kind of crime it is!?"

With a "pa" sound, Chu Huaizhi's words came out, and he swung back his hand to shake the youth in the front. The youth cried out in pain, and was also hit by Chu Huaizhi's strength, directly hitting the people behind him, pushing down the few people behind him.

Chu Huaizhi said with a ruthless look in his eyes, "Who else cursed at This Guardian?"

Chu Huaizhi's aura was astonishing, and on this continent where the strong were revered, if one's skills were not as good as others, being injured or killed could not even be put into words.

They only hated Guarding Mansion for taking advantage of the money, but that did not mean they wanted to risk their lives for it.

It was just that Chu Huaizhi's method made people fear him, but they resented him even more.

Chu Huaizhi's eyes were filled with contempt, "Guarding Mansion is not a place where you can come to.

Jian Mo suddenly opened his mouth and spoke in a low voice, yet there was a kind of essence to his tone that could not be ignored, "Lord Guardian does not need to be angry, there must be a reason for everyone coming here.

Chu Huaizhi squinted his eyes, staring at Jian Mo venomously: "Who are you, worthy to speak so shamelessly with this guard!"

Gu Changji harrumphed: "You dare to stand outside the Chu Residence and insult us without rest. I'll teach you guys a lesson, but you won't accept it!"

Gu Changji wanted to watch the commotion, but since he was already threatening Chu Huaizhi and his prestige in Jiangyun Town, he had no choice but to step out and say it.

Shao Zi's eyes were no longer smiling, "Then why don't we have a talk with the Guardian first? Swallowing the participant's money, in order to carry our own sons and daughters to become the champion."

"Right, you have forcefully taken away our hard-earned money. For such an unfair competition, we will demand an explanation, but you are the first to accuse us and have even insulted us. If we don't give you an explanation for this, then we will withdraw from the selection competition together!"

Chu Huaizhi laughed coldly: "Retreat, do you think this guard is afraid?!"

"You … You're going too far! "

Chu Huaizhi's fearless look was simply too shameless. However, everyone present was not his opponent, and now they could only be angry but not say anything.

But when they looked at Chu Huaizhi, their eyes were filled with anger and resentment.

Jian Mo laughed: What if I can make all the participants withdraw from the competition, does Chu Zhen not care?

"Who are you? You dare to make things difficult for the masses and disrupt the competition? This guard will capture you right now for your crimes. Someone come!" "Take him down!"

Regarding Jian Mo's rebuttal of his words three times and twice, Chu Huaizhi had already endured to the extreme.

Shao Zi and Hu Zi were already one step ahead of Jian Mo, so he clenched his fist tightly and shouted loudly, "Crack!" Following after that bone cracking sound, Hu Zi directly sent the guard who was rushing over to grab away, sending him flying with a punch and heavily smashing onto the ground.

The guard's face immediately became abnormally pale. He spat out a mouthful of blood and immediately fainted.

However, Shao Zi took out a short sword and conjured a flower of sword energy, which flashed like an ice blade and cut off a small strand of the hair of the other guard, and then, with a flash of sword light, it landed right on that person's neck. There was still some hair on the sword, which Shao Zi blew lightly, and laughed: "Don't move, or else I will cut off your head."

Shao Zi's tone was extremely calm, even carrying a trace of a smile, but in the eyes of the guard who was carrying the sword, he was scared stiff.

Upon seeing this, the other guards who were originally rushing over to grab her, could not help but halt in their steps and instinctively retreated.


"They're so strong!"

The people who had followed him to ask for an explanation looked at this scene in shock.

The guards of the Guarding Mansion could only compete with soldiers who had entered the school, and with just one move, they knocked people down to the ground. They asked themselves if they could exchange moves with them.

Chu Huaizhi shouted explosively: "How dare you hurt the Guarding Mansion Protectors and provoke my authority! Your time of death is up!"

Chu Huaizhi stretched out his palm and grabbed towards Hu Zi's neck. His eyes were filled with a gloomy black color as he refined the venom in his eyes.

Jian Mo took two steps forward, swung his palm to block, and with a "bang" sound, as if two copper arms had collided, a metallic sound actually rang out.

Jian Mo's expression did not change, and looking at Chu Huaizhi's expression, it did not seem to be the least bit human. Or rather, it could be said that he did not take Chu Huaizhi seriously.

"Ah, he …" He actually blocked Chu Huaizhi's attack. "

"Oh my god, isn't the Guard already Level 4 Warrior?" He's also at level 4? "

Compared to Chu Huaizhi's middle-aged appearance, which was gradually revealing an aged look, although Jian Mo was expressionless and seemed a bit more stable, he could still tell that he was young. However, how could such a young man be on par with Chu Huaizhi?

It must be known that it was not easy to train in a warrior's cultivation. Forget about Jiangyun Town, even if it was a level up Linjiang City, a warrior of the fourth rank would also become an existence of a strong warrior!

Those who were scared to the point that they had no confidence had a backbone to laugh at!

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