Second Yuan Love Story

Chapter 211 is a date with a sheet

Breakfast time in studio.

Su Yu, five more glazed, Takatong, three people eating breakfast together.

Flat is quiet and new , the two are on the new company.

The same is true for Kika.

She is now a new company.

Kawasaki Shatch is a practice on Saturday and a weekly holiday.

Islandosaki's identity of the top painter, has become a new company, with additional income, and formal work.

She itself does not really want the new company's extra income, after all, she wants to stay in the studio, not waiting in the new company.

Su Yu knows that the parents of Islandasaka have actually worried about the daughter, but I don't know how to say that my daughter.

When Shimazaki has a formal job position, her parents have held her celebration, which also made Islandasaka in the first time I feel the concern from my family.

In fact, she knows that the family has been concerned about himself, but I don't know how to communicate with myself.

Su Yu passed the situation of Islandaki, and also explained the work of Islandaskou, and her parents had a chance to care.

In the original, the parents of Fan Islandosaki care about the daughter's work, I am afraid she is not going to take the way.

Therefore, Su Yu is doing things, just make up for a regret.

The concern from the family, this is what is needed by Islandasaka.

In fact, members of the studio, for example, new , I want to stay in the studio.

Just because the new company has just begun to develop, they have to stay there.

Although I can get a lot of money, she still wants to play games even more than worrying.

It is a new company to stay in the new company as her sister.

For a few days, all the linkages in the first phase will end, when it comes to the kinecium, you can come back.

And spring yarn can continue to play games with friends.


After breakfast.

Su Yu went to see the fog with the spring yarn.

Like him, the fog in the spring is like just asleep.

Su Yu helped her cover the quilt, leaving the room and the room of the yarn.

Takatong is waiting for Su Yu before the door of the yarm house.

"Let's go." Su Yu came out from the yarn and fogged in the yarn, and he stretched his hand against Takatong.

Takatong saw a studio, which seems to be alert in the five more glazes.

"Black cat is definitely looking at you." Su Yu smiled and took the little hand of Takatong.

"The is definitely envious of me and my predecessors to date." Takatong is red face, the small voice said.

"Black cat is not envious of you, but is simple to fight with you, this is probably two friendships." Su Yu was so laughing.

"I don't need this kind of friendship." Takatong did a sentence.

"In your room, there is a book written by black cat, is it, is it wrong?" Su Yu said.

Takatong is a red face.

That is that she is holding a five more glazed, bought from the bookstore.

"Black cat, there are your books, but also the signature version. You two proudly, the surface seems to be in the opponent, in fact, but it is very careful, if you are a pair of sisters, should It is very interesting. "Su Yu smiled over.

"I can't be a sister with her." Takatong will not admit this.

"It's a proud of Tong, although you are not willing now, but you will be willing sooner or later." Su Yu said deeply.

Takatong is a red face, know what Su Yu is saying.

She and the five glazes have accepted Su Yu.

Even, he accepted the facts of Su Yu with other girlfriends.

From this point of view, they certainly become a pair of sisters.

"The future of the studio is a home, there is a black cat, and you also belong to you, but also a beautiful and Kashi, Shazi and a flash." Su Yu light.

Takatong is heard, and his face is hesitant.

"I know, you are worried that people in your home will not agree to this kind of thing, rest assured, I will use legal means to marry you." Su Yu saw the hesitation of Takatong.

"Really?" Takatong is happy on his face.

"Of course, it is true, when you can choose with black cats, walking with me into the marriage hall." Su Yugu smiled.

"This kind of thing, I will not be with her, the smell of the cat, definitely won't ..."

"I will marry the black cat, when she will definitely invite you. The reason is that if you don't want to look at us under the stage, we put on the wedding dress with her." Su Yu interrupted the Takatong. .

Takatong is a glimpse, then, I can't help but laugh.

This is indeed something that is a smelling cat.

Although, Takatong did not want to admit it, but she knows that five more glazes are actually a gentle girl, just like to fight her mouth. Moreover, most of the time, five more glazes occupy the wind.

"Okay, don't say this, or tell what we have to do?" Su Yu shifted the topic.

Even if he doesn't say these words, Takatong will understand.

However, I said these words in advance, it is equivalent to giving her a vaccination, let her in the future, can completely accept this big family.

"There are all things about picking materials, I have planned all." Takatong took a small book.

Su Yu looked at her material plan.

The last item, Her he lived in the hotel in the hotel.

"Tong Nai, are you ready?" Su Yu had a whistler in her ear.

Takatong is a hot face, gently.

She is indeed ready.

In this material plan, she has been looking forward to for a long time.

"That let me do your expectation." Su Yu kissed her little face.

Takatong was ashamed, but he cleared Su Yu's hand.

She is actually very nervous and I look forward to it.

This kind of feelings are very complicated, so that she can't say an excitement.


Autumn leaves.

A shop.

There are a lot of small props, most props, are what they can use when playing roles.

Takatong is actually wanted to wear here, just don't want to come alone.

Now, Su Yu is accompanied by Su Yu, she can finally take courage, replace the favorite clothes.

Of course, she didn't want to wear the clothes here, but let Su Yu look at it, then change it back to the original clothes.

As for the clothes she passed, Su Yu didn't use her reminded and purchased it directly.

This makes Takatong are very happy.

She knows that Su Yu is not lacking, in fact, she doesn't miss this money.

The reason is to be happy because Su Yu knows her thoughts and understands her mood, so she will be so happy.

From the favorite people, get the favorite gifts, for girls, is double happy.

Su Yu also picks the corresponding small props, such as a ring.

