"You!" Chu Huaizhi retracted his hand into his clothes. Even so, he still felt a numbing pain from his arm being shaken to the point where he could not stop trembling.

The others only saw a rough outline and personally experienced him feeling as if he had hit a thick piece of black iron. If he didn't stop in time, his hand might even have been broken.

Chu Huaizhi stared at Jian Mo in shock: "Who are you?" He kept thinking about it in his mind. In his impression, a genius who was similar in age but renowned in the outside world was unable to match up for a while.

Jian Mo looked at Chu Huaizhi indifferently: "A person who sees injustice on the road."

"Right, do you think that everyone is as shameless as you!?"

"Exactly, quickly return the money!"

Chu Huaizhi said with a cold face: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could this guard owe me money? Don't even think about maliciously framing me."

"Huh? Could it be that the one who took over the stage yesterday wasn't Guarding Mansion's guard? "

Chu Huaizhi felt that something was amiss, he did not directly answer, but he did not reply. Those clothes worn by the Guarding Mansion soldiers were not something that could be moved by anyone, it would not be useful if he did not want to admit it.

"Pay me back. You owe me fifty-three thousand silver."

"I have 71,500 taels!"

"And mine …"

These people didn't care, they all raised the bills in their hands to settle the bill.

Chu Huaizhi's face instantly turned cold: The person in charge of this arena, because it involves the murder of two people and they are currently locked in the dungeon, we can only decide whether or not they are guilty after we interrogate them thoroughly. This arena is only for this guard, you guys can settle the score with them in the future, I do not have the duty to do so!

"Pei, shameless. If you want to receive the arena, then you have to take care of everything. Otherwise, this matter will not end today!"

"Right, it's not over. Return the money!"

"Little Yan will sell the pills and hand them over!"

"Hand over the pill!"

"Don't give me face, don't take it!" Chu Huaizhi jumped out of the way and extended his hand to grab onto a person's neck, wanting to put more pressure on them.

Jian Mo stared at him, "Let go!"

At the same time, he rushed forward with his battle qi flowing around his body, just like Chu Huaizhi rushing over.

Chu Huaizhi felt a great danger behind him, and had no choice but to let go of his pincer. Holding onto his suffocating hand, he threatened, "Don't get ahead of yourself by an inch, this guard sees your talent, and doesn't want to miss out on such a talent. If you keep on provoking me, I can let you live in this Jiangyun Town, and can also let you die a horrible death! "

Jian Mo's expression did not change at all, the battle qi instantly split the air, his cheek actually carrying a bit of wind, with lightning speed slashing down.

Chu Huaizhi also anxiously swallowed his saliva. With a roar, his battle qi was like a ray of light as it shot out and collided with the battle qi released by Jian Mo with a loud bang.

The oncoming onlookers were so shocked by the voice that they couldn't even stand straight. Their souls shook as they heard the sound.

However, if one were to look, they would be able to feel that Jian Mo's and Chu Huaizhi's strength was far from what they could compare, but Chu Huaizhi's Sword Qi … It seemed to be thinner than Jian Mo's!

Pfft, what do you mean, Chu Huaizhi's battle qi concentration could not compare to Jian Mo's?

The previous move was not a surprise, as this Chu Huaizhi was simply unable to defeat the young man in front of him, who was a lot younger than him.

The moment Chu Huaizhi made his move, his face changed greatly and he immediately shouted at Gu Changji: "Why are you not coming to help!"

Gu Changji was a little hesitant. He had seen clearly from the sidelines, so he could see even more clearly.

This young man was definitely not simple, he could actually go head to head with Chu Huaizhi, and was even more likely to be stronger than him. He was also at the fourth level of Refinement, but compared to Chu Huaizhi's middle stage cultivation, he was still almost at the early stage.

The stronger he was, the greater the lethality of the attack. He was here to watch the show, did he need to step forward to help?

Just as he was hesitating, under the impact of the two battle Qis, due to the fact that Chu Huaizhi's battle Qis were weaker than Jian Mo's, the aftereffects of the air explosion created by the two battle Qis were sent towards Chu Huaizhi.

Chu Huaizhi had not grown so fast in the past few years, he still had some combat experience in this area. With a flip of the battle qi in his hands, he dodged the incoming wave.

Unexpectedly, a hand shot out like a ghost straight towards Chu Huaizhi's shoulder.

Chu Huaizhi's body shook, he only felt a sweet taste in his mouth, and when he flipped over, he actually retreated a few steps. However, he did not stop, and after knocking a few people over, he stumbled until he was about to fall.

Chu Huaizhi's face turned purple, he bit the tip of his tongue to hold on, and with another turn of his body, he finally borrowed the force to stand firm in a slightly sorry state.

Jian Mo looked at Chu Huaizhi expressionlessly: "It is only right that a debt should be paid for a debt. Chu Zhen is willing to make everyone his enemy, and yet he is still obsessed with this?"

At the moment, Chu Huaizhi only felt his Qi and blood churning, with that palm strike of Jian Mo's earlier, it carried an expanding force, which actually seemed to injure his internal organs, causing blood to gush out of his throat. He forcefully swallowed it down, in order to prevent himself from spitting out blood first.

However, no matter how Chu Huaizhi tried to hide it, everyone present was not blind, and only normal people who had come to spectate could see that during the battle, Jian Mo was clearly stronger, and they all stared at Jian Mo in shock.

The longer that person stood, the more he seemed cold and proud, like a peerless spear with a sharp cry.

Shao Zi laughed: Master Guardian, now do we have the qualifications to talk to you? "It's actually pretty simple. How about we just let them out or pay them back."

"That's right, this is a righteous and honest matter, even if you are the guard of Jiangyun Town, you cannot go back on your words."

Chu Huaizhi's face looked unsettled, until now, he still did not understand what was going on with the money they wanted, but these people were shouting with reason, and most likely, there were some things he had missed out on.

Chu Huaizhi's face turned gloomy: Go, tell Madam to quickly check the accounts!

Chu Huaizhi had already suffered a loss. As a tyrant of Jiangyun Town, he himself had already fallen into the lower levels, so it was even more impossible for Hong Yan to act so arrogantly.

When they had taken down the stage books, they had actually confiscated two of them, but because Yan Xiao had given her pills the most important parts of the stage, they did not immediately check the accounts.

It was also because they had been acting arrogantly in the Jiangyun Town for so long that they even forgot about their sense of danger.

So when Hong Yan saw the various debts on the account book, she felt her head buzzing!

Yes, at the time of registration, Yan Xiao and the rest had already settled their debts, but those who received bonuses and placed their bets on the competition instead, would either use money to deduct the debt or give away the competition for free, which was considered as a credit owed by Yan Xiao and the others, so when there were changes in the process, and they were unable to follow up with it, they would need money to make up the debt.

However, Hong Yan only skimmed through a few pages, and that was about a hundred thousand. With the two books added together, even if Guarding Mansion were to get greedy a lot, she wouldn't be able to take them out immediately!

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