Second Yuan Love Story

Chapter 212 is empty silver

In the amusement park.

According to the setting of Takatong, the actress encountered in the amusement park is a cute girl wearing a doll.

Su Yu is here, the first reaction is to summon the head.

In addition to the style of painting, she is indeed very suitable as a heroine.

However, thinking of the snowman of Mengdao, Su Yu, still gave up the summoned her.

at this time.

Blank card inside.

Meng Road is cultivating swordsmanship.


When I said the amusement park, I naturally be less than three places.

Yunxiao, ghost house, ferris wheel.

These three locations, whether in animation, or in the game, the appearance rate is extremely high.

Before taking the cloud, Takatong is a face expectation.

After taking the clouds, she sat pale on the chair.

Su Yu purchased a warm drink from the vending machine, handed it to Takatong.

"Thank you." Takatong said a small voice.

"How is your feelings?" Su Yu told.

Takatong is a hard-working car, but unfortunately, she ignored her fact that she was just a house.

The heroine in the setting, although it is also afraid, it is not as good as she.

"I will never sit the second time." Takatong looked at the direction of Yunxiao Speed, said with heart.

"I have long said, let you not be stubborn, you don't want to listen to me, now, do you know how to write?" Su Yu shredded with the small hand of Takatong.

"I ... I just want to actually experience it, so that I can write out the feelings of the heroine, is not in the stubborn ..."

"In my opinion, you are stubborn, but this is serious and absolutely able to impress your readers." Su Yu light.

"Can you ... can you touch your predecessors?" Gao Shi Tong was courageous.

Su Yu was slightly stunned, then kissed her little hand.

"You have already touched me."

Takatong looked at Su Yu, slowly closed his eyes.

Su Yu saw this, knowing the idea of ​​Takatong.

This is also the plot in the setting.

Just, they just came to the amusement park, and the rides have not finished, the heroine seems to have a good feeling.

"It's a anxious heroi." Su Yu smiled and close to Takatong.

Takatong felt that Su Yu is close, and his face is red.

Su Yuzheng is preparing to kick, and then find the next chair and sit down next to two girls.

A pale empty silver, there is also a clear cinnamon.

They are also just from the clouds.

Empty silver seems to be a note next to the eyes and read it.

Su Yu looked blinked and did not dawn.

Empty silver saw Su Yu, stunned.

When she saw Takatong, she was cold, her face was cold.

Qinggui also noticed Su Yu, found Su Yu's movements, and some worriedly saw an empty silver.

Su Yu has come to find them in these days, and there are still a lot less.

Empty silver has always been fighting with Qingrani.

Today, come to the amusement park, and it is also a matter of Qingraniang, for it is that the empty silver is not so boring.

Unexpectedly, they did so smart, and there was Su Yu, and Supreme's new girlfriend?

"Seniors?" Takatong did not wait until Su Yu's kiss, some doubts.

"Guizhi, we are walking." The empty silver said coldly, got up and left.

The Qingrani Xiang is busy with it, when you leave, I haven't forgotten to give Su Yu apologize.

Takatong did not hear the sound behind him and opened his eyes.

She saw the empty silver and clearing cinnamon, suddenly, as if I understand, the expression is a bit.

"Hey, my heroine, how can you open your eyes without authorization?" Su Yu saw the expression of Takatong Nai, and smashed.

"Do you don't have to catch up with the explanation?" Takatong drums.

"Chasing out explanation? Why do I want to do that kind of thing?" Su Yu pretended to ask.

"The two girls don't be a girlfriend of my elder?" Gao Shi Tong is a glimpse.

"Yes, they don't need me to explain to them. And since I promised to take a date with you, then I will leave you, at least, I belong to you today. Su Yu smiled and smiled.

"Really?" Takatong did a slow expression.

"Of course, it is true. Now, close your eyes, we continue." Su Yu said, near Takatong.

Takatong is red face, once again closed his eyes.

This time, Su Yu didn't let her down.


On the chair of the amusement park, rest after a moment.

Takatong is a restore.

Next, naturally go to the second amusement park must be selected, haunted houses.

In the setting, here will inside the fear of the heart of the heroine, then the protagonist will use warm arms to disperse the fear of the heroine.

Have to say, Yadi's settings can not only be used on the male lead, but also in the heroine.

Moreover, trying to set the protagonist set, it is very likely that it is her fantasy.

In other words, now, Su Yu and Takatong are applying to the applet, and it is to let Takatong are imagining a wide range of girls.

And these girls are the heroine in her story, or it can be called her wife.

In this way, Su Yu feels that it is invisible, and the top of the head is a little green.

Into the ghost house.

I haven't taken a few steps yet, Su Yu felt the pressure on the arm.

Takatong is holding his arms and scared expressions.

Su Yu knew that she was stubborn.

However, I don't say her in Takatong, I will bring her pressure.

The two walked forward.

I suddenly came back in front of it.

Takatong was scared directly to Su Yu's arms.

Su Yu hugged her and patted her small head.

"Don't be afraid, this is just ahead of the people."

"Seniors, you ... Do you take me? I have a little can't move." Takatong looked up at the small head, and looked at Su Yu.

"Do you want a princess?" Su Yu was very happy.

"Well." Takatong was ashamed to bury his head in the arms of Su Yu.

Su Yu saw such a cute Takatong, and he took her directly and went forward.

In the warm embrace of Su Yu, Takatong is very peaceful.

Her small head rely on Su Yu, I feel very warm in my heart.

Su Yu not only understands her, but also understands her ideas, very considerate to her, very gentle.

Just like a male protagonist in a light novel.

It is impossible to say that it is very gentle, so that it has become Su Yu, now.

However, so many girls like Su Yu, which also proved that her eyes are right.

Su Yu hugged Takatong, avoiding the scary device, all the way.