He kneelted his knee, and he worked in Takatong, and kissed it on her back.

Some of many customers saw this scene, I thought Su Yu looked at the proposal, curious.

Takatong is under the eye of the people, and the little face has become popular, but her heart is very happy.

Su Yu's thing is far more than her expectation, bringing her surprise.

This is the dating of Takatong.

"Although this is just an ordinary ring, since you accept this ring, then prove that you accept my love." Su Yu got up.

"Seniors, thank you." Takatong rushed into Su Yu's arms.

Su Yu hugged her.

"Don't thank you, this is what I should do."

The surrounding customers have encountered a palm, thinking that Su Yu was successful.

Takatong is heard of applause and holds Su Yu, and I don't want to let him go.

a long time.

When Takatong is recovering from happiness, the two leave the store.


In the game hall of the mall.

According to the setting of Takatong, the protagonist will play with the game from the heroine from the foreign world.

The heroine from the world is somewhat fearful and uneasy, but after giving her gift in the protagonist, I like to go to the protagonist.

Su Yu is set to this setting and did not spit it.

Takatong said very simple. When she wrote, she affirmed, and she was able to round.

In the setting, the protagonist is spent on a large number of game coins, and then pumping the wedge from the heroine from the world.

This is very touched by the heeor, and also shows the main role of the protagonist.

In the reality, Su Yu only used a game currency, and took the turtneur and smoked it.

"Changing your protagonist settings, let her become a powerful game." Su Yu handed the wrap to Takatong.

"Well." Takatong is a bit.

That's right, her protagonist is a girl.

I have a favorite wrap, and I have completed the first task, followed, it is to go to the restaurant, taste the dessert.

Due to the set heroine from the world, the dessert of the world is very light, so after this world tastes the dessert, the heroine has further liked this world.

This also became a reason why she desperately wants to protect this world in her later.

Su Yu is set to this setting, it is very understood.

A simple and kind world leader, in order to fight for the world, it is hard to fight, this plot is not rare.

"Tong Nai, taste this." Su Yu's spoon was handed over to the mouth of Takatong.

Takatong is a bit, the face is red, and it has eaten the dessert from Su Yu.

"Remember your mood now, the heroine is this mood." Su Yu smiled.

"Well, I remember." Takatong is a warm.

Su Yu can think of her story setting, which is far better than she thinks.

He treats this kind of thing, the more serious, the more you can prove, he likes her.

After taste the dessert in the restaurant.

The two came to the clothing store upstairs.

In the setting, the heroine from the different world is very conservative, changed clothes, do not want others to see, so, pull the protagonist into the locker room.

This is set, there is no problem.

Moreover, because the protagonist is also a girl, so, the story of the next world will not understand the world's clothes construct, so that the protagonist helps to change clothes.

Takatong is watching the settings you wrote, and there is some hot face.

"Tong Nai, which dress do you like?" Su Yu asked.

"Before ... The predecessors help me choose." Takatong is very small.

Her sentences, with the heroine in the plot, simply.

Different, the heroine in the plot is really do not understand the world's dressing style, will make the protagonist decide.

Su Yu heard this, did not refuse, and started to help Takatong provoked clothes.

Takatong is a taste, it can be said that it is very fashionable. In the characters she have touched, there is a top female designer.

Five glazes sometimes let her help pick clothes.

Although she always likes to bully Takatong, but she has no doubts about the taste of Takatong.

Su Yu chose a more conservative clothing, handed it to Takatong.

Takatong is a clothes, some hesitating.

"Don't have it all according to the settings, wait for you to change my clothes, then call me again." Su Yu smiled.

He knows that Takatong is serious about the novel.

Takatong is heard, take a look and walked toward the dressing room.

Su Yu stands outside the locker room, waiting for Takatong.

Not much time.

Takatong has explored a small head.

Su Yu smiled and walked into the locker room and looked at the Takatong that changed his clothes.

"How ... how?" Takatong asked.

"My family Tong Nai, everything is good." Su Yu praised.

"Really?" Takatong is a little embarrassing smile.

"Of course, I am a very honest person." Su Yu looked at Takatong.

Takatong felt Su Yu's line of sight, and his face was flushed, but he did not speak.

Su Yu's previous step.

Takatong is backward, leaning on the wall of the locker room.

Su Yu saw this, one hand put on the wall, stopped her to go, and another hand, I looked up at Takatong Nai.

Takatong did not dare to see Su Yu, and the eyes watered.

"Tong Nai, why are you so cute?" Su Yu laughed at her.

Takatong is unable to answer Su Yu's question, and his face is full of redness.

Su Yu slowly lowered, and kissed down.

Takatong did not refuse, thinking, just a reward for seniors.

Su Yu accompanied her to pick up, all spending, all of Su Yu, this little reward, should also be.

However, in the next second, she can't think of these.

Because Su Yu wants more rewards.


Wait until two people leave the clothing store.

The redness on the face is not fade yet.

I think about the dressing room, she feels hot on her face.

I don't seem to become the heroine in the game, and I listen to Su Yu this male protagonist.

"The well-behaved Tong Nai, I like it very much, should you go to the amusement park next?" Su Yu smiled and asked.

"Well." Takatong is still a bit shy.

"Wait until the amusement park is the cinema, watching movies in the cinema, discussing movie plots in the coffee shop, and finally ..."

Takatong listened to Su Yu, and his face was red.

Su Yu has completely mastered her material plan.

Even, I have already remembered my heart.

Her ideas and Su Yu's ideas can be said to be complete consistency, and people who lack of dating experience have chosen games and anime, often there will be places.

After a sweet date, the heroine will be open to the protagonist, then together.

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