Xie Eun woke up with a jerk, drenched in sweat. Her eyes stared around and she heaved a sigh of relief when she realized that she was safely sleeping in Yu Seok's arms.Ever since she had discovered his identity, Yu Seok had refused to sleep alone. She smiled and looked at the hand that was draped across her waist. He never said anything and neither did he force her to accept any untoward advances..They would simply spend some time together playing or kissing but never did he make her feel uncomfortable.In fact she had developed a habit of sleeping in his arms. She wondered what she would do if they ever had to sleep apart.Chances were she would develop insomnia..she shook her head at her own whimsical thoughts and slowly her hand crept onto his arm.Lifting it up as lightly as she could, she turned around in his arms and breathed a sigh of relief that he did not wake up. She looked at his peaceful face and the long lashed that rested against his cheeks. Hisnlashes could make any girl jealous.. His face/which was usually set in a teasing(when with her) or an indifferent expression looked at peace as if he had no care in the world.It was also the first time she realized that he looked like he was in his twenties.It was his eyes she decided.They looked too mature. As if they could see everything.

She tried to remember how they had first met but could not.He claimed that he knew her even before they were even married but how come she had no recollection of him? She had always been aware of the beauty around her and if she had seen such a handsome boy before,she would have definitely captured his picture.

Not satisfied with exploring his face with her eyes, her fingers moved of their own accord and traced his features.Slowly, as she kept starting at him,she had forgotten about her nightmare and was just lost in her own world.It was also why she did not even realize when those green eyes had opened and she was starting into them.There we're only the two of them,starting at each other in the dark night.Even as she started into his eyes, she noticed the tiny flecks of black in his otherwise emerald eyes.

Her consciousness was focused in him and the rest of the world faded. Powerless against the nature and her own self, she cupped his cheek and leaned close to him, placing a light kiss on the corner of his lips. She smiled a but dazed by, as if in a dream and then snuggling close to his warmth,she fell asleep once again.

Yu Seok, who had woken up the moment she lifted his arms, gave a small smile as the girl cuddled into him like a cat. He was exceptionally pleased with the way she had 'molested' him just now..Seeing her sleeping peacefully, he breathed in her scent deeply and let her snuggle close to him.

The next morning, Xie Eun woke up refreshed having forgotten her shenanigans of last night or rather believing that they had been some kind of a dream sequence. But, she had a happy and content feeling in her heart which made her feel chirpy. Freshening up,she got ready for the university, where she had to sit for her exam today and felt relaxed. This was because for the first time she felt confident of sitting for this.Her husband had taught her well and his notes had been too easy to understand. Almost hopping, she pulled her hair back in a pony tail and walked out to see her husband studying some files.. There were two casseroles of food placed in front of him and she felt a warmth seep into her heart.He always had food for her. After being alone these years, she had finally realized the things she had missed. Happy with him and the world in general, she went to him, ruffled his hair, placed a kiss on the crown of his head, and casually sat back to eat her food, leaving him bemused. Pleased with her behavior, he pulled her ponytail a bit, teasing her and then placed a all peck on her lips, making her blush. With no other words said from the either party,they had already created each other and then spent a peaceful time on breakfast.

As if the couple had been together forever, the two then walked towards the car, hand in hand and Yu Seok pulled open the door for her.

Xie Eun pulled out her phone and started to revise.It was only after they reached the university ,that she noticed that Yu Seok was dressed in a suit so he was obviously not coming with her.


"Hmm,I have some work. I'll pick you up after the exam."

Nodding, she made to get out of the car but he caught her wrist and stopped her. Aren't you forgetting something?"

She stopped and wondered before shaking her head,"Umm..No.."

"Yes,you are."

"Umm No I am not.See,I have my stationery,books and everything.."Like a little child,she even extended her bag and showed the things to him.

Yu Seok shook his head and pulled her close sealing her mouth in a deep kiss..But since they were in a public setting,he finished the kiss quickly and pulled back and placing his lips close to her ear,whispered,"All the best."

Nodding her head like a robot,Xie Eun quickly escaped the car.He always shook her.So she had forgotten to kiss him.."

It was only as she entered the classroom,did she realize that she had not forgotten anything because she had never kissed him before getting out of the car..Today's circumstances had been unique and the jerk had used this to his advantage. Since Xie Eun was lost in thought she failed to notice that a pair of eyes were staring at her. The stare was malicious and the girl harrumphed when she saw..

Xie Eun,quietly went to her desk and started to revise from the book as there was still some time left for the exam to start. She actually did not need much revision but it was better to stay in the zone.

On the other side,the girl had stop revising and was hurriedly typing out a message. She had just sent press,when the teacher entered the class with a stack of question papers.

The exam was divided into two parts,where the first part consisted of a written test and the other part was interview conducted by a panel of judges. Most of the students in today's exams were trying to get into the university's business department which was one of the most coveted departments. Since business was their second choice the teachers were stricter to these students.

The teacher passed on the question papers and soon the only noise that could be heard was the scratching of the pen against paper. Xie Eun stared at the questions and started to write at a fast speed,excited about knowing the answers. But another girl who sat in the next row could not concentrate on writing.She kept staring at Xie Eun every few seconds. Finally,she saw her plan come to fruit. The boy behind Xie Eun used the small piece of paper in his hand and after copying the answer from it,he threw the paper under her chair.

A little more time passed and then a pen was thrown under her desk..The other person,whose pen had fallen,raised his hand to the class teacher and asked,"Sir,My pen has rolled under this classmate's desk.Permission to move sir?"

The teacher frowned and looked to where the pen had fallen.He was about to nod his head and move on when he glimpsed the small piece of paper a little further away. His eyes narrowed and he walked over to the desk before bending down to pick up the pen and the piece of paper.The class room had just been cleaned before the exam so there should have been no bits and pieces of paper in class. Passing on the pen to the student,the teacher paid no attention to the triumphant expression of the three students and opened the paper carefully. He sucked in a harsh breath and without a pause,he walked to the podium and rang an alert bell. This sudden sound made the students pause and most of them sucked in a breath as they wondered how the time had passed so fast and they had to submit their papers.It was only after a few dazed seconds that they realized that they still had time and something was wrong.

They looked at the angry teacher on the podium and then the paper he was showing in his hand.No one was a fool.They instantly recognized that the teacher had caught someone cheating.

Seeing that everyone was now paying attention,the teacher announced,"Whoever,this paper belongs to,I suggest you hand in your exam paper right now and leave and I will let the matter drop.But if you continue to cheat and lie,then I have no option to call the principal and have you suspended.This way you will not get into the business department but you will also lose your place in the department in which you are already studying."As the teacher finished saying this the students started to look around waiting for the cheater to leave but no one moved.

It was only then that Xie Eun had a premonition and she realized something,"The teacher was directly staring at her..

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