However, he walked and stopped.

Because, his front, it is empty silver and clear cinnamon.

Empty silver seems to have a feet, and it is supported by Qingrani.

They heard the footsteps behind him, looking back and found Su Yu and Takatong, the expression is different.

Takamatong looked at two girls and quickly left Su Yu's embrace.

Su Yu came to the face of empty silver, and was preparing to grab her injured, it was escaped by empty silver.

"My things, don't worry, you still take good hard work." The empty silver turned the small head and tone.

"Do you have any misunderstandings for your own position? You are not my girlfriend, but my woman, can be jealous, angry, but I don't allow you to be hurt." Su Yu Jing.

He finished, grabbed the feet of empty silver injured and started treatment.

When the empty silver listened to Su Yu, his face was flushed, no longer dodge.

Takamatong is here, very quiet look at the three, not disturbed.

Su Yu's words, for her, I feel handsome to the extreme.

Let her make more sure, Su Yu is the male protagonist in the light novel.

The clear cinnamon is eager, and some embarrassed to laugh at Takatong.

Takatong is a busy newspaper to make a smile.

Although the two did not speak, they had passed a smile and understood the meaning of each other.

After a few minutes.

Su Yu fell out of the feet of empty silver injured.

Some surprised discovery of the empty silver, just in the place, actually hurt.

"It's rare to meet you in the amusement park, next, should you have a lot of time?" Su Yu asked.

Empty silver.

"We are ready to rest today, what is going on, there is no decision." Qingrani is very cooperated.

The empty silver was some hesitated, glanced at the Takatong.

"Seniors, I don't matter, anyway, I am also to take the material, people are more, maybe, I can inspire my inspiration." Takatong is open.

"In this case, you will have a date with me." Su Yu looked at empty silver and clear cinnamon.


"We are happy." Qing cinnamon replaced the empty silver to answer questions.

Empty silver looked at the Qing Diangxiang, Zhang Zhang Zhang, after all, did not say it.

Su Yu saw this, nodded with satisfaction, returning to Takatong, holding her little hand.

Takatong did not expect that Su Yu will continue to take her hand, and her heart is touched, holding the hands of Su Yu.

Qinggui Xiang saw this scene and did not say anything, pulled empty silver, walked forward.

Su Yu can take them dating, it is already gentle.

After all, empty silver and her, the relationship with Su Yu is not so close, just because Su Yu's will, they will gather around Suyu.

This is what they have for Su Yu, instead of Su Yu entangled.


Go out of the ghost house.

Three girls are relieved.

Although the age of Qinggui is greater than the other two girls, but her heart, in fact, two of them are different.

She has always been under her, and she is similar to the two girls around you.

"My name is Qinggui, which is a chess player." Qing cinnamon said to Takatong.

"Will play chess players? Hello, my name is Takatong, is an ordinary girl." Takatong took a gift.

In her cognition, people who can claim to play chess players are generally very powerful.

After all, you can claim to be self-confidence in this profession with your own career.

"My name is empty silver." The empty silver said faintly.

She is not good at talking to strangers.

"Empty silver? This name, I seem to have heard of it." Gao Shi Tong is a thoughts.

She feels that this name is very familiar, just like it is recently heard.

"Silver is a professional player, with a wairty Bai Xueji, often on TV." Qing cinnamon introduced empty silver.

Takatong was instantly thought of, she did listens to others to mention the silver, and that person was five more glazes.

When I watched TV, I found empty silver.

I said a sentence at the time.

If the seniors find this empty silver, she can't escape the palm of the seniors.

One thought and this, the expression of Takatong is a bit weird.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing is really in five more glasses.

Su Yu and empty silver, how to see, is not like an ordinary relationship.

"It turned out that you are the famous waves of Bai Xue Ji, sorry, I only have seen your news on TV and didn't see your photo." Takatong apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about this." The empty silver shook his head.

She doesn't care about my reputation.

"Do you have three slow talks, I will buy a drink for you." Su Yu said to three girls and walked to the automatic vending machine where the noctoven.

Qingrani knows that Su Yu is to give them a chance to make a knowledge.

"Silver, Tong Nai, sit down." She took two girls to sit down.

Silver and Takatong, sitting on her left right hand.

"I and the silver, in theory, it is the disciple of Su Yujun. He has a unattended strength in terms of playing chess, and we have recently known him, got a lot of pointers." Qing cinnamon smiled Tao.

"It turns out that the predecessors are so powerful, and it seems that all will look." Takatong sighed.

"Your name is Su Yun for the predecessor, is he his sector in the school?" Qing cinnamon tested.

"Well, I am one of my predecessors. In addition, I am still the employee of my predecessors, we have a studio." Takatong is simple.

"Is it both a sector, another employee, or a couple's relationship?" Qingrani is slightly surprised.

Takatong is a red face, I don't know how to answer.

"I am not laughing at you, just didn't expect you to have so many relationships with Su Yujun." Qingrano explained.

"I know you have no malicious." Takatong is a hopping.

"In addition to you, have he still have a few men?" The empty silver suddenly asked.

Takatong is a glimpse, I don't know how to answer her question.

If you say, if you say, will your empty silver be angry?

"I am just curious, I am not angry, you can tell me truthfully." The empty silver saw that Takatong did not speak, and added a sentence.

"In addition to me, there are several postmenities, and there are girls who are not in the studio." Takatong looked at Su Yu's direction and small channels.

"Sure enough, he is a poisable soul." The empty silver held a small fist, glanced at Su Yu.

"Silver, honest, when you said a dream last night, I still read the name of Su Yujun." Qing cinnamon laughs.

"Guijian!" The empty silver face was red.

Takatong did, and then smiled.

Look, empty silver and she are almost, different, now she has put down their own proud.

